Mom offered to take Quinn for a sleepover over the holidays. So we choose last night. I dropped him off at dinner time then met Lair at Chinook where we saw Tron in 3D IMAX. We quite enjoyed it visually. The storey was ok - overall I was impressed.
We met our friend Shawn & g/f Bri at the theatre and went for a beer after. It was a nice evening out.
Lawrence had to work today so I am on my own! I stayed up till 1 last night and laid in bed until 10:30.... why? Because I could! And here I sit at 2pm having accomplished nothing - and it feels great! I might take the tree down today.
We'll go to moms for dinner and pick up little man.
I wish this sleepover was happening Tomorrow night! New Years Eve would have been a million times better for us to be Quinnless, but beggars can't be choosers.
We're having a small house party for NYE. Weather pending will head down to Olympic Plaza with friends for a family night, then back here with Lisa, Dean & Ivy. Put the kids down and have a party. We have an open door for the night and expect a few people to stop in.
I will 'try' my best to get some sleep as I will get up with the kids. I hope they are up for watching movies all morning! It will be a no-impact day LOL
Thursday, December 30, 2010
This & That
We're still 'Potty Learning' Quinn at night time. He's been doing really well, averaging 25 out of 30 dry nights. So we are now trying the extra absorbent underwear instead of a pull up. Boxing Day was the first night and so far so good!!!
Once he has it under control - he will get a new bed, and with a new bed he will get a new ROOM. We'll most likely move to the downstairs bedroom and he will take the master room upstairs. He's pretty excited at this idea.
This is the bed I'm leaning towards, but we haven't really shopped around yet.
So the immediate plan, starting next week, is to get serious about the idea of moving rooms around. We need to decide if we go downstairs or if Quinn does. Then we need to paint the rooms and do the move. The spare room/office will be in Quinn little room. We will no longer have room for the desk so will be getting rid of it. All the spare room will have is the futon, file cabinet and printer.
So I predict we'll be in a livable chaos for a few months, but it will be worth it!
Once he has it under control - he will get a new bed, and with a new bed he will get a new ROOM. We'll most likely move to the downstairs bedroom and he will take the master room upstairs. He's pretty excited at this idea.
This is the bed I'm leaning towards, but we haven't really shopped around yet.
So the immediate plan, starting next week, is to get serious about the idea of moving rooms around. We need to decide if we go downstairs or if Quinn does. Then we need to paint the rooms and do the move. The spare room/office will be in Quinn little room. We will no longer have room for the desk so will be getting rid of it. All the spare room will have is the futon, file cabinet and printer.
So I predict we'll be in a livable chaos for a few months, but it will be worth it!
Christmas 2010
Wow, Christmas 2010 will go down in the books as Magical.
The days leading up to Christmas was extremely busy going to Christmas Parties, shopping, preparation and work.
On Dec 23, Quinn wrote a letter to Santa.
He and Lair took it across the street and mailed it. About 3 minutes later, an e-mail came for Quinn from Santa!! ( ) He was blown away how quick Santa got his letter and replied. This is the second year Santa sent a video message. I don't think he remembered it from last year.
That evening we had a small gathering. We were in a Secret Santa pool (no more than $20, and must be home made). It was fun. We only had a week and the gifts were all so awesome! Alex & Heather are in town for the holidays, and we had Scott, Dee & Ben on the iChat. Unfortunately for them, I don't think they could see much or hear much and we had a hard time hearing them :( BUT, it was good to see their faces and smiles.
Lair took Dec 24 off to be with Quinn and I worked until noon. I could insert a long work rant here but don't want to waste my energy! We hung out for the afternoon and had dinner watched a Christmas special, and just before bed, we went out to the backyard for Quinn to sprinkle Reindeer Food (with Sparkles) on the lawn so the Reindeer's would see our house. While doing so an airplane was flying off in the distance with a red light..... Quinn pointed and said with the most innocents 'SANTA' and he was vibrating from the inside out with excitement! It was a Precious moment.
Dec 25 - Little Man was up and roaring around like a mad man at 8:15. So very excited, family cuddles, stockings, excitement, magic, wonder and awe; About 98% of the gifts under the tree were for him, what a great morning!
Lawrence made Egg Benedict for breakfast. Steve & Karen came for an afternoon visit, as did Heather and Alex. Lisa, Dean & Ivy joined us for Christmas dinner. It turned out very good! The turkey was good, and my attempt at Mom's stuffing turned out great! And Candied Yams is my new favorite holiday dish!
