Thursday, May 14, 2009


Went to see Dave today. I arrived to not one, but Two signs saying No visitors and family only.

I talked to a nurse about it and she said he has very specific instructions for Darcy Only.... I honor and respect that, however it does make me sad.

Talking to a close friend of his yesterday, he said he's had moments (very few and far between) of alertness. In this alertness is coming reality hitting him like an acme mallet. Friends from all over BC, AB & Sask are converging on his little room. I believe, when he's not sleeping or sedated that he is having a hard time emotionally, which is to be expected!

I can't even fathom myself in his situation; I just wish I could go hold him.

Darcy, whose father is still on the brink of passing (was expected to pass a few weeks ago) is still hanging on. Only time will tell for Dave; and she just got word that a friend/co-worker was killed in a car accident. Their funeral is friday. She plans to attend. In my humble opinion, I do not think it's a good idea for her to go...

My strength is beaming out to her at quadruple warp speed. I hope she absorbs it and it helps her get through one more day.

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