Farewell my dear friend... Friday was a long day. I do not believe I have Ever cries so many tears in one day as I did this past friday....
We dropped Quinn off at my moms in the morning and headed to the Airdrie cemetery where Dave's ashes were to be put away. It was a beautiful day. Family and a few close friends only.
Darcy did an amazing job. Caleb (3.5 yrs old) was on his best behavior (all day I might ad).
The ceremony was moving... after wards we headed to their church for the service. We were absolutely honored to be considered family - given the privilege of being with and sitting with the family.
Kevin was there as he worked with Dave and knows a few of his friends. It was so nice to see his face and get his hugs; especially for Lawrence. I was good to see My pillar of strength hold onto his as he hugged Kevin...
The service was very well done. Planned by Dave I might ad... I bawled through the whole thing... a few times I wondered if I would be able to get myself back in control. Immense waves of emotions through out... After the service was a Tea at the church.
We picked up Quinn then stopped at Kevin & Katie's before the wake. As per Dave's request, Darcy held a Wake/Shindig at their place the night of the funeral. It was actually a lot of fun. It was tough at first, but I held my composure, as did Darcy. Many drinks were had. Food was eaten. Stories told. Man, we told/heard many many good Dave stories! We ended up staying over. The night finally ended around 2 am...
We went for breakfast with close friends of Dave. Solem, but nice.
This has been a weird death to process, as it has been the first one where we had warning - not that it made it any easier. When we got word, we were honestly relieved for him as we know how much pain and suffering he endured. He has left a legacy with a gorgeous wife and 2 beautiful boys. We are thankful to be a big part of theirs lives...
Darcy was proud to announce that his corneas were donated and transplanted a few days ago.
We didn't know how o tell Quinn so have been mulling it over/procrastinating. A few times yesterday en route to breakfast he asked where Uncle Dave was and I sluffed it off not ready to answer. So last night after dinner, we went and sat down at the computer and watched our 'Lymburner' photo file. We then sat down and told Quinn. We tried our best to leave is as simple as possible. In time if he asks about death we will expand on the explanations. So for now, in brief, we both started crying pretty hard. He was worried why we were so upset. We told him that we were sad because Uncle Dave passed away; that he had the bad Cancer and has died.... We were sad because we would never ever ever get to see him again. He asked where he was and we said he was gone, but now he is in our hearts. We explained that Caleb & Noah do not have a daddy now. And that Auntie does not have her husband. Because he has passed away and is now in our hearts. Quinn actually seemed to understand (?) what we were saying. He told us that we need to give hugs and kisses to Auntie & the boys, that we need to play with them so they are not sad.... So I think that went well.
A few hours later, when I tucked him into bed, he came downstairs about a 1/2 hr later crying. He said he was so sad that me & Lair were so sad. It took a big family cuddle and some gentle words before he was ready to go to sleep.
I woke up quite depressed today but tried to hide it as best as I could. My heart aches for Darcy & the boys. I pray for them for much strength to start their new lives without Dave...
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I love you guys!!!
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