Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Frog #2.... er... 3....

So awhile back, Quinn got his first Fish tank. He has a beautiful Beta named Johnny Sideshow and 'had' a little frog named Surf.

Well, Surf only lasted a few weeks. We didn't hide his death from Quinn. Did the royal flush. Mourned and cried all morning, spoke of the good times we had with Surf etc....

Well, after about 6 weeks, we got Frog #2. Quinn named the little frog 'Big'. Big was rather lethargic. Didn't do too much. And 24 hours later went belly up! CRAP! This time we didn't say anything. Instead I removed him and for a day we 'just can't find him - he is a good hider'. Lair came home that night with a new frog and we made the switch.

Thankfully, this new frog is active! He's always swimming around and entertaining us. He eats well, and holds his own with Johnny Sideshow. Phew!

As well we picked up a Zebra Snail ~ 'Zippy'.

So we are doing well with the aquatic critters. I am super attached to them - I think more so than Quinn!

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