Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Turkducken, Sledding and Tortierre's Oh My!

On Sunday, after Lair was done work we went spent the afternoon with Brent and had a great visit.

The Parenteaus were in town and we were hoping to meet up with them, Ursula invited over to Lisa's for dinner.... TURDUCKEN! Holy crap was that ever good! Lisa did a phenomenal job. It was so delicious words can't describe.

On monday we met up with Lisa, Ivy and the Parenteaus to go sledding. We found a great hill near Lisa's and had a great time. We then invaded the Allan's to sample Ursula's Tortierre... MMMMmmmm. Again, so delicious!

Lair's folks called to say they were coming to town on Tuesday and spending the night for a belated Christmas celebration... They called when they arrived to Calgary... They were Side Swiped by a SEMI on the Deerfoot!!! Thank God they were ok, but the side of Danny's car (New Jetta) is sure wrecked. They were lucky the door stay in tact and didn't get ran over by the semi! So other than being shaken up and upset, they are ok! It's still drivable.

When they arrived, we were outside assessing the damage when my Boss called and left a message for me to call her. I didn't realize anyone had called for a bit then just before we started to open presents I noticed the message.

Ug. So I called her and she needed me to run to the office to tweak the security system. Lucky me, what little knowledge I have, I am the only one who knows how to run it! I was really quite pissed off as Lair's parents just arrived. She was mentioning I may have to go back later which made me in a tizzy as I was cooking a Prime Rib; I didn't want to be in the middle of dinner and maybe some wine and have to 'run to the office'... So I was gone for an hour, I (hopefully) figured out what needed to be done and raced home and haven't been told to go back.

Lairs folks just wanted to go home. It had been a disappointing draining day... Once they left, both Lair and I were in a bit of a funk.

I made the Prime Rib - It was delicious! Way too much for Me, Lair and Quinn, so we'll have leftovers tonight! MMMMmmmm.

Looking forward to New Years Eve. We're having some friends over, some will stop in on their way to other parties, some for the count down, and a few for the long haul. I just have to remember that Quinn will be up at 8am!! Looking forward to yet another fabulous visit with our fabulous friends.

1 comment:

Ursula said...

So very happy to have you be able to visit with us while we were down. Hopefully next year we can do some more crazy sledding and keep them in tact :)

hugs to you all :)