Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heavy Heart....


My heart is heavy. Lump in my throat. Knot in my tummy.

I thought I said goodbye... was just starting to feel fine, but now feel as if it's back to the beginning days before saying goodbye.

We leave for Tunkwa Lake early friday morning... I hope it's an uneventful drive. I hope Quinn can handle it. We borrowed a power inverter so we can bring the laptop and plug it in so he can watch a movie. Quinn has always traveled extreamly well (to Edmonton and Medicine Hat 3ish hours) but the last trip to the Hat he was quite board and chatty and our nerves didn't handle the drive home very well, which was unfortunate for Quinn.

We're missing a Chosen Family camping trip to Blarriot Ferry which makes me very sad, however we'll head to Edmonton Sat-mon the following weekend.

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