Friday, November 20, 2009

Laundry Basket

Who would think a laundry basket would make a 4 year old so happy?

Quinn has had his own laundry basket in his room since he was born. However, when we moved into our copperfield home, his room is so small, we decided to take the basket out. He was quite upset about this. This also meant every night he had to put dirty laundry into our baskets in our room in our closet.

2 weeks ago, while he & Lair were in Edmonton I did a major clean/purge of his toys. This made a lot more room in his bedroom, so I bought him a laundry basket (Ikea pop up net basket), it has a turtle on top, and he was SO HAPPY! He even did a little dance.

LOL... yup, a laundry basket... He's a little confused with only one basket as he is used to one for lights & one for darks so I think I will buy him another one, it's a fishy =)

We also bought him a Treasure Chest for his dress up clothes

So all in all his room is pretty empty! We're thinking we can bring in his bucket shelf in from the basement, then all toys are confined to his bedroom. We'll get the house organised yet!

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