We headed up to Edmonton on July 15, then went to Bent River Ranch near Drayton Valley to attend an Electronic Music Festival, MOTION NOTION with Chosen family, and the best part was, we had QUINN with us!
Ursula was volunteering so we were able to get in super early with her. We had a great camping spot which easily accommodated the 10 tents, 1 tent-trailer, 1 out-fitters tent and 2 sun shelters.
Through out the day our friends arrived. So nice to be with everyone. The kids (Quinn, Max, Jasmine) were excited to see their aunties & uncles. Lair & I were super excited as Alex Gray (Munki) made his way from Lloyd to attend with us! It was awesome getting to share this experience with him.
After a good dinner, we kept the kids up later so they could see the party at dusk. They all had ear protection, glow sticks/ropes and light sabres. Quinn liked all the lights but I think he was a little over whelmed by the tons of people. He asked to go to bed, so I took him back and tucked him in. Lair ventured out to the party while I sat back at camp with Karen & David and others who came and went through out the night.

Friday we spent the day by/in the river beside the beach stage. The river was chilly, but bearable, though the farther out you went the stronger the current. There was a Hooping 101 class on the beach too! Lots of fun and I learned a few basic tricks.
Friday night was mine & Ursula's night to go shake a leg. Again, we brought the kids down at dusk and again Quinn wanted to go to bed, since it was Lair's night in, he decided to turn in early with little man and get a good nights sleep.

There was an advanced hooping class, but I decided not to attend as I haven't mastered the basics yet. So instead ended up spending most of the afternoon in the middle of the river with Kevin and people who came and went.
Lair, Quinn and I went to main stage in the mid afternoon for a downtempo set. It was lovely! Quinn played in the sand that was the dancefloor while Lair visited with friends and I danced. It will forever be a memory of mine dancing around him, oblivious to the beauty around him!

It was Lair's night out, I went to bed around midnight.

Sunday we all slowly started to pack. I went to the beach with Rita and the kids for awhile, then we all slowly made our departure. I was a bit emotional as I was thinking of fond memories of Sean.... How I miss him. =(
We brought Munki back to Ursula's where his friends picked him up to take him home. What a lovely surprise, Justyn came down! It was nice to get a good hug and actually sit in the same room with him (v.s. chatting on facebook). Unfortunately, we were a tired bunch in need of food and sleep.
After a great meal of Vietnamese and a movie, we all, including the kids, crashed hard!
Loved MoNo with the kids!!! We had so much fun, they already are asking about next year!!!
Glad to hear you all had a great time!
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