Monday, September 20, 2010

Day trip to Red Deer

Lair had to work on saturday and I was due in Red Deer to meet with Marianne and Jason to sort through a pile of dads personal stuff we removed from his house.

Quinn wasn't happy at all. He did not want to go on another long car ride, even with a movie. This through him off all day (all weekend actually)... and he was so not acting like himself. =( This made me sad.

It was just a quick visit. Arrived at 12:30, left at 6.

The 3 of of sorted through the personal items we removed from dad place. Keep, Toss, Donate kind of deal. The final thing to go through are tapes and CD's but will wait till can have a sleepover and have drinks and go through it all (dad was a real music lover!)...

I go tto tell Marianne and Jason exactly what my thoughts were regarding his estate and I just pray that we have it all finalized before November.

His estate is Bankrupt and this is NOT my fricken problem. It's the banks problem now. >:-\

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