Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Turkducken, Sledding and Tortierre's Oh My!
The Parenteaus were in town and we were hoping to meet up with them, Ursula invited over to Lisa's for dinner.... TURDUCKEN! Holy crap was that ever good! Lisa did a phenomenal job. It was so delicious words can't describe.
On monday we met up with Lisa, Ivy and the Parenteaus to go sledding. We found a great hill near Lisa's and had a great time. We then invaded the Allan's to sample Ursula's Tortierre... MMMMmmmm. Again, so delicious!
Lair's folks called to say they were coming to town on Tuesday and spending the night for a belated Christmas celebration... They called when they arrived to Calgary... They were Side Swiped by a SEMI on the Deerfoot!!! Thank God they were ok, but the side of Danny's car (New Jetta) is sure wrecked. They were lucky the door stay in tact and didn't get ran over by the semi! So other than being shaken up and upset, they are ok! It's still drivable.
When they arrived, we were outside assessing the damage when my Boss called and left a message for me to call her. I didn't realize anyone had called for a bit then just before we started to open presents I noticed the message.
Ug. So I called her and she needed me to run to the office to tweak the security system. Lucky me, what little knowledge I have, I am the only one who knows how to run it! I was really quite pissed off as Lair's parents just arrived. She was mentioning I may have to go back later which made me in a tizzy as I was cooking a Prime Rib; I didn't want to be in the middle of dinner and maybe some wine and have to 'run to the office'... So I was gone for an hour, I (hopefully) figured out what needed to be done and raced home and haven't been told to go back.
Lairs folks just wanted to go home. It had been a disappointing draining day... Once they left, both Lair and I were in a bit of a funk.
I made the Prime Rib - It was delicious! Way too much for Me, Lair and Quinn, so we'll have leftovers tonight! MMMMmmmm.
Looking forward to New Years Eve. We're having some friends over, some will stop in on their way to other parties, some for the count down, and a few for the long haul. I just have to remember that Quinn will be up at 8am!! Looking forward to yet another fabulous visit with our fabulous friends.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas! 2009
Quinn was so excited Christmas Eve, yet he put himself to bed because the faster he got to sleep the faster Christmas Morning would come.
Lair & Quinn made cookies for Santa, we watched a special, hung the stockings, put out cookies, milk a tart and a carrot for Rudolf.
As well, Santa sent Quinn a video via e-mail! (It may take a few moments to load up)
And lastly we checked where Santa was on NORAD and he was in South America!
He was super excited because of these presents under the tree...
So imagine how he felt when he saw THESE under the tree!:
Christmas Morning Quinn was up at 8am and burst into our room. He open his present from Santa, Hungry Hungry Hippos, we opened our Stockings, then slowly sifted through the pile of gifts. We took our time and relaxed.
Lair then made us Eggs Benedict with a few new additions - asiago cheese dip!? OMG so good!
We hung out and relaxed and played with Quinn's new toys, then headed over to Janine and Mikes for Christmas dinner. Her cousin Christina (who both Lair & I know) was there with her b/f. It was a casual and fun evening.
So all in all, this Christmas turned out to be A-ok with no stress!
Yesterday, Boxing Day, we went car shopping and decided we just don't have the finances for what we want/need right now. We are Debt free and do not want to take on much more, so we'll wait and see how January goes, how much money we can save and go from there. We will get a second vehicle, just not sure when... Maybe when the Money Fairy stops by!?... Come on Lady - we just want $10,000!!! Is that too much to ask for??
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Zoo Lights!
We decided tonight we would bundle up and head off to the Zoo lights. Our thermometer showed -20 so we figured not too many people would be there... and we were right! We bundled up well and had a great time.
Quinn's sleeves are a little short so his wrists were cold. We'll buy extra long gloves to get him through the rest of winter.
Lair's neck/head was chilled, so next time we're out in the super cold he'll also wear a hoodie with his toque and scarf, and for me, the fronts of my thighs got cold quick* so I will invest in some Long johns.
We got some hot chocolate, ate a cookie, walked around. It was nice. We got to go inside the new conservatory... I was pretty disappointed; but I will give it some time to grow into itself...
* In Jr. High I trudged to school on a cold cold day, I really didn't think I would be able to make it to school. By the time I made it to the bottom of the hill my legs were frozen (Litterally). When I arrived I went straight to the nurse and she thawed me out slowly. I had severe frost bite in the upper legs. The Principal drove me home and I had to stay home for the week as my legs needed to heal and couldn't be exposed to the extreme cold... Well, I do believe this incident 22 years ago still has some effect on my legs in the cold. I think I may have been frost bitten tonight as they were really starting to sting at one point before we went for our second inside warm up. Crazy!
