Originally I was hoping to do Motion Notion (Quinn-less) followed by a week of camping (with Quinn and hopefully friends)...
Guess that's out the window! :( I can not commit to MoNo. If I do make it up it won't be for the whole event :(
As for Camping, if it happens, it will be close to home and on the weekend. (Is it really worth the hassle for 30ish hours?).
2010 is the year of Financial freedom; well at least from Consumer debt, the truck and school is an acceptable debt.
So, if this is the year of financial Independence; trying to use only cash, no credit, no overdraft. The last year before we are starving students....
So, I do believe we will go on one last major trip. I've ran the idea past Lair and he agrees. We have 9,000 airmiles, so hopefully this will alleviate some of the cost. I am thinking of going in October over Thanksgiving. Waiting this long will give me 11+ vacation days plus a stat holiday.
Kerri (Lair's sister) is getting married october 16, so I want to see if we can tie this in with the vacation time (i.e. go to Disney, come home for a day, then head to the wedding).
It all looks good on paper. But cost will be a factor to how long we are actually gone. In a perfect world, we will have 2 travel days and 10 days to relax and have fun. This trip will be all about Quinn. It won' be 10 solid days of craziness, hopefully every other day around the pool. If this is too expensive, we may have to do a short trip with go-go-go every day... guess beggars can't be choosers.
Lair is NOT a 'rides' guy (where as I LOVE em)... I will ask him to wear motion bands and eat graval and go on most 'little' rides. As long as they are not spinney or crazy roller coasters I think he can handle them. An experience he won't regret (this I promise him!). I do hope I can steal away for some fantastic big rides, but not a big deal if I can't.
We do not need to go to all the parks and attractions, just the ones most appealing for Quinn.
I am super excited for this trip. Even if it means giving up MoNo and camping. I can always escape to Edmonton for a weekend!!
I am not going to re-read or edit this so I hope it makes sense!
Sounds like a great plan, Ivy LOVED Disneyland. It was a 3-4d ay leisurly go plus there was MGM studios and the California adventure. I would recommend California just because it is a little more afforadble. you could also throw in the San Diego Zoo as well as Sea world if you do a longer trip. so excited for you!
I remember when I went to disney land etc when I was a kid I really enjoyed Seaworld, the giant tube water ride at California Adventure, and MGM Studios with all the movie theme stuff. I don't remember much about disneyland itself! lol But I do know it has change tons since I was there. Whatever you guys end up doing it will be a blast everyday to see Quinn's face!
They have these things calked fast passes, basically you can swipe your admission ticket at one ride and it will give you a time to come back and you basically get bumped to the front of the line. It would probably work well to allow you to check out one or two of the big rides pretty quickly, cuz otherwise the lines are really long.
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