Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Quinnless night

Mom offered to take Quinn for a sleepover over the holidays.  So we choose last night.  I dropped him off at dinner time then met Lair at Chinook where we saw Tron in 3D IMAX.  We quite enjoyed it visually.  The storey was ok - overall I was impressed.

We met our friend Shawn & g/f Bri at the theatre and went for a beer after.  It was a nice evening out.

Lawrence had to work today so I am on my own!  I stayed up till 1 last night and laid in bed until 10:30.... why?  Because I could!  And here I sit at 2pm having accomplished nothing - and it feels great!  I might take the tree down today.

We'll go to moms for dinner and pick up little man.

I wish this sleepover was happening Tomorrow night!  New Years Eve would have been a million times better for us to be Quinnless, but beggars can't be choosers.

We're having a small house party for NYE.  Weather pending will head down to Olympic Plaza with friends for a family night, then back here with Lisa, Dean & Ivy.  Put the kids down and have a party.  We have an open door for the night and expect a few people to stop in.

I will 'try' my best to get some sleep as I will get up with the kids.  I hope they are up for watching movies all morning!  It will be a no-impact day  LOL

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