Monday, August 25, 2008

Not much going on.

I don't have much to update... Quinn's doing very well Potty Learning. Other han really quick trips out, we still haven't tried outside the house in underwear. We'll start that next week when he starts Pre-school!
I really want to start doing Yoga again. I just haven't given myself the time. Perhaps in September when my shift chances. I would like to try it with Quinn.
In September my hours are cut in half and I will only be working part time. I sure hope we can pull this off financially!
We are going to sell the van. It will hopefully be listed by this friday. We had an inspection report done and it passed with flying colors. It will be nice to have that debt off our shoulders. Once it sells we will run out and try to find a $2000 car as our 2nd car.
That's all I have to report for now!
xoxox I miss and love you guys very much!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Potty Learning!!

So here we are - 6 days in a row - in undies all day/evening, pull ups for Nap/bedtime and a clean dry bum!

This is so exciting! Quinn is FINALLY using the potty on his own! We are so proud of him!

I will give it a few weeks, then we'll have to try leaving the house in undies and useing the public toilet! (EW!) This is going to be a tough one!

It will be nice to have that extra $$ was save not buying pull ups!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Swimming hole, Jet Fighters, and Date night!

Last week was a busy week - in the yay we're having fun busy kind of way!

Quinn and I went to Aldergrove Lake, a small man-made filtered 'lake' (more like a huge outdoor swimming pool) surrounded by beach in the middle of trees. Very nice setting!

A million kids though - this isn't a place you would go if you were kidless! So, a million kids, and a swimming hole - means a million X the Pee!! EEEWWWWWW.

It was 30 degrees, it was hard enough to let Quinn in the water, but it was so hot and Quinn wanted me to swim with him... So I let go of the reality of yuck and enjoyed the moment of summer fun with Quinn. We had a blast. Swam for about an hour or so, then he happily played in the sand. I was really wishing Ursula & the kids were by my side. :(

The Abbotsford airshow was this past weekend. The whole week prior we had Jet Fighters sonic booming over our heads. I thought it was really cool, but the novelty started wearing thin, especially when they were flying so low over our HOUSE! It was so loud. As cool as it was, it hurt Quinn's ears. He was scared, but not.

We filled his little pool in the backyard. It didn't warm up as much as I thought it would, but he still had fun. So much in fact that he decided to do the full Monty.

Our babysitter went home to Denmark so we haven't really gotten out so I found a new babysitter. A mature lady, just moved here from Edmonton. Quinn is quite fond of her. So Lair and I went to Restaurant 62, one of Abbotsfords few Finer dining establishments.

It was nice. A little 'unpolished' when you compare it to a few high end eateries in Calgary (and compare it to Hell's Kitchen! LOL)... However, the food was great. We got a free Appatiser (Lobster Bisque Soup) because they ran out of Lemons for my long island ice tea. I had a 14oz Rib Eye and Lawrence had a rack of Lamb... <-- WHAT Lawrence ate meat? That's right my friends, he fell off the vegetable wagon ;)

I will go back, but only because we try a sampler appy dish, and their short rib melted in our mouths - I gotta get me some more of those!

After our dinner we headed off to see the Dark Knight. Loved it!

So that's about it from our neck of the woods.

I have two summer wishes, 1) to drink beer on a patio with my friends, 2) to play in Reily Park wading pool with Quinn....

Sigh... :(

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quiet time... too good to be true.

Quinn has been having a hard time getting in his afternoon naps because we need to be up and out the door during his regular nap time... So instead, he has 1 hour of "Quiet Time", which usually consists of me going upstair 4+ times in 1 hour telling him it's QUIET time, not run all over the upper floor time....

Today however, I only had to go up there twice. I was so pleased. I figured he was either sleeping, or playing quietly in his bed. I was prepared to give him an extra special nummy snack. I approached his door, ready to enter beeming with love & adoration for him being such a good boy.... I open the door and.... No Quinn. Huh?

So I peep into our room thinking he tucked himself into mommy & daddy's bed to nap..... No Quinn. I walk into the bathroom.... no Quinn. I hear something. It's coming from the spare room. The spare room which he never goes into. The spare room that I keep the door closed all the time.......

I open the door.... He looks up and smiles and waves "Hi Mom" he says as he is sitting on the bed covered in ripped Christmas wrapping paper surrounded by all his no-longer pre-wrapped Christmas gifts from Nan....(which were in a tied black garbage bag). I had to contain myself as this was amusing and quite cute, but I was quite mad.

After a stern talking to, I made him sit in his room for another 15 minutes... I don't think he knows what he did was wrong... I hope he doesn't do it again. Now I have to re-wrap all these gifts!

Monday, August 4, 2008


It's "agra-fair' time in Abbotsford. Pretty much a a mini stampede but the focus is mainly on "Agra" stuff, antique & modern tractors, 4H clubs critters, farming, + expensive rides, games, food and drinks.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. We went at 11am, hoping to beat the crowds, and to go to the rides before it was overtaken by teenagers... omg, did I just say that?!? Once there, we decided it wasn't worth the price for the rides, but there was a 'Kid-zone' full of Boingy Castles so we steared him that way and he had a blast. Man Boingy Castle have sure changed since I was a kid! They are so cool!

This fair has family potential, maybe when Quinn is a little older he/we would have enjoyed it more. But there were many firsts for him. We shared a Corn Dog, a Shaved Ice Cone and Cotton candy!

We saw all sorts of farm critters, including some rediculously cute miniature ponies, and some piggies.

In conclusion... Quinn had fun. :)