Re/Max sponsored a really cool thing - Talk to Santa via web cam! To see our visit with Santa, Go to Click Santa Visits, Click Dec 22, s22_46 :)
Quinn was in awe that santa was on the TV. He was standing there wide eyed and shy LOL So cute.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas is almost here!
The same we selling the van, Lairs work has asked him to work part time in the sales office - his hours have slid a bit, so he goes to work for 7:30am and is off at 3:30, so he is able to pick up both Quinn and I!
Nice how it all seems to fall in place at times :)
We've been looking on line at vehicles. This weekend we test drove a Hyundai Tuscan and compared it with the Santa Fe. We like the Santa Fe better, except it's just out of our price range. We looked at the CR-V and didn't like the inside one bit so crossed it off out list. Test drove a Mitsubishi Outlander. It was pretty good. Hopefully we will find the right vehicle between Christmas and New Years. I would like to head down to the automall to see what all they are 'blowing out' since it's year end. Undecided whether we'll go via dealer or private sale...
If we don't purchase something before New Years, we will have to figure out a way to car pool as the girl currently driving me will be away on vacation a few weeks.
We put up our tree early this year. With time so limited during the holiday season, I wanted to be ahead of schedule with at least the tree. Quinn wanted to decorate it, so I put on the lights, then let him go to it. And you know what? He did a Fabulous job! I am so proud of him. It took him about 2 hours. Most relaxed tree decorating I've ever had!

We went to celebrate with the Lymburners. Noah turned 2 and Caleb turned 4. It was a nice visit with Darcy and her fiance Mike. They are getting married in Victoria (where he's from) next October. This visit was pretty good. My heart has settled with the situation.
Though thinking about everything with Dave last year at this time does bring me much sadness... I sure miss the guy :(
This year things are a little sticky with both Grandpa P, and Grampa A. My dad's ticker is only running at half capacity, not the greatest situation. He's never really taken good care of himself and is now really feeling the consequences.
Lawrence's dad has been battling cancer in one way or another for 10 years, plus a good 20 years ago when it all started. He's lost an eye. Now it's in his belly and body; inoperable; no point in Chemo, just trying to live life and manage pain. I guess the last 2 weeks have been a nightmare for pain and sickness and meds then to top it off he is having issues with his good eye. They were supposed to come here for Christmas but Danny was to stick around home without company till they figure things out. Our hearts go out to him and Goldie... We may go last minute to Medicine Hat for a day, but if that doesn't work we'll go have dinner with good friends.
Work and home life suck all my time and energy :( I can see the allure of a maid! Wouldn't it be nice to have everything done and dinner on the table... hmm, maybe I need a house wife! LOL Life with a family and working is sure different than being a stay at home mom. Oh well, the money is nice and before I know it, Quinn, and Lair for that matter, will be in school!...
I didn't make it once to the gym in November. A major cold hit me, and I am still having sinus issues.... Hopefully in January, when we have 2 cars I can get back on schedule with the gym.
Work has been good. Quite quiet. Makes it easy to car shop on-line LOL I have between christmas and new years off. I am really looking forward to some quality Quinn time. I sure hope we can get a second vehicle in that time so I am not stuck at home, or having to drive Lair to work for the car.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Calloway Park Responce.
To remind you what happened in July, at Callaway, at the Ball Pit, the teen gal who works it accidentally dropped the Big Heavy Metal bar they use for measuring height. This bar hit Quinn in the head as he was sitting on a step putting his shoes on. He cried lots but after a few minutes was fine. There was no goose egg, or blood. We all 'shook it off' and had a great day. On our way out I wanted to complain that they shouldn't use a big heavy metal bar. They insisted Quinn see the Medic (although it was 5 hours after the incident). I checked off that I wanted someone to contact me regarding this incident.
That was in July.
I sent a reminder e-mail in October that I was still waiting for my answer.
In November, I got three 2010 Season's Passes through the social club at work ($18 each! killer deal! Regular $69!), and on my application, I made a note I was still waiting for someone to contact me.
Monday, November 30, 2009
S O L D ! ! ! !
Woo-hoo! Sold it to the first person who looked at it.
She is picking it up wednesday night.... unfortunatly this means I have to freeze my ass off waiting for the bus until we find a new vehicle!?
