Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lair is being schooled....

Lawrence does not have his English 30 and it is a pre-requisite for the courses he wants to take at M.R.U. As an 'mature' student (adult), he is able to Challenge the exam - write the final without taking the full course.

To prepare, this past weekend he enrolled in an 'English 30 Power Course'.

Fri 5-9, Sat 10-4, Sun 10-4

This course is designed to help students properly prepare for the English 30 departmental exam. The class was filled with 17 and 18 year olds. Most who stared off into space, slept, or were texting... Lair was the only 'adult' and apparently, the only one who cared about what the instructor had to say.

Mon & Tue is his weekend, so he prepared and studied, today he took the day off work to continue his studies and tomorrow (Jan 14) he'll endure the writing portion, and next Tuesday (Jan 19) he writes the exam.

His confidence level is high. I have faith in him that he will successfully pass this exam (with flying colors even!). When he does pass, this will be one less road block towards MRU.

This 10 day period of English is minute in time and energy compared to his main focus of MATH. Starting in September he bought the Math 10 text book, and with the help of our good friend Dwayne who is tutoring him, he is teaching himself Math 10.

He has registered in night school in February (Tue/Thurs) to take Math 20. Hopefully all his hours of nightly homework and dedication to learning the dreaded math will allow him to easily slide into that level.

If Math 20 comes easy, we have some Big decisions to make. He has the opportunity to take Math30 over the summer; this solidify his pre-requisites and he could enroll at MRU for September classes. The Math 30 class offered is Full time days in July & Aug... He would have to quit his full time job and possibly get a part time job evening/weekends.

In a perfect world, come September, he will attend class 5 days a week full time days and not work. We'll see if we can float the household expenses on my income. Not sure how much student loans he can get. I honestly believe we will be able to live as 'students' on an extremely reduced income ~ we've done it for years by being in extreme debt!! Now we are currently almost debt free, only bearing a itty bit from the new vehicle. So if we can survive and only incur student loan debt, we just might make it.


Ursula said...

Good luck you guys :) I know you are both capable of getting it done :)

You do have avenues to pursue should things become financially tough :)

Hugs to you both :)

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Trace. Pure Math 30 full time July & August - where please?