Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Buttons and tears.

So last night Quinn wanted to wear his "Little old Man Jammies" (2 piece with button up shirt). He usually does the bottom buttom then gives up on the rest. Last night he spent a good 15+ minutes to do up all the buttons by himself. A few times he asked me to show him how, then to un-do it so he could do it.

Finally he got them all buttoned up and he was so proud of himself! He ran downstairs to tell Lawrence all about it. It made my eyes leak...

Where does the time go!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Quinn! You thought the buttons were fun - wait until he tries tying shoelaces! Oh yeah, that's right - kids don't have shoelaces these days; they have Velcro, which they've pretty well mastered by the time they come home from the hospital! :)