I guess it's worth it. I am so happy. Getting rid of the van is like the final page of a chapter we're closeing. I will miss you next summer when we go camping, but other than that - good riddins!
Not sure what we will get in it's place. Hopeing for a small SUV or crossover. Something under $10,000 and with no more than 150K km.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
2003 Chevrolet Venture For Sale or Trade/Swap
We have this listed on Craigslist, kijiji, usedcalgary, autotrader and Buysell. If you know of any other sites we should advertise it on please let me know!
2003 Chev Venture: Our little family of three does not require a 7 passenger van.
Will consider trade for a smaller SUV or crossover.
*** Pre-sale inspection report done November 21, 2009 ***
Lady driven 140,000 KM (Mostly Highway). Non-smoking.
New front Brakes (Nov. 21/09). Maintained on a regular basis. (Blue/Green/Teal w/ Gray Interior) Extended Body, dual sliding doors, deep-tinted/privacy rear windows.
Seats 7: 4 Captains seats + rear 3 seat Bench (50/50 split modular folding seat design easily makes extra space when needed). Both 2nd & 3rd row seats are fully removable.
6 Cylinder Engine, Automatic Transmission with Cruise Control. Power Steering, Tilt Steering Power Brakes, ABS Power Windows Power Locks Power Mirrors Air Conditioning Am/Fm Radio With Cd Player Block Heater Air Bags (front and side) Aluminum Wheels Keyless Entry (Two Key Fobs) Auto-theft system Rear WiperRoof Rack

Fall Cold... Meh =(

I fought it off pretty good with Kiwi's and oranges, but This monday (a few days ago), it moved from my chest into my head.
Man oh man. I haven't had a cold since January - I know it could be a whole lot worse, but it sucks none the less. Getting out of bed in the morning is a real chore, but thankfully, once at work with a cup of coffee, I've been getting through the day - oh and this week I've been taking Tylenol cold.
I have opted out from yet another 709 gathering tomorrow night - they've brought Trevor up from Moontribe - it's going to be a KILLER night on the dancefloor - but he will be on too late and I need to fight this cold.
Hopefully I can kick this this this weekend and have a healthy happy December!
Meh =(
Friday, November 20, 2009
Laundry Basket

So all in all his room is pretty empty! We're thinking we can bring in his bucket shelf in from the basement, then all toys are confined to his bedroom. We'll get the house organised yet!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
November just started... now we're half way thrugh.
Lair & Quinn headed up to Edmonton for Max's 8th birthday... Eight! Hard to believe!! They left monday morning and came home wednesday afternoon. So, monday after work I went shopping for work clothes and managed to find a skirt, pants and 4 shirts! Tuesday after work I ended up going to a birthday party with Tracy. She drove so I got to enjoy a few beers. =) It was a nice night out. Wednesday was Nov. 11. I managed to sleep in until 10, relaxed till noon then went thru Quinn's toys and cleaned the house. :) I missed them like crazy, but really did enjoy not having to look after anyone except myself.
We had a super awesome visit with Janine & Mike last weekend. Her belly is popping! So Cute! They are due in mid February. Very excited for them.
Not much else. The weather had been great. Today Quinn and I spent the morning at the zoo, then headed to Ikea & best buy. It was a nice day.
Back to the grind! A thankful one at that - we need to pay down as much debt as fast as we can before Lair goes to Mount Royal! THAT will be crazy times, but Good ones!
Monday, November 2, 2009
October update
Thanksgiving weekend (Saturday) we managed to get together with Steve & Karen, Jen and the guest of honor BRENT! We hadn't seen Steve & Karen since their return from a European adventure so it was awesome to get some hugs, see pics and hear stories. They had a wicked journey abroad. THey brough back an awesome hat/touque for Quinn from Norway - A cloth viking hat with horns! So cool! He refused to wear it while they were over, but the next day he wore it all day long. He said that the viking hat made him Brave - brave enough to pee in the dark LOL
Brent was in town for a family thanksgiving, and we were ever so thankful that he was able to slip away from the fam for a nice long visit. We hadn't seen him in over a year and boy was it good to hug and hold him! Man I love that guy!
Sunday 4pm(?) we packed up the car and headed to Medicine Hat to Lairs sister Kerri's place. Mom & dad came too. We arrived around 8 and had a great visit. Me, Kerri & Lair sat up till the wee hours talking at the kitchen table.