After dinner we watched Prep and landing, enjoyed dessert ala Lisa then bid farewell. By 9pm I was passed out on the coach (Turkey plus wine = zonk!!) lol. I put myself to bed at 10.
On Boxing Day, Heather and Alex stole Quinn for the day and took him to see 'Seussical The Musical' at the Alberta Theatre Projects. Quinn didn't know exactly what they were off to do, but he was super excited just to have them take him somewhere without us! So, kidless, Lair & I hung out, did a little shopping, and went for a beer together. It was a nice afternoon! The show sounds like it was awesome for all ages, and Quinn had a super time. They even got a backstage tour after and got to meet the Cat in the Hat! We were so touched that Alex & Heather took him; as was Quinn.
Dec 27 - we went sledding by Alex's dads place in Maple ridge. Went with Alex and Heather, and Brent joined us later in the afternoon. It's a wicked fun hill, except sledding was a lot easier 30 years ago! Man, I hurt 4 toes on 1 foot, my knee and my shoulder.... I've concluded that I do not particularly like sledding. I need to find me a different toboggan for myself that has a little more control.
I look forward to going to this particular hill(s) there are 4 as it is a dry pond/bowl. I can't wait to take Lisa & Ivy, and maybe before winter is over Ursula and the kids!!
Dec 28 - we had super awesome family cuddles, went and say Megga Mind. LOVED it! I think I will buy the DVD! Then that evening we went to the zoo lights. I think this will be the last year for awhile we do it. Pretty expensive for a lack luster presentation that has not changed in 5+ years. At least Quinn had fun!
The days leading up to Christmas was extremely busy going to Christmas Parties, shopping, preparation and work.
On Dec 23, Quinn wrote a letter to Santa.
He and Lair took it across the street and mailed it. About 3 minutes later, an e-mail came for Quinn from Santa!! ( ) He was blown away how quick Santa got his letter and replied. This is the second year Santa sent a video message. I don't think he remembered it from last year.
That evening we had a small gathering. We were in a Secret Santa pool (no more than $20, and must be home made). It was fun. We only had a week and the gifts were all so awesome! Alex & Heather are in town for the holidays, and we had Scott, Dee & Ben on the iChat. Unfortunately for them, I don't think they could see much or hear much and we had a hard time hearing them :( BUT, it was good to see their faces and smiles.
Lair took Dec 24 off to be with Quinn and I worked until noon. I could insert a long work rant here but don't want to waste my energy! We hung out for the afternoon and had dinner watched a Christmas special, and just before bed, we went out to the backyard for Quinn to sprinkle Reindeer Food (with Sparkles) on the lawn so the Reindeer's would see our house. While doing so an airplane was flying off in the distance with a red light..... Quinn pointed and said with the most innocents 'SANTA' and he was vibrating from the inside out with excitement! It was a Precious moment.
Dec 25 - Little Man was up and roaring around like a mad man at 8:15. So very excited, family cuddles, stockings, excitement, magic, wonder and awe; About 98% of the gifts under the tree were for him, what a great morning!
Lawrence made Egg Benedict for breakfast. Steve & Karen came for an afternoon visit, as did Heather and Alex. Lisa, Dean & Ivy joined us for Christmas dinner. It turned out very good! The turkey was good, and my attempt at Mom's stuffing turned out great! And Candied Yams is my new favorite holiday dish!
After dinner we watched Prep and landing, enjoyed dessert ala Lisa then bid farewell. By 9pm I was passed out on the coach (Turkey plus wine = zonk!!) lol. I put myself to bed at 10.
On Boxing Day, Heather and Alex stole Quinn for the day and took him to see 'Seussical The Musical' at the Alberta Theatre Projects. Quinn didn't know exactly what they were off to do, but he was super excited just to have them take him somewhere without us! So, kidless, Lair & I hung out, did a little shopping, and went for a beer together. It was a nice afternoon! The show sounds like it was awesome for all ages, and Quinn had a super time. They even got a backstage tour after and got to meet the Cat in the Hat! We were so touched that Alex & Heather took him; as was Quinn.
Dec 27 - we went sledding by Alex's dads place in Maple ridge. Went with Alex and Heather, and Brent joined us later in the afternoon. It's a wicked fun hill, except sledding was a lot easier 30 years ago! Man, I hurt 4 toes on 1 foot, my knee and my shoulder.... I've concluded that I do not particularly like sledding. I need to find me a different toboggan for myself that has a little more control.
I look forward to going to this particular hill(s) there are 4 as it is a dry pond/bowl. I can't wait to take Lisa & Ivy, and maybe before winter is over Ursula and the kids!!
Dec 28 - we had super awesome family cuddles, went and say Megga Mind. LOVED it! I think I will buy the DVD! Then that evening we went to the zoo lights. I think this will be the last year for awhile we do it. Pretty expensive for a lack luster presentation that has not changed in 5+ years. At least Quinn had fun!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Another Reason I love my Chosen Family.
Have I told you guys lately how much you mean to me?
My Chosen Family, scattered through Alberta & BC, always touch my heart, always care.
One thing I truly appreciate is how much everyone loves Quinn.
I love that he is on the forefront of your mind when you think of our family.
I love that you want to spend quality time with him in one-on-one settings.
I love that you guys ask about him and show genuine care and concern for what's going on in his little life.
On his behalf, I say Thank you to all his Aunties & Uncles for loving him so. We look forward to sharing some Christmas Moments with most of you. Creating memories. Memories which will be his forever.
My Chosen Family, scattered through Alberta & BC, always touch my heart, always care.
One thing I truly appreciate is how much everyone loves Quinn.
I love that he is on the forefront of your mind when you think of our family.
I love that you want to spend quality time with him in one-on-one settings.
I love that you guys ask about him and show genuine care and concern for what's going on in his little life.
On his behalf, I say Thank you to all his Aunties & Uncles for loving him so. We look forward to sharing some Christmas Moments with most of you. Creating memories. Memories which will be his forever.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Great weekend.
Things around here are finally starting to feel normal again. We have little stress in our lives which we are truly thankful for. It's been such a rough summer. We had a huge to-do list from the spring and we didn't accomplish any of it so we feel like we are 6 months behind, and here it is winter now.
Oh well, now we just press forward and do what we can do.
My good friend Kevin's birthday is monday, so for his celebration he wanted to go to the SAIT lounge to see Delhi 2 Dublin. A crazy fusion band from Vancouver. An Irish Fiddler, Hindi Singer, DJ, Indian drummer and Korean guy on the Sitar. Fusing Hindi rock with Irish/Celtic bonded by electronica. WTF? SO AWESOME! We had a lot of fun!
The next morning something crazy happened. The night before I was the designated driver so I only had two pints of beer at the beginning of the night. I was fine when we left and got home at 1:30am. Saturday morning, Lair got up with Quinn. They kept trying to wake me up but I just couldn't wake up. Like seriously, I just couldn't open my eyes. I laid in bed till 1pm. I have no idea what that was all about. It sure wasn't a hang over. Maybe my body just shut down cuz it needed some good solid rest?
Last night was my company Christmas Party. It was at the Deerfoot Casino. The food was amazing. We had a good table, both won door prizes and had a good time. We bailed around 11pm to go home and change so we could catch the end of a party our friends were throwing. Glad we did as we had fun!
While we were at the parties, Ivy had her 6th birthday party, so Lisa/Ursula took Quinn to the party (to see the movie Tangled), then to have a sleepover. It was a nice night out for us and for Quinn.
This morning we dragged our buts out of bed to go for breakfast at Lisa's and have a visit with good friends. It was a super weekend!
Oh well, now we just press forward and do what we can do.
My good friend Kevin's birthday is monday, so for his celebration he wanted to go to the SAIT lounge to see Delhi 2 Dublin. A crazy fusion band from Vancouver. An Irish Fiddler, Hindi Singer, DJ, Indian drummer and Korean guy on the Sitar. Fusing Hindi rock with Irish/Celtic bonded by electronica. WTF? SO AWESOME! We had a lot of fun!
The next morning something crazy happened. The night before I was the designated driver so I only had two pints of beer at the beginning of the night. I was fine when we left and got home at 1:30am. Saturday morning, Lair got up with Quinn. They kept trying to wake me up but I just couldn't wake up. Like seriously, I just couldn't open my eyes. I laid in bed till 1pm. I have no idea what that was all about. It sure wasn't a hang over. Maybe my body just shut down cuz it needed some good solid rest?
Last night was my company Christmas Party. It was at the Deerfoot Casino. The food was amazing. We had a good table, both won door prizes and had a good time. We bailed around 11pm to go home and change so we could catch the end of a party our friends were throwing. Glad we did as we had fun!
While we were at the parties, Ivy had her 6th birthday party, so Lisa/Ursula took Quinn to the party (to see the movie Tangled), then to have a sleepover. It was a nice night out for us and for Quinn.
This morning we dragged our buts out of bed to go for breakfast at Lisa's and have a visit with good friends. It was a super weekend!
"Does this River go to Heaven?"
Danny passed away on Wed. Oct 20 with Goldie by his side. The news was expected, and such a feeling of calm came over me, so relieved that his suffering had finally ended... Lawrence headed to Medicine Hat after dinner to be with his mom & sister.
Quinn took it pretty hard... He and I had a quiet night of cuddles.
I took Thursday off work. I took Quinn to his school bus. He had his first school field trip and begged to go. Lair came home Thursday night.
Because I knew I needed days off for the funeral, I went to work on Friday... I should have stayed home. I was miserable, crying all day and stressed out trying to arrange coverage for the days off I needed.
We had a Chill weekend. Just stayed in and enjoyed our little family.
Mon-Thurs, is was hard at work mostly caused by the stress covering my leave. My boss wasn't managing the situation very well which caused me great anxiety and I was irrationally emotional.
I left work at noon Thursday and we headed to Edmonton... On the way, we stopped in Airdrie to see Dave Lymburner at the cemetery.... His ashes were put in a column thing - and we were quite surprised that it had no memorial plaque!?? I don't know what we wanted stopping there, but we left feeling like we never have to go there again, as he is not there, but with us always in our hearts...
Friday morning we headed up to Valleyview, 4.5 hours north of edmonton. This is where Lawrence grew up. Man is it ever a tint town! Was neat to see his old stomping grounds and hear his childhood stories. We met up with all his family at a new hotel. I took Quinn to bed at 8pm and Lair visited with family.
Saturday, a beautiful day, we all drove about an hour north to a spot along a river where Danny wanted his ashes scattered. It was a most beautiful spot. We played some music. All had red carnations and Kerri poured his ashes into the River.... It was tranquil....
That's when Quinn looked up at me and said "Mommy, is this River going to take Grampa to Heaven?" ... I couldn't answer him. We then threw the flowers into the river and Danny's favorite hat. Quinn asked me again "Mommy, does this river go to Heaven?".... and again, I just couldn't answer him... I just hugged him.
We all then had a glass of Red Wine in Danny's honour and all took a moment to say a few words.
It was truly the most beautiful and moving Memorial/Funeral I've ever been to.
That evening, some close friends of the family opened there home for a Celebration. Food, Friends, Family and drinks. It was a lot of fun!
Lawrence read the Eulogy. He worked long and hard on it. When he stood up to speak Quinn stood up with him and held onto his leg. It was a beautiful moment.
EVERYONE got pretty drunk! Especially me an Lair. But it was a good drunk. We had fun and got to talk with family and have a good old time.
That is of course, until Sunday morning. Oh my gosh we were both So hungover!! But we had to get our buts in gear as it was Halloween and we had a 4.5 hr drive to get to Edmonton in time to go trick or treating with Ursula. She bought Quinn an awesome costume - a Clone Trooper (new age star wars thing?).
The kids had a blast. The love and support from Albert & Ursula was exactly what we needed after our exhausting weekend.
Monday afternoon we packed up and headed back to Calgary.
Upon arrival, it was late so we put Quinn straight to bed. I was mortified to discover Quinn's fish & snail (Johnny & zippy) had passed away while we were gone.... :( What? How is it they totally survived for 10 days when we were on holidays, then the croak when we're away for 3.5 days? I was pretty upset (I was very attached to them)....
Lair flushed them and I tossed the tank. I didn't know how to tell Quinn.... So we didn't.... And he hasn't even noticed they are gone!? Crazy.
Epic family vacation 2010
We finally made it to Disneyland! I will try to keep this somewhat short....
Oct 7 - was a travel day. Quinn figured out pretty quick it wasn't a normal day when we told him he wasn't going to school. Then he saw the suit cases in the back of the truck. He guessed Edmonton, Mexico and Vancouver. We decided to tell him while we were in line to check our luggage. Lawrence said 'Where does Mickey Mouse Live' Quinn answered DISNEYLAND! And he jumped up and down and hugged us and thanked us. Calgary to Vancouver, Vancouver to LAX was an uneventful trip. We then took the 'Disneyland express' from LAX to our hotel - the Howard Johnson.

Oct 9 - Disney & California Adventure Land.
Highlights Disney = haunted house, space mountain
Highlights California Adventure Land: Muppets 4D, Monster Inc., a Bug's Land, Pixar parade,
ElecTRONica (Electronic Dance party!! What?!) (Movie to be posted on Facebook)
(Mom - you can click in the pics to see a bigger one)
Oct 12 - we did both Disney; California Adventure Land. Ate in Downtown Disney.
Oct 13 - we did both Disney; California Adventure Land. Ate at Bubba Gumps again!!
Every night we were home and in the hot tub by 8pm. Quinn would either join us or play in the splash park beside the hot tub. We could see the Fireworks well from the hot tub! I think almost every night we were in bed by 10.
Oct 14 - all good things must come to an end. We took the Disneyland Express to LAX - had a good flight to YVR, but had rough ride to YYC, we had to circle a few times, Lair was green, and Quinn was starting to feel green. Once the plane stopped - Quinn grabbed a barf bag and filled it half way :( Poor little guy. We waited till everyone was off the place then got off ourselves. On the way out I passed the Pilot the barf bag and said "... every ride in Disney and the plane does him in... ".
It was so nice to be home and sleep in our own bed!

Oct 15 - We unpacked, did laundry, repacked, then headed off to Medicine Hat for Kerri & Jay's wedding. We got settled in out hotel then went to the rehearsal dinner at Jay's folks place.
Oct 16 - The wedding was awesome, beautiful, emotional and fun. There was an underlying sadness not having Danny there; he was 2 blocks away in the hospital :( .... We went for eats and beers in the afternoon and the reception was great. Lawrence did a very nice Welcome to the family speech on behalf of his father.
Oct 17- All the family members converged on the hospital to visit Danny. Quinn had a cough so couldn't go up and I had a crazy festering/oozing rash on my wrist so opted to not go past the lobby in the hospital. Then we headed home... It was hard on everyone as we knew this was indeed our final goodbyes to Danny.
Oct 18 - work... Ug.
Oct 7 - was a travel day. Quinn figured out pretty quick it wasn't a normal day when we told him he wasn't going to school. Then he saw the suit cases in the back of the truck. He guessed Edmonton, Mexico and Vancouver. We decided to tell him while we were in line to check our luggage. Lawrence said 'Where does Mickey Mouse Live' Quinn answered DISNEYLAND! And he jumped up and down and hugged us and thanked us. Calgary to Vancouver, Vancouver to LAX was an uneventful trip. We then took the 'Disneyland express' from LAX to our hotel - the Howard Johnson.
We arrived and got settled, grabbed some dinner and were in bed by 10 :)
Oct 8 - Disney! First 3 rides we did were Peter pan, snow white and Pinocchio, and all 3 scared him lots! Admittedly, I agree, the stories do have some dark under tones and in the dark with loud noises I can see how he was afraid.... Unfortunately he then became afraid of every ride! So we had a motto - Try everything once, and if you don't like it you don't have to do it again... Highlights: Toon Town, pirates of Caribbean, Nemo submarine, home of the future, buzz lightyear, and our favorite, Indiana Jones!
Highlights Disney = haunted house, space mountain
Highlights California Adventure Land: Muppets 4D, Monster Inc., a Bug's Land, Pixar parade,
ElecTRONica (Electronic Dance party!! What?!) (Movie to be posted on Facebook)
(Mom - you can click in the pics to see a bigger one)
Oct 10 - We took a 1 hour coach ride to LEGOLAND. We left our hotel at 8:30am and returned at 6. It was an ok day. A cute and interesting park, geared toward little guys (ages 4-8?). Quinn had a blast, but we were a little disappointed with the $$$ we paid for the day trip. On our way home the bus passed Bubba Gumps! Oh my Gosh I was so excited! We went back there for dinner and had a blast! The restaurant is all about Forrest Gump filled with pictures and items and quirks from the movie - just awesome! We had a few drinks and got giggly and pigged out on shrimp shrimp and more shrimp.
Oct 11 - we did both Disney; California Adventure Land. Did the Indiana Jones ride again, ate at the Rainforest cafe, saw The World of Color (good show but couldn't see much from where we were :( ).
Oct 12 - we did both Disney; California Adventure Land. Ate in Downtown Disney.
Oct 13 - we did both Disney; California Adventure Land. Ate at Bubba Gumps again!!
Every night we were home and in the hot tub by 8pm. Quinn would either join us or play in the splash park beside the hot tub. We could see the Fireworks well from the hot tub! I think almost every night we were in bed by 10.
Oct 14 - all good things must come to an end. We took the Disneyland Express to LAX - had a good flight to YVR, but had rough ride to YYC, we had to circle a few times, Lair was green, and Quinn was starting to feel green. Once the plane stopped - Quinn grabbed a barf bag and filled it half way :( Poor little guy. We waited till everyone was off the place then got off ourselves. On the way out I passed the Pilot the barf bag and said "... every ride in Disney and the plane does him in... ".
It was so nice to be home and sleep in our own bed!
Oct 15 - We unpacked, did laundry, repacked, then headed off to Medicine Hat for Kerri & Jay's wedding. We got settled in out hotel then went to the rehearsal dinner at Jay's folks place.
Oct 16 - The wedding was awesome, beautiful, emotional and fun. There was an underlying sadness not having Danny there; he was 2 blocks away in the hospital :( .... We went for eats and beers in the afternoon and the reception was great. Lawrence did a very nice Welcome to the family speech on behalf of his father.
Oct 17- All the family members converged on the hospital to visit Danny. Quinn had a cough so couldn't go up and I had a crazy festering/oozing rash on my wrist so opted to not go past the lobby in the hospital. Then we headed home... It was hard on everyone as we knew this was indeed our final goodbyes to Danny.
Oct 18 - work... Ug.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Surprise vacation for Quinn
T-Minus 4 sleeps....
Thursday morning we take off to California for 8 days!
Quinn does not even know we are going on vacation, let alone to DISNEYLAND and LEGOLAND!
Lawrence & I both desperately need a real vacation! Haven`t had a true holiday since Mexico in 2007.
I have been planning this trip since FEBRUARY, so to be in the final stretch is awesome.
We come back on the 14th, then head to Medicine hat for Kerri`s wedding.
As for Danny, all we can do is pray that he makes it to the wedding....
It`s hard keeping this trip a secret! Each of us has let it slip once, but managed to sparkle sparkle away from the slip.
Thursday morning we take off to California for 8 days!
Quinn does not even know we are going on vacation, let alone to DISNEYLAND and LEGOLAND!
Lawrence & I both desperately need a real vacation! Haven`t had a true holiday since Mexico in 2007.
I have been planning this trip since FEBRUARY, so to be in the final stretch is awesome.
We come back on the 14th, then head to Medicine hat for Kerri`s wedding.
As for Danny, all we can do is pray that he makes it to the wedding....
It`s hard keeping this trip a secret! Each of us has let it slip once, but managed to sparkle sparkle away from the slip.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Weepy, excited, knots in my tummy....
I am weepy today... Hormones + everything? I'm hyper sensitive to everyone which puts me in a dark place. It's hard to pull out of this funk sometimes...
I ate my lunch outside with no jacket in the sunshine. That felt great!
I am excited for this weekend. A SLUMBER PARTY at Tracy's house, possibly with Ursula! A visit from them is anticipated and welcomed as our last visit got cut short when Lair ended up in the ER :(
KNOTS in my tummy.
Depending on the cancellation/postponement policy of Air miles, I am going to book our trip tomorrow....
We are choosing to not go to Medicine Hat this weekend...
We are trying to focus on our little family right now, not an easy thing to do with Danny's health rapidly failing.
It is my belief that, if he is still here, he won't be able to attend the wedding...
Gut wrenching to think he's in his last days. Poor Lawrence.... Poor Quinn...
Meh :'(
I am weepy today... Hormones + everything? I'm hyper sensitive to everyone which puts me in a dark place. It's hard to pull out of this funk sometimes...
I ate my lunch outside with no jacket in the sunshine. That felt great!
I am excited for this weekend. A SLUMBER PARTY at Tracy's house, possibly with Ursula! A visit from them is anticipated and welcomed as our last visit got cut short when Lair ended up in the ER :(
KNOTS in my tummy.
Depending on the cancellation/postponement policy of Air miles, I am going to book our trip tomorrow....
We are choosing to not go to Medicine Hat this weekend...
We are trying to focus on our little family right now, not an easy thing to do with Danny's health rapidly failing.
It is my belief that, if he is still here, he won't be able to attend the wedding...
Gut wrenching to think he's in his last days. Poor Lawrence.... Poor Quinn...
Meh :'(
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
More on Quinn...
Yesterday, the day home said Quinn had a sluggish sad day. As soon as I arrived he jumped in my lap and clung to me like a baby monkey. So we went home and had a great big family snuggle with Lair and a really good chat. Quinn says he wants to stay home, with me, all the time…. Did I mention a few times over the past few weeks he’s given me a handful of change and told me it was so I didn’t have to go to work?
I don't think this is fully related to Aiden. I think Lair & I have been so stressed and pre-occupied since Dad died, the Chaotic summer, Danny, starting Kindergarten.... just everything. I know how overwhelmed both Lawrence & I are, I guess we were hoping Quinn would just float along oblivious....
We told him how much we love him and he’s been such a good patient boy, and how proud we are of him for going to Kindergarten, etc.
This morning he was good. He did ask me if we could stay home but I told him we had to go. He then ran and grabbed a blankie from his room. He called it his huggie-blankie. I asked “When did you name it?” He said “Last night”. I told him he could bring it to Tracys but could not bring it to school. He has never been attached to a blanket, I think I am more attached to it than he, so I was a bit surprised. And I must admit, my heart sank a bit with Sadness…. He must be hurting so much right now. I feel so bad for him.
I can’t wait to wrap my arms around him…
I don't think this is fully related to Aiden. I think Lair & I have been so stressed and pre-occupied since Dad died, the Chaotic summer, Danny, starting Kindergarten.... just everything. I know how overwhelmed both Lawrence & I are, I guess we were hoping Quinn would just float along oblivious....
We told him how much we love him and he’s been such a good patient boy, and how proud we are of him for going to Kindergarten, etc.
This morning he was good. He did ask me if we could stay home but I told him we had to go. He then ran and grabbed a blankie from his room. He called it his huggie-blankie. I asked “When did you name it?” He said “Last night”. I told him he could bring it to Tracys but could not bring it to school. He has never been attached to a blanket, I think I am more attached to it than he, so I was a bit surprised. And I must admit, my heart sank a bit with Sadness…. He must be hurting so much right now. I feel so bad for him.
I can’t wait to wrap my arms around him…
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Quinn's sad morning....
We had a rough morning. I would not let him bring his glow necklace to Tracy’s (I don’t think he should bring anything wrapped around his beck to her place). I told him he could bring one bracelet. He turned the necklace into 3 bracelets and tried to bring them all. I said only one. He threw them all and started to cry.
He cried all the way to Tracy’s; It opened Pandora’s box …. I asked him if something else was wrong and he said yes. I asked if everything at school was ok and he said yes. I asked if everything at Tracy’s was ok and he said no and started crying more. He said Aiden is always mean to him and won’t share. I asked him to tell that to Tracy, so she came over and he told her that. So we talked a little bit about it, then he said ‘I don’t want to leave Copperfield’?? But he wouldn’t elaborate on it. Then Aiden arrived with his dad so we tried to have a little feelings session with Aiden & Quinn, plus me and his dad present.
Once the dad was gone and Quinn collected himself and went downstairs, Tracy said one major thing is, Quinn says Aiden isn’t sharing, but Quinn doesn’t always give Aiden time to play before asking if he can have a turn. As well, Aiden really likes to rough house, where as Quinn does not.
My final words to Tracy was, I think this meltdown has a bit to do with everything going on in our life as well as months of holding in his emotions about Aiden.
=( I can’t handle this right now….
He cried all the way to Tracy’s; It opened Pandora’s box …. I asked him if something else was wrong and he said yes. I asked if everything at school was ok and he said yes. I asked if everything at Tracy’s was ok and he said no and started crying more. He said Aiden is always mean to him and won’t share. I asked him to tell that to Tracy, so she came over and he told her that. So we talked a little bit about it, then he said ‘I don’t want to leave Copperfield’?? But he wouldn’t elaborate on it