Saturday afternoon, we bundled up, picked up Brenna, Chris and his 12 year old sister and went to the zoo! We were there for a few hours and had a great time. The bay Giraffe is so cute! Her name is Sophie. We watched the video of her birth. Holy Crap what a sucky way to come into this world! Not only did she have a 6 foot drop on her head, but kept doing a header right into the ground while trying to stand up. However, persistence prevails and she was up and feeding within minutes! And now she's gallivanting all about!
Another interesting this was the gigantic python in the same building as the giraffes; normally this fellow is curled up and not moving, but this time he was all over! He slithered for a drink of water then just kinda moseyed around. Both Quinn and I were intrigued. I told Quinn this snake could eat him; He didn't believe me. Then I told him this snake could possibly eat me! Should have seen the look in his eyes! lol
Afterwards, we headed over to the Calgary Tower. I have free passes for the tower (good for up to 8 people). I sign them out to employees at work, so signed them out for me. I haven't been to the Tower since I was a teenager. I am glad I had free passes because that is not a $14/adult, $6/kids view. However, being free, was pretty cool. =)
On sunday, Quinn did the sleep mask thing again. Then he went and quietly played. Every now and then he would come in to see me or snuggle, or I would call to see what he was up to; it was 10:40am when he finally came in and asked for breakfast! That's the latest I've ever gotten to sleep without Lair being home! It felt so good to not spring out of bed at 8am!
We headed over for lunch and a visit with Katie and Kevin. They ordered pizza! MMMMmmm Delicious! We had a great visit. They have 4 fire bellied frogs. It was cool to see them and Kevin fed them live crickets. Pretty cool!
They got a new sectional and it fits perfect in that space! As if it were made for it! And so comfortable! Their couch is exactly what we desire in Both our living and rumpus rooms! ... One day, no time soon, that what we hope to see :)
Last night we started watching Transformers II. I downloaded it. About 15 minutes into it, it switched to Spanish! LOL Ya... so, we got it on Shaw-on-demand... Crap, what a waste of money! We felt it was horribly done. Very juvenile, many unnecessary scenes and some of the characters... The JarJar Binks of the Autobots, so sad.
I will leave you with this. BEST Giraffe pic ever:
This is Dee, In Thailand I believe, on a bus. And yes, this is a real giraffe!
heheh... that is a wicked picture!
Good times with family are what makes for great memories later in life, yay to you for making it happen :)
hugs n love
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