Thanksgiving day was spent visiting; Kerri - I don't know if you read this blog or not, but I have to vent a bit... Kerri's boyfriend is; well he is a nice fellow, but socially inept with us. He can't hold a conversation, Constantly insists on watching TV or playing video games (even if all the visiting is going on in the living room!).... I can't stand the TV being on when people are visiting, it grates on my nerves! Or just randomly disappeared... ? It kind of reminded us like being over at someones place for a famiy gathering but their room mate is being a dick... unfortunately it's Kerri's B/F.... Ok, End Rant. So besides that, dinner was most excellent and the family company was terrific. We decided not to overstay our welcome and slept at mom & dads which meant we had a good visit that night and at breakfast. We came home on tuesday.
My first official day at AMEC without the girl who I replaced was Wed oct 14 and Day 1 went very well.. in fact every single day has been pretty darn awesome! It has been very low stress! Not sure if I mentioned I have replaced two immature non-professional airheads, so anything I do or say is gold. The feedback I've received so far is nothing but wonderful; After 2 full weeks on my own I am quite satisfied and really have nothing to complain about. So YEAY ME! YEAY AMEC!
Oct 14 was my brothers 40th birthday so his wife threw a surprise party for him the following saturday. I went up to red deer with my mom & her BF, we dropped Quinn off for my 13 yr old nephew to babysit and picked up Marianne and drove to Leslieville (the hamlet(?) my bro lives in. I was the last person he would ever expect to walk through his door. He was absolutely flabbergasted that me & my mom came. And we actually had a good time!

So Halloween goodness. Oct 30 709 threw a party! WOO! Since Lair worked early on sat he stayed in. Quinn went to Steve and Karens for a sleepover, and I headed to Tracy's for a night of debauchery and fun! Karen & David picked us up. My costume is an inflatable "Death & his victim" and it was a hit! So many people came to talk to me and had a hard time figuring out what exactly my costume was and how it worked. Let's just say it was pretty trippy for this particular gathering LOL...
The music was so awesome! Psy & progressive breaks. Such a good night. I danced danced danced - dance therapy was exactly what I needed.
At the end of the night, Me, Tracy and Brenna went back to Tracy's at 4am. We had a drink, watched some Southpark and were in bed by 5, I was asleep by 6 and we got up at 11.
Oct 31: I picked up Quinn at noon and we headed to Copperfield Community Centre for a children's Halloween party. It was a beautiful day so we hung out outside and he played in the park for a few hours. After dinner Lair handed out candy. First kid came at 6:15 and we had a stream of 40 kids come through in 1 hour. Quinn and I headed out and went around the block. We both wore our costumes. He had a blast.
As an adult, I have always thought Halloween was a rather bazaar tradition - the whole getting candy from strangers by technically bribing them (trick or treat)... so odd.
Well - there's my October update. It sure ended with a bang! Man I had fun friday night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
AMEC: Earth & Environmental
Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I think I handled it pretty good though. I tried my best to be light hearted and smile. But it sure elevated my blood pressure... the afternoon was L o n g, and due to a moronic courier, I was 20 minutes late leaving: so the end of my day was overwhelming and frustrating. I had to call Lair and have him pick up Quinn from the dayhome because I was running so late.
When I got home, 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave for swimming lessons, Quinn said a few times "Why didn't you pick me up, you said you would pick me up" (repeat...) this broke my heart.
Lawrence was being awesome and making a nice dinner - but he forgot about Swimming lessons.... so he was up to his elbows in Fajitas and we had to go.... But we have to eat first. So we rushed the meal, tried to eat it and by 6pm I told Quinn he would miss lessons tonight because we were running so far behind. He started to cry....
I went to the bathroom and just l o s t it. Ugly cry/sobbing... My brain just snapped. When I finally got myself under control and back to the table, Lair decided to try to get some pool time in and whisked Quinn off; they managed to catch the last 15 minutes of his lesson.
When they got home, Lair headed off to the gym. Quinn had his bath and then he and I went to bed at 8:30...
Day One Over......
DAY TWO - Due-over day. Again, I entered with Confidence and a smile... Day two was much much better! Learned and absorbed more.
DAY THREE (Friday) - Another great day... I think I will be just fine and will quite enjoy this position.
I do look forward to after Thanksgiving as that is when I will be on my own. (The young gal training me is starting to drive me crazy!)....
So what have we learned? Wednesdays will be a crazy rushed day after work so we need to plan/prepare a super quick meal to eat and run.
This company has a great RRSP contribution matching plan, there is a small gym on the second floor, a massage therapist comes in every thursday - it's not free, but probably discounted? Seems like pretty cool place to work.
Oh and in my last post I said it was a 10 story building..... um... I was wrong! LOL, it's only 3 (Big) stories... funny how your perception can be so wrong!
I can't wait for payday...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Life is changing at the speed of light!
Well, in early September, I made a decision to relax and not stress about life/work/school until October.
Well, last week, I got a phone call from a company called AMEC. Their HR gal saw my resume on - it's a little outdated, and the funny thing is, my 'current title' shows as "Super-mom Extraordinaire" LOL...
We arranged for my interview on monday (earlier this week). I had printed a map and it showed the office being in Riverbend. There are lots of businesses that way so I didn't question it; until I was deep in the residential area wondering where the heck Google-map wanted me to go.
I was Lost.... so very lost! I needed to find a phone to call Lair... I don't have a cell phone! Panic was setting in. Then I spotted a guy smoking on his back deck. I pulled up and asked if I could use his phone. He brought a cordless out to me... Lair wasn't home. My map was wrong. No clue where to go.... The number on my printout was a fax #.... ug! Then the guy said his wife could pull a map for me off the computer. I gave him the info and he went inside. He came out and said I could come in. I felt weird doing so, but didn't have a bad feeling.
I enter the house to find Grandma, 2 boys and his wife. They just moved here from the East Coast. She hoped on the computer. They have Dial up.... o.m.g., it was so painfully slow. And she was painfully slow on the computer. I asked her if she would mind if I hoped on to get the info I needed.
So I went to the AMEC website, got their # and called for directions. I wasn't too far off, about 3 minutes away.
This was a very nice Random act of kindness for this family to let me use their phone and computer. I was there for about 10 minutes because the cpt was so slow!
When I arrived there, the receptionist laughed and said 'you used google map didn't you' - apparently this business complex is so new it doesn't appear yet and for some reason maps to Riverbend. Man, I wish Someone told me that when they arranged the interview!
So, Big (10 stories?) building, all AMEC: Earth & Environmental (Engineering firm). It's for Office Administrator/Reception. They currently have two 20 year old girls running the show (a daughter of an employee and the daughters friend). It's a shit-show filled with drama and absenteeism. So they are looking for a professional, mature replacement. INSERT MELANIE.
I had a great, relaxed interview, it lasted a little over an hour. Other than the learning curve of industry, operations/procedures, VOIP phone system, departments, divisions, 300+ people ect, This position sounds pretty easy. Though she stressed how important it is that the person in this roll always be on time and at the desk... I dislike very much being 'chained' to the desk. I haven't been committed to a desk since the year 2000! Oh well - they didn't pay me THIS much when I was chained to a desk LOL Speaking of which, she asked me what my salary expectations were. She said it was significantly hirer than they were thinking. I told her she wouldn't be disappointed with my performance and that I was well worth my salary quote. She said they are all about bettering their staff to benefit the company and in time, if there are courses I want to take they will help with them. She said they are totally about hiring from within and for me to consider this position getting my foot in the door! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! They also have an allowance for Health & Fitness - I believe my GYM membership will be mostly, if not all, paid for!
This office is about 10 km from home (10-15 minutes in rush hour!) wOOt! And if needed (if we are have car troubles), the new 'BRT' bus rapid transit system goes from Copperfield to the doorstep of the business complex (I was sure to mention this) as well, lair & I might be able to car pool (again, I mentioned this).
So after my interview she told me 'we have interviews all week, if you don't hear from us by friday give us a call because we are really busy'.
Interviews all week... sigh. I believe I was Interviewee #2 or #3... I was a bit worried after a week of interviews she would forget who I was....
She called me at 5pm friday night to ask me to join the AMEC team. WOO-HOO!!!! She said all week she was comparing the interviewee's to me - so I guess I put the bar up pretty high!
For salary, she asked if my bottom line would be acceptable, suggesting of course there will be raises in the near future. So Yes!!! H/R will call me early next week to make arrangements. I can start as early as Wednesday for training 3 times a week for the next 2 weeks, and will begin my official full time job after thanksgiving.
I will hand in my resignation on monday (I've been working 15 hr/ week as a personal assistant for a financial advisor). Unfortunately, he is out of town until tuesday... He is going to be pissed. I know he really likes me and he is always super impressed with everything I do for him. I will be hard to replace.
I can not begin to tell you how thankful I am for this opportunity. I've been praying that I find a great job that will be good for me personally and for the family financially. We've really been feeling the financial crunch - starting to do the back slide; just not good, and when we're not good in the money department, the stress is agonizing for both Lawrence and I. I am happy and excited, but of course, I am sad too as I will miss Quinn SO MUCH. He will only need childcare 3 times a week as Lair is home Mon-Tue, so that alleviates some stress.
It's funny how things come to you when you least expect it. I job hunted ALL summer, but was looking for part-time hours, and there was nothing out there worth my while. So at the end of August I decided to enjoy my september before going hard at a full-time job search, which would be very stressful.
So here I sit. No stress. THANK YOU UNIVERSE! I will not disappoint.
So that's what's up with me. Now, Lawrence. I think I mentioned he has been officially accepted to DeVry as a Mature student to their business program. However, after much foot work and many phone calls, he has decided to officially upgrade without taking any short cuts. So no DeVry (which makes me happy as I was very uncomfortable with them! My gut said NO).
Lawrence went to Chinook college to see what he needs to get his G.E.D. Not too much! He is missing 24 credits to graduate. With 'Life Experience', they automatically give him 15. She asked if he's travelled. Yes. He needs to write a 500 word essay on how traveling has improved his life. 5 Credits! She asked, Do you read? Yes! He needs to write a 500 word essay on how traveling has improved his life. 5 Credits! DONE, High School Graduate! Simple!
Lair has chosen to apply for the Bachelor of Applied International Business & Supply Chain Management at Mount Royal (now a University), however, it does have mandatory pre-requisites (Math 30 and English 30), both of which he does not have.
So, again talking to Chinook college, they can help him get his Math 10/20/30 and English 10.
He plans to take an English 'refresher' course in Nov/Dec, then Challenge the English 30 Final in January.
For Math, our dear friend Dr. Dwayne Dickie (PhD.) has offered to tutor Lair with Math gr.9/10/20/30. After a few months of intense learning, he will either Challenge the Math 30 exam, or take the math 30 class.
The ultimate goal here is to have all this upgrading done in time to apply for Sept. 2010 classes.
Now that I have landed myself a great job, hopefully I can be his sugar momma while he focuses on school. Our ultimate goal is once he starts at Mount Royal that he attend as a full time student. He will probably still need a part-time job to get us by, but at least he can seriously get down and study.
So there you have it. The Ashmeads are going at Warp speed - not sure where we will end up, but we know we are going in the right direction!
Wow, I just typed a lot.... I haven't re-read it, so I hope it all makes sense.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Swimming Lessons!
He has no fear and Loves to swim in water wings.
One issue he has is swallowing/choking/sputtering on water at the pool. So we decided it was time for (un-parented) swimming lessons!
He goes on Mon & Wed and so far just loves it. He has 3 class mates (so 4 in total) and 1 teacher. They wear life vests and have nothing but fun.
The first session was a little hard to take in, I was weepy a bit (Lawrence just laughed at me).... but my baby... my dear, not so wee baby..... How he has grown!!!
Thank you!
It's for full time senior receptionist/Office Administrator at an engineering firm, Earth & Environmental division. The office is located in the foothills industrial park - maybe a 15-20 minutes drive in rush hour.
Interview is scheduled for Monday at 2:30!
I don't know that I am ready to go back to work full time, but the financial pinch is starting to take our breath away. I know once I get back into the swing of things, it will be a breath of fresh air so I will embrace this opportunity. Especially since THEY called me!
With Lairs schedule, Quinn will only need childcare 3 times a week. So I will be home with Quinn on Sat/Sun, he'll be with Lair Mon/Tue, and the dayhome W-Th-F. Plus he has preschool M-W-F afternoons.
So thank you Universe - I am grateful for this opportunity. Now that you've made it present, I will nurture the situation and hopefully mold it to my needs!
I turned 30 again!
It was a great day. When leaving the liquor store, Lairs cell phone kept ringing but no one was there. Then low and behold... SCOTT-DEE_KAREN-STEVE_JAMES-CHRISTY were on the line - calling from Spain! WOO-HOO! That Really made my day!!!!!!
Marianne and Ben came to town in the afternoon.
Lair & I went to Bolero for the Brazilian fire grill all you can eat meat served on a sword. FRICKEN AWESOME!

Saturday I hung out with Marianne, then she took Quinn to moms for a sleepover. We had a fun house party that night. A great visit with a great bunch of Chosen family. A surprise visit from Alex & Heather topped off the night like a cherry. And it was an all-nighter LOL Good times.
We slept the day away on sunday, enjoying the silence of Quinn not waking us up at 7:30am.
Mom & Giuseppe dropped Quinn off around 6:30pm. We had a nice visit then they left and we had a family snuggle and watched a movie. A great way to end my birthday weekend.
Looks like he will get his G.E.D. via 'life experience' so that's an easy win for him. However, he needs to upgrade his English and Math.
He is going to cram and take an English refresher course and Challenge the English 30 Exam. We are confident he will easily attain the 60% minimum required for post secondary studies.
Math on the other hand. He more or less needs to take Math 10/20/30. Yikes, this may take some time! Thank heavens for Dwayne! He has offered to tutor Lawrence. He believes with some major dedication, he can bring Lair up to speed to challenge the Math 30 exam as well.
So we are very excited to see how the next year pans out.
In a perfect world, Lair will starts some classes at Mount Royal in Sept 2010. But it may be as late as 2011.
I don't think I will be going back to school quite yet. I have no real desire. So, if I can land a well paying job that I am happy at, I will keep on going and maybe revisit the idea of school in another 5 years?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Visit with gramma & grampa and plenty of outside time
Later that week I met Darcy and the boys at Reilly Park, again, another terrific afternoon.
One saturday afternoon Quinn and I met Auntie Karen at Eau Claire where we hung out at the Spray Park, then walked the river. A fantastic afternoon.
Quinn & I met Debbie and her 6 year old son at a Spray Park near Glenmore park. We haven't seen eachother in 6 years. It was pretty cool. Even though we have totally grown apart and have our differences of opinions - you sure can't take away the BFF bond we have from our childhood/teens.

Frog #2.... er... 3....
Well, Surf only lasted a few weeks. We didn't hide his death from Quinn. Did the royal flush. Mourned and cried all morning, spoke of the good times we had with Surf etc....
Well, after about 6 weeks, we got Frog #2. Quinn named the little frog 'Big'. Big was rather lethargic. Didn't do too much. And 24 hours later went belly up! CRAP! This time we didn't say anything. Instead I removed him and for a day we 'just can't find him - he is a good hider'. Lair came home that night with a new frog and we made the switch.
Thankfully, this new frog is active! He's always swimming around and entertaining us. He eats well, and holds his own with Johnny Sideshow. Phew!
As well we picked up a Zebra Snail ~ 'Zippy'.
So we are doing well with the aquatic critters. I am super attached to them - I think more so than Quinn!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Best Friends For Ever... For Real!
Quinn and I went to Mano & Balas and had a great visit. Then we took the kids (she has 3!) to the zoo for the day, then went out for dinner (us, Lair, Mano, Bala, and Lavy!). It was a great day!
You would think we are still living beside eachother and a constant in eachothers lives. Amazing how you can pick up on a friendship even after decades of being separated.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Strength at the gym
When I started I could only do one set of 12. Now I'm doing 2 sets of 10.
Low Back..................75___205lbs
Leg extension..........40___115
Leg Curl....................50___105
Seated Row..............40___90
Chest Press..............25___60
Shoulder Lateral Raise......20___35
I have girly arms, the last 3 have been the hardest to strengthen!
For cardio I prefer the tread mill - I power walk and jog. My stamina has sure increased! As well I've been taking yoga/pilates/Tai Chi classes - they offer about 8 classes but I haven't ventured to any non-yoga type ones yet. They have a spin room for spin cycle class. I took one class and have absolutely no desire to ever do that again!
It's been fun going to the gym - super awesome being able to do it with Lawrence. He's lost over 25 pounds! How awesome is that!
It will be interesting to see how we look next summer! I think we're actually going to succeed this time!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
School.... again.... ? who would have ever thought.
I'm happy, scared, frustrated. I have NO clue what to study...
I REGRET not trying harder in high school. I don't have my sciences - just the stoner route Science 14/24.... NO Chem/Phys/Bio 10, 20 or 30... So if I were to go a medical/scientific route it would be years of upgrading... which I have no intention of doing unless we win the lottery!!!
I have my G.E.D., and I graduated from SAIT with my Marketing Diploma... That was in 1995. In my opinion, pretty much everything I learned is A) out of my memory, and B) somewhat obsolete. Before graduating, I was actually an Accounting major, but I couldn't keep my core course GPA high enough to go on to a designation, that's when I switched to marketing.
So there I was, a college graduate. And what did I do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I kept working as a receptionist for Re/Max.
W.T.F. was I thinking?!?! Why didn't anyone push me to go fourth and try to start the career I just spent all that time & money on? ^%^$*!!! =( I would have been better off spending all those years and money TRAVELING, seeing the world! Ug.
Now here I am, almost 35 and I feel like I have nothing going for me (career wise)... What do I want to do when I grow up? Well - I can't even guess at the position or industry, but all I will strive for is GOOD money and FLEX time so I can be with Quinn before and after school and lots during the summer months...
My stomach is in knots trying to even wrap my head around all this. I will most likely have to work part-time to...
The ultimate goal, excluding money and Quinn time, is that I will have a darn good paying job in 2-4 years - good enough to support our family while Lawrence goes to school. So while I am in school - Lair will be upgrading, so he can get some higher education too.
The next 4-8 years is going to be tough.
We need a money tree!
I'm sure it will all work out. Instead of looking down the road, perhaps I'll start by opening the front door.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I just want to hold Quinn and never let go...
With this thought - my heart also goes out to the family who lost their 3 year old girl in a freak accident downtown last week when the wind storm blew a piece of sheet metal down 18 stories killing the little girl walking on the side walk with her family in front of the Calgary tower...
I just want to hold Quinn forever, and never let go. Being away from him is so hard because I can't protect him when he's not with me. I could just hang on to him forever in my little bubble of safety and love....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wave pool fun
Quinn loved the slides. I didn't take him on the big ones as they spit you out the bottom pretty hard. Neither Lair or I are big water park fans anymore so we won't take Quinn to a waterslide park (edmonton or chestermere, etc) until he is old enough to go on them by himself.
We all had lots of fun. I want to enroll Quinn in swimming lessons, he does fairly well, but it's time he actually learn how to swim, hold his breath, etc. He certainly has no fear of water!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Calloway Park
While at the ball pit, a minor accident happened. The ride attendants hold a tall metal bar that shows the allowable size of kids to go on the ride. This big Heavy metal bar slipped out of the girls hands and bonked Quinn on the head! Oh my goodness! After a few minutes of tears, he shook it off and we didn't make a big deal out of it. There was no blood & no bump.; It was a simple accident - I told the (teen) girl who was freaking out not to worry about it.
To end our day, all of us went on the Log ride - THREE times in a row! I was super happy that Quinn liked it, but even better for me was the fact that Lair tried it, and liked it, and went on 3 times with us. If I haven't mentioned it before - he is not a rider - he is a coat holder. He gets motion sick very easily (i.e., in a car, boat, plane), so rides have always been off limits for him. Hopefully this little experience has opened new light on rides. When we eventually make it to Disney Land, I've told him he can take some Gravol and will be going on most of the 'easy' rides with us.
Camping in Drumheller
I have memories of that little ferry as my dad always took us camping in the drum area. So it was really cool getting to experience that with Quinn.
By dinner time, Karen, David, Justin, Tracy (and her puppies) arrived and were all set up. The beginning to another fabulous weekend.
Saturday, the whole day, was spent down by/in the river. It was so warm! The current was very minimal which made it a wonderful watery playground for the kids. They were able to run up shore and float down to where we were. Super cool!
What an ordeal (and I was pretty hung over!). . . So, a very valuable lesson was learned.... always put on your tent fly!
Sunday afternoon we headed over to the Tyrell Museum. I haven't been there since it opened. It was very impressive. Quinn is still a little young, but he did very well. I look forward to taking him there when he's older and has more interest.
Monday we all packed up. before we parted ways, we went to the Go-Cart track =) Super fun! I haven't been in probably 15 years. I love it! They had double carts, so we were able to take the kids. I took Quinn for 5 laps, then switched with Lair and he went for 5 laps. Quinn seemed to have a great time, but by the time he & Lair were done he kept saying 'I'm dizzy'; so I'm thinking he got a little go-cart sick? Luckily he didn't puke or anything!
Motion Notion - Quinn's first Electronic Music Festival
After a good dinner, we kept the kids up later so they could see the party at dusk. They all had ear protection, glow sticks/ropes and light sabres. Quinn liked all the lights but I think he was a little over whelmed by the tons of people. He asked to go to bed, so I took him back and tucked him in. Lair ventured out to the party while I sat back at camp with Karen & David and others who came and went through out the night.

After a great meal of Vietnamese and a movie, we all, including the kids, crashed hard!