Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer is here!

So in mind mind, despite the rain, Summer has begun!

Here are our summer plans....

June 10-12  Inshalla Music Conference

June 30 - July 3  Camping with friends in Drumhellar (anyone and everyone is invited!)
July 15-22   MoNo and/or NoMo (Kananaskis or the Okanogan?)

July 29 - Aug 1  Camping?  Was thinking of going for a little camping trip.  Lair may be busy that weekend, but he can meet up with us later! 

Before August, all of my vacation days will have been exhausted for the year  :(   So August will be a stick close to home month.

1 comment:

Jo-Ann said...

We are camping in Jasper the August long weekend. We have a private campsite booked, so you are welcome to join us if you want (I know it is a bit of a drive). E-mail me if you are interested and I'll send you the details.