Friday, March 19, 2010

Medical Records

In October, I contacted both the Abbotsford Hospital and the BC Children's Hospital and requested Quinn's files be released for our own personal records.

The Abbotsford hospital sent theirs before Christmas and I've been patiently waiting for the one from BC Children's.

It finally arrived last week and I now know why it took so long; the file is seriously an inch thick! I took some time to read through everything. The memories flooded back of that stressful time... The longest, scariest week of my life! Even more so than our Cancer scare!

I will never forget the feeling in my stomach when I realized something was seriously wrong.... And even worse, when I linked it to his leg issue a few days prior... I remember telling the triage nurse I thought he was having a stroke and that he may have had one a few days prior. That night was just crazy... the Abbotsford Dr being shocked to actually see a case like this, the transfer ambulance ride felt like forever.... but as soon as he re-gained his mobility (6 hours later) we were still stressed, but feeling a little calmer! Then the next 7 days were very long, sad, and lonely.

We are ever so thankful for Scott and Dee, they were our 100% life line. Scott came to the hospital first thing in the morning to be with us. He kept us calm and grounded. Thanks Brother!!!!

I digress... I read through his files. They are indeed inconclusive as we were told. So I hang on to the belief that it was a Stroke of Genius and am ever so grateful that he is Happy and healthy!


Unknown said...

I didn't know that hospitals actualy release the files to patients... I guess it makes sense but still! It would be interesting to read those files!

Unknown said...

Stroke of genius = awesome!!!