Saturday, April 18, 2009

New hair!

I got new hair today - it's an inverted bob. Chopped it all off, sharp point on the right, lesser point on the left. Colored it a shade darker (I wanted it dramatically darker; oh well, next time!) with red highlights underneath. I can pull my hair back or flip the part (play around with it) to bring the red to the top :) So sexy, stylish, and professional plus sassy and fun. I was going to highlight Orange, but decided to start with red to keep it professional.


Scott said...

wow, your new hair looks awesome! Good choice on the color! What a great change.

Ursula said...

Look out, HOT MAMMA coming through!!!! Looks very awesome as in so awesome you need to get some new hot momma clothes to go with it. That shirt doesn't do it justice!!!

YAY you!!!

Jo-Ann said...

You're looking great! Hopefully we will get to see it in person, soon!