We decided tonight we would bundle up and head off to the Zoo lights. Our thermometer showed -20 so we figured not too many people would be there... and we were right! We bundled up well and had a great time.
Quinn's sleeves are a little short so his wrists were cold. We'll buy extra long gloves to get him through the rest of winter.
Lair's neck/head was chilled, so next time we're out in the super cold he'll also wear a hoodie with his toque and scarf, and for me, the fronts of my thighs got cold quick* so I will invest in some Long johns.
We got some hot chocolate, ate a cookie, walked around. It was nice. We got to go inside the new conservatory... I was pretty disappointed; but I will give it some time to grow into itself...
* In Jr. High I trudged to school on a cold cold day, I really didn't think I would be able to make it to school. By the time I made it to the bottom of the hill my legs were frozen (Litterally). When I arrived I went straight to the nurse and she thawed me out slowly. I had severe frost bite in the upper legs. The Principal drove me home and I had to stay home for the week as my legs needed to heal and couldn't be exposed to the extreme cold... Well, I do believe this incident 22 years ago still has some effect on my legs in the cold. I think I may have been frost bitten tonight as they were really starting to sting at one point before we went for our second inside warm up. Crazy!
Re/Max sponsored a really cool thing - Talk to Santa via web cam! To see our visit with Santa, Go to www.santavision.ca Click Santa Visits, Click Dec 22, s22_46 :)
Quinn was in awe that santa was on the TV. He was standing there wide eyed and shy LOL So cute.
Merry Christmas to you all! The Zoo lights were always cool, I could see how kids would love them!
Hope you've had a super fantastic holidays!
We can't wait to go to Zoo lights when we are down. WE enjoy it every time we go.
Hope this holiday season keeps you warm with love and light with laughter
love you guys lots and lots
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