Thursday, February 26, 2009

Loving life, loving friends.

So we are doing well with settling in. Upstairs is 95% done. Just need to arrange some furniture and find places for our nick nacks and invest in some new artwork.

The basement is a work in progress. 80% unpacked. I bought some new bookshelves, so once we build them, that will aleiviate 4 or 5 boxes of books! We need to figure out how to arrange the rumpus room for maxinum viewing and surround sound. Just trying to make the best of the space, it's pretty big, (I can hula hoop in it!).

Last weekend was Lawrences 33rd birthday! It started off a little rough as he had a _major_ throat infection - but the meds are working fast and he's feeling much much better. We had a small birthday gathering potluck. Oh how we missed seeing every chair filled around the table with loving smiling faces! I almost wept with joy at one point!

Quinn sure enjoyed seeing everyone. He talks about everybody too! He's so cute. It's his last day at his downtown preschool, he's super excited to start his new one. Me too! It's a 5 minute walk vs. 1 hour+ drive (in rushour)!

Yesterday Quinn and I had a fantastic productive day. It started by going tot he Altadore Gymnastic Club for a tour. I am going to register him in the 'Squirts' program. I think he will love it. They have miniature equipment just his size! We then went to Walmart where we spent 3 hours leisurely shopping for household items. We had a great time. It was not busy and Quinn was in a terrific mood the whole time. He is such a well behaved little guy!

Alex will be in town this weekend. Excited to see him!

Dave L. is doing well. Spent 3 days in the hospital watching the clot and pneumonia - he's home now and eating REAL food! A real pleasure we all take for granted!

Tracey - not sure how she is doing. As I said, she had her See-you party on saturday in Edmonton, then delivered a beautiful Boy on sunday, and had her 7 hour surgery on tuesday. Other than hearing it went 'well', I have not heard anything else.

So prayers and thoughts still beaming at full speed to these two courageous beings.

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