The same we selling the van, Lairs work has asked him to work part time in the sales office - his hours have slid a bit, so he goes to work for 7:30am and is off at 3:30, so he is able to pick up both Quinn and I!
Nice how it all seems to fall in place at times :)
We've been looking on line at vehicles. This weekend we test drove a Hyundai Tuscan and compared it with the Santa Fe. We like the Santa Fe better, except it's just out of our price range. We looked at the CR-V and didn't like the inside one bit so crossed it off out list. Test drove a Mitsubishi Outlander. It was pretty good. Hopefully we will find the right vehicle between Christmas and New Years. I would like to head down to the automall to see what all they are 'blowing out' since it's year end. Undecided whether we'll go via dealer or private sale...
If we don't purchase something before New Years, we will have to figure out a way to car pool as the girl currently driving me will be away on vacation a few weeks.
We put up our tree early this year. With time so limited during the holiday season, I wanted to be ahead of schedule with at least the tree. Quinn wanted to decorate it, so I put on the lights, then let him go to it. And you know what? He did a Fabulous job! I am so proud of him. It took him about 2 hours. Most relaxed tree decorating I've ever had!

We went to celebrate with the Lymburners. Noah turned 2 and Caleb turned 4. It was a nice visit with Darcy and her fiance Mike. They are getting married in Victoria (where he's from) next October. This visit was pretty good. My heart has settled with the situation.
Though thinking about everything with Dave last year at this time does bring me much sadness... I sure miss the guy :(
This year things are a little sticky with both Grandpa P, and Grampa A. My dad's ticker is only running at half capacity, not the greatest situation. He's never really taken good care of himself and is now really feeling the consequences.
Lawrence's dad has been battling cancer in one way or another for 10 years, plus a good 20 years ago when it all started. He's lost an eye. Now it's in his belly and body; inoperable; no point in Chemo, just trying to live life and manage pain. I guess the last 2 weeks have been a nightmare for pain and sickness and meds then to top it off he is having issues with his good eye. They were supposed to come here for Christmas but Danny was to stick around home without company till they figure things out. Our hearts go out to him and Goldie... We may go last minute to Medicine Hat for a day, but if that doesn't work we'll go have dinner with good friends.
Work and home life suck all my time and energy :( I can see the allure of a maid! Wouldn't it be nice to have everything done and dinner on the table... hmm, maybe I need a house wife! LOL Life with a family and working is sure different than being a stay at home mom. Oh well, the money is nice and before I know it, Quinn, and Lair for that matter, will be in school!...
I didn't make it once to the gym in November. A major cold hit me, and I am still having sinus issues.... Hopefully in January, when we have 2 cars I can get back on schedule with the gym.
Work has been good. Quite quiet. Makes it easy to car shop on-line LOL I have between christmas and new years off. I am really looking forward to some quality Quinn time. I sure hope we can get a second vehicle in that time so I am not stuck at home, or having to drive Lair to work for the car.
1 comment:
If you aren't too pressed for time, maybe we could see you guys too!!! We have a pretty cool present for your family and Quinn, if this helps in your decision making at all
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