Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Train your Dragon

Yesterday Lair suggested we take Quinn to see 'How to Train your Dragon' in 3D. Normally I would hem and haw about the money, but sometime you have to splurge. So when I got home I changed from work and we headed out again. Got our tickets and grabbed a slice of pizza, then got popcorn and went in.
The theatre was probably half full and mostly families/boys Ages 4-10.

It was pretty high action in my opinion, maybe a little over the top for what I would like Quinn to see, but we knew what it was about and a PG movie. It was rated a 3 violence on the www.kidsinmind.com website I use as a gage for movies.... I felt this was more than 3, but maybe I am too sensitive.

Quinn totally love love loved it. He now wants a 2 headed dragon. He said it can stay in the attic but we'll need a ladder so he can get in and out.

We all had fun and it was a nice family outing.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Small world.

This morning a guy came into the office on business. While waiting for someone to come down, he says:

Is your name is Melanie? (I have a name plaque and say my name when answering the phone)...
Me. Yes.

Guy. I thought I recognized you....

Me. Confused, don't recognize him

Guy. I was married to your cousin Cheryl... Brandon is out in the truck!

It was Craig. My cousin Cheryl Ex, and Brandon is my 2nd cousin from the farm. I still remember when Brandon was born. I remember Great Grandpa Bamber came to the farm to meet him.

Craig finished up what he was doing here and called Brandon to come inside. It was nice to see him; haven't seen him since my Uncles Funeral 3 years ago. We had a quick chit chat and they went along their way.

That was a nice way to start my monday =)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Last week, out of the blue, Quinn says "I miss Dave" .... So we talked about him for a bit. I told him his birthday was coming up (March 21). Quinn said "Is his birthday canceled now that he's dead?". (out of the mouths of babes)... I told him no, it wasn't canceled, it was still a day for celebration of his life.

So his birthday was this past weekend. It was a bit emotional for me. I know we're supposed to celebrate and remember with Joy those who've passed, but I am still grieving and missing him horribly. I haven't been able to come to terms with it all quite yet. I still have pains in my tummy and get a lump in my throat and still have tears to shed.

Meh :'(

Friday, March 19, 2010

Medical Records

In October, I contacted both the Abbotsford Hospital and the BC Children's Hospital and requested Quinn's files be released for our own personal records.

The Abbotsford hospital sent theirs before Christmas and I've been patiently waiting for the one from BC Children's.

It finally arrived last week and I now know why it took so long; the file is seriously an inch thick! I took some time to read through everything. The memories flooded back of that stressful time... The longest, scariest week of my life! Even more so than our Cancer scare!

I will never forget the feeling in my stomach when I realized something was seriously wrong.... And even worse, when I linked it to his leg issue a few days prior... I remember telling the triage nurse I thought he was having a stroke and that he may have had one a few days prior. That night was just crazy... the Abbotsford Dr being shocked to actually see a case like this, the transfer ambulance ride felt like forever.... but as soon as he re-gained his mobility (6 hours later) we were still stressed, but feeling a little calmer! Then the next 7 days were very long, sad, and lonely.

We are ever so thankful for Scott and Dee, they were our 100% life line. Scott came to the hospital first thing in the morning to be with us. He kept us calm and grounded. Thanks Brother!!!!

I digress... I read through his files. They are indeed inconclusive as we were told. So I hang on to the belief that it was a Stroke of Genius and am ever so grateful that he is Happy and healthy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is in the air

My typical friday night is super mundane. I pay bills and take care of all household financials. Woo. Good times. Our pay days alternate so the household gets a paycheck every friday. It's pretty awesome and makes it easy to shuffle money around, but in order to know how much money we have for the weekend and following week, I have to do the financials on friday night.
Thanks to the weather, we had such a fantastic weekend. Saturday was turning out to be such a nice day that Quinn and I headed out around 10:30am on an adventure. We drove near the McKenzie Lake golf course to a Fish Creek Park Path (Across the River from Sicome Lake). Quinn brought a big bucket, we wore our boots and off we went on a nature walk. I was hoping to walk along the path and dawdle in the trees, but Quinn headed straight for the River and we spent several hours just throwing rocks and sticks in the river.
We then left and drove through McKenzie Lake then went to a school playground in McKenzie Town. It's awesome! We had lots of fun. We'll definatly go back there. Once Quinn's better on his bike we can ride there (it would be a pretty long walk). After an hour at the park we headed home for lunch.

Lair was home from work. We have a 6 foot tiger kite I bought at Costco a few years ago, never open the package, so Lair built the kite and we headed off to a nearby field... The kite lasted all but 6 seconds. It went up and came down, when it hit the ground the structural integrity was compromised... and then there were tears... So we hurried off to find a new kite. Canadian Tire didn't have any. Superstore didn't have any.... thankfully, Wal-Mart did! A $4 Plastic Optimus Prime kite. Back to the field and the day was saved. So nice to be out an about!

Saturday night Lair went out so Quinn and I got pizza and watched a movie.
Family Sunday! Hooray! Lair's sister and Fiancée were in town so we met them at Cora's for brunch then bid them farewell. We decided to check out the Science Centre.... Including parking, this cost $48 and I tell you, it was pretty hurtin. My guess is, a guided tour for 8-12 year olds might be cool, but the chaos of young kids & no sensicle order of viewing made it less than appealing. I will not waste my money again... However, that being said, they are building a new Science Centre near the zoo. Once that opens and the hype quiets down, I will give them a second chance.
Sunday evening I went to Owens baby shower. It was very nice; Great food, wine and conversation. I got to see Nicole, Deanna, Laine, and Candice. It was nice to the Grandmas with Owen.

I know it's no guarantee that winter is over, but this fresh air has sure put a bounce in my step.

Quinn has out grown his bike. We were able to raise the seat, but the handle bars don't go any higher! So we'll check Craigslist for a replacement. As well I'm wanting to get a Bike Buddy ASAP so we can go on longer (carefree) rides.
Can you believe I've been with AMEC for almost SIX months!? Time sure goes by so fast! And Quinn is growing so much! He amazes everyday with his size and knowledge! He is an incredible being! I am so proud of who he is. I am so proud of Lawrence & myself as I know we have a big part in who he is. So kind. So genuine.
I know the summer will fly by so fast. I want to make the best of it ... We will have to do as much as we can in and around town... We have seasons passes to Callaway Park so I predict several trips there. I really don't know if Motion Notion is in the cards this year which makes me sad, but time and money are precious this year as we need to save it for our October trip.
Speaking of which, Lair has a co-worker who said he may be able get us into a Disney resort for cheap through his time share. That would be an awesome money saver. I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about this trip! I hope it all falls together as perfect as it is in my head!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Eyes are good.

I saw the optometrist last night. I was anxious and left happy and sad.

The good news is, my eyes are very healthy. My eye sight is still way better than 20/20 and inside and out are good and healthy... They even have a new machine that scans your eye and they can get a very intimate look at what's going on inside.

The bad news is... yes, indeed I do have quite a few floaters, especially in my right eye. He told me since it is not affecting my quality of life, i.e. it's not debilitating and I can still function well, that with any corrective measures, the cons would out weigh the pros... There is no treatment for floaters other than removing the vitreous (vitrectomy), a major operation with many risks... Eventually the option of having them blasted by a laser may be available, but is not suggested at this point.

Here is great vid I found . See the crap swirling around? That's what I have to look past ALL the time...


I have always had floaters. I've always been night blind. Before my laser eye surgery I was quite visually impaired. It's just frustrating. I am very happy to know my eyes are healthy, but I am quite upset that there is nothing we can do. I am frustrated and upset and sick and tired of trying to look past these fricken blobs in my eyes...

OK, enough of my wallowing. As the doc said, they are healthy, sorry about your luck, it is what it is... so all I can do is move forward.

And now for some humour:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfzVOx2uNQk&feature=related ;
