Sunday, January 11, 2009

Croup and Fever...

Around New Years I got a head cold. Not a big deal, I let it run it's course. [BUT a cold means I/we can't go to the Lymburners :( boo...] So, right when I'm feeling better, Quinn comes down with a cough... Sigh.

I believe he has Croup as he is 'barking like a seal', lost his voice and is quite raspy... poor guy. He's been running a fever for 2 days between 100-102.5... I've just been letting it run it's course. We'll see how tomorrow goes. They say (whoever they may be), say the severe symptoms usually run 3 days, so depending how he is tomorrow (or tuesday), we may need a trip to the doctor.

You know something weird... I can tell that Quinn has a fever/is fighting something just by smelling his breath. There is a particular odor I've smelled in the past and associate with Fever. LOL, I told him to brush his teeth cuz it's not the sweet normal smell! (I know, it sounds odd...).


Darcy said...

Oh dear. I hope that the little man is feeling better soon. For mommy and little guy. Look forward to a coffee when you guys are well again! Love to you all!!!

PS~ I am looking forward to a big Melanie hug! :))))

Berto said...

A moms nose always knows!