Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Freaking out, and not in the fun Party way.

My sister is slowly getting through Estate stuff with the Lawyers and Banks; this is not an easy or quick process. It is looking like dad is Bankrupt. As well he owes money on his truck. We didn't see any paperwork on it, so we assumed it was paid off.

I am freaking out because I just want all the Estate stuff to be resolved and done with NOW. My brother is freaking out because he doesn't want to give up Dads truck.... I can only assume my sister is freaking out, just in general with this stuff and her person life is in great transition.

As well I feel great anxiety with the upcoming camping trip to Scatter Ashes. I don't have much vacation time time so we're only taking the friday off. But, with Quinn, the 9 hour drive will be more 11-13 hr drive. So drive all day friday, do the deed saturday, and up and gone sunday for the drive home. Seriously not looking forward to this. It's a great burden timewise and financially.... >:( But these are dad's wishes written in his Will...


Ursula said...

Quinn, will troop it out :) He's good at that. It's the only time you have to do it so don't stress about it. Know that once it is over you did the right thing.

Your dad will be smiling done upon you guys for it :)

Let your bro stress about the truck and your sister about the rest. You've already stressed out over the financial burden you took on.

So now you are all stressed together :)

much love to you......

subutterfly73 said...

Go for a quick scream in the park.
Yell loud and as long as you need.
Helped me, but then again I'm a different sort of cat.
Here if you need a shoulder.