Thanksgiving weekend (Saturday) we managed to get together with Steve & Karen, Jen and the guest of honor BRENT! We hadn't seen Steve & Karen since their return from a European adventure so it was awesome to get some hugs, see pics and hear stories. They had a wicked journey abroad. THey brough back an awesome hat/touque for Quinn from Norway - A cloth viking hat with horns! So cool! He refused to wear it while they were over, but the next day he wore it all day long. He said that the viking hat made him Brave - brave enough to pee in the dark LOL
Brent was in town for a family thanksgiving, and we were ever so thankful that he was able to slip away from the fam for a nice long visit. We hadn't seen him in over a year and boy was it good to hug and hold him! Man I love that guy!
Sunday 4pm(?) we packed up the car and headed to Medicine Hat to Lairs sister Kerri's place. Mom & dad came too. We arrived around 8 and had a great visit. Me, Kerri & Lair sat up till the wee hours talking at the kitchen table.

Thanksgiving day was spent visiting; Kerri - I don't know if you read this blog or not, but I have to vent a bit... Kerri's boyfriend is; well he is a nice fellow, but socially inept with us. He can't hold a conversation, Constantly insists on watching TV or playing video games (even if all the visiting is going on in the living room!).... I can't stand the TV being on when people are visiting, it grates on my nerves! Or just randomly disappeared... ? It kind of reminded us like being over at someones place for a famiy gathering but their room mate is being a dick... unfortunately it's Kerri's B/F.... Ok, End Rant. So besides that, dinner was most excellent and the family company was terrific. We decided not to overstay our welcome and slept at mom & dads which meant we had a good visit that night and at breakfast. We came home on tuesday.
My first official day at AMEC without the girl who I replaced was Wed oct 14 and Day 1 went very well.. in fact every single day has been pretty darn awesome! It has been very low stress! Not sure if I mentioned I have replaced two immature non-professional airheads, so anything I do or say is gold. The feedback I've received so far is nothing but wonderful; After 2 full weeks on my own I am quite satisfied and really have nothing to complain about. So YEAY ME! YEAY AMEC!
Oct 14 was my brothers 40th birthday so his wife threw a surprise party for him the following saturday. I went up to red deer with my mom & her BF, we dropped Quinn off for my 13 yr old nephew to babysit and picked up Marianne and drove to Leslieville (the hamlet(?) my bro lives in. I was the last person he would ever expect to walk through his door. He was absolutely flabbergasted that me & my mom came. And we actually had a good time!

So Halloween goodness. Oct 30 709 threw a party! WOO! Since Lair worked early on sat he stayed in. Quinn went to Steve and Karens for a sleepover, and I headed to Tracy's for a night of debauchery and fun! Karen & David picked us up. My costume is an inflatable "Death & his victim" and it was a hit! So many people came to talk to me and had a hard time figuring out what exactly my costume was and how it worked. Let's just say it was pretty trippy for this particular gathering LOL...
The music was so awesome! Psy & progressive breaks. Such a good night. I danced danced danced - dance therapy was exactly what I needed.
At the end of the night, Me, Tracy and Brenna went back to Tracy's at 4am. We had a drink, watched some Southpark and were in bed by 5, I was asleep by 6 and we got up at 11.
Oct 31: I picked up Quinn at noon and we headed to Copperfield Community Centre for a children's Halloween party. It was a beautiful day so we hung out outside and he played in the park for a few hours. After dinner Lair handed out candy. First kid came at 6:15 and we had a stream of 40 kids come through in 1 hour. Quinn and I headed out and went around the block. We both wore our costumes. He had a blast.
As an adult, I have always thought Halloween was a rather bazaar tradition - the whole getting candy from strangers by technically bribing them (trick or treat)... so odd.
Well - there's my October update. It sure ended with a bang! Man I had fun friday night!

1 comment:
busy month indeed, I guess I should foloow and post an update in mine soon :)
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