Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Eyes are good.

I saw the optometrist last night. I was anxious and left happy and sad.

The good news is, my eyes are very healthy. My eye sight is still way better than 20/20 and inside and out are good and healthy... They even have a new machine that scans your eye and they can get a very intimate look at what's going on inside.

The bad news is... yes, indeed I do have quite a few floaters, especially in my right eye. He told me since it is not affecting my quality of life, i.e. it's not debilitating and I can still function well, that with any corrective measures, the cons would out weigh the pros... There is no treatment for floaters other than removing the vitreous (vitrectomy), a major operation with many risks... Eventually the option of having them blasted by a laser may be available, but is not suggested at this point.

Here is great vid I found . See the crap swirling around? That's what I have to look past ALL the time...

I have always had floaters. I've always been night blind. Before my laser eye surgery I was quite visually impaired. It's just frustrating. I am very happy to know my eyes are healthy, but I am quite upset that there is nothing we can do. I am frustrated and upset and sick and tired of trying to look past these fricken blobs in my eyes...

OK, enough of my wallowing. As the doc said, they are healthy, sorry about your luck, it is what it is... so all I can do is move forward.

And now for some humour: ;


Unknown said...

Crazy floaters! I've had them since I was a kid, I didn't even know they weren't supposed to be there until I was an adult and an optometrist told me not to worry LOL. I'm so used to them now, I don't notice them.

Ursula said...

Yay for not going Blind!!!

Boo for nothing they can do.

hopefully, it is more of a WEE sort of thing than an annoyance. Bet they could make for some pretty kaleidoscope action :)