Monday, August 9, 2010

Dad Ashmead

We went to Medicine Hat this weekend. The trip was ok. Danny got home from the hospital around noon on saturday and is in very high spirits. However, physically, in my opinion, is an empty shell of what he was. SO Thin and pale; quite aged. It was unsettling as we watched this happen to Dave...

We had a great visit with them and Lairs sister. Once it was just us. Kerri & Jay, she filled us in on everything she knows. Goldie is reluctant to go to counselling, taking the suggestion as an insult of her being 'crazy'; I guess it's still Hope and or Denial? Poor thing. I can not imagine! I think it would be good for both her and Danny to get some counselling. I wonder if the pallitive care teams have talked to them about it?

I talked to Dan about seeing a naturopath for possible pain relief/comfort and he is a brick wall. He said if the morphine won't make him feel better nothing will. I suggested that perhaps a naturopath would have a tea blend of herbs that may help with the nausia and he was not open to the suggestion, so I stopped. Hopefully subconsciously he will think about the things I said...

We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with them at a small Spray Park, enjoying the nice weather and watching Quinn & children be so care free and playing.

The drive home was somber. We got home, ate, cleaned the house then just vegged.

Today my heart hurts and I have a lump in my throat thinking about this situation. But in the words of Lawrence, "It sucks; but it is what it is".

So I will try to refocus my emotions to the joy and love I have for Danny & Goldie.

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