Wednesday, September 30, 2009

AMEC: Earth & Environmental

Ok. So my first day was wednesday. I entered with Confidence and a smile... The morning went really well. Then I did 11:30-12:30 by myself and the shit hit the fan.

Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I think I handled it pretty good though. I tried my best to be light hearted and smile. But it sure elevated my blood pressure... the afternoon was L o n g, and due to a moronic courier, I was 20 minutes late leaving: so the end of my day was overwhelming and frustrating. I had to call Lair and have him pick up Quinn from the dayhome because I was running so late.

When I got home, 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave for swimming lessons, Quinn said a few times "Why didn't you pick me up, you said you would pick me up" (repeat...) this broke my heart.

Lawrence was being awesome and making a nice dinner - but he forgot about Swimming lessons.... so he was up to his elbows in Fajitas and we had to go.... But we have to eat first. So we rushed the meal, tried to eat it and by 6pm I told Quinn he would miss lessons tonight because we were running so far behind. He started to cry....

I went to the bathroom and just l o s t it. Ugly cry/sobbing... My brain just snapped. When I finally got myself under control and back to the table, Lair decided to try to get some pool time in and whisked Quinn off; they managed to catch the last 15 minutes of his lesson.

When they got home, Lair headed off to the gym. Quinn had his bath and then he and I went to bed at 8:30...

Day One Over......

DAY TWO - Due-over day. Again, I entered with Confidence and a smile... Day two was much much better! Learned and absorbed more.

DAY THREE (Friday) - Another great day... I think I will be just fine and will quite enjoy this position.

I do look forward to after Thanksgiving as that is when I will be on my own. (The young gal training me is starting to drive me crazy!)....

So what have we learned? Wednesdays will be a crazy rushed day after work so we need to plan/prepare a super quick meal to eat and run.

This company has a great RRSP contribution matching plan, there is a small gym on the second floor, a massage therapist comes in every thursday - it's not free, but probably discounted? Seems like pretty cool place to work.

Oh and in my last post I said it was a 10 story building..... um... I was wrong! LOL, it's only 3 (Big) stories... funny how your perception can be so wrong!

I can't wait for payday...


Unknown said...

glad to hear your new job is looking on the up and up! You deserve it, keep your chin up.

Ursula said...

is there an update coming soon???? want to know how things are going now that you've been there for a week or two :)