Friday, April 9, 2010

Good peepers.... for now!

Quinn had his annual eye doctors apt on Wednesday.

He did such a good job! Such a big boy! Memories flooded back of when I was his age, seeing Dr. Gimble in a building near the sketchy Mac's on 7th Ave. I can remember feeling so grown up in that big chair! As well I remember looking at a picture of a barn... Funny the things you remember.

In the end, Quinn's eyes are healthy, but, they have changed a bit from last year. It seems that he may be developing an astigmatism (I have severe astigmatism so I am not surprised). However the Doctor said we'll wait one more year, and if that time it gets any worse (which he predict is a high possibility), little man will need little glasses...

So we talked about how he might where glasses like daddy, and he seems to like the idea.

I just pray that he does not inherit my bad eyes! Oh how I hated wearing glasses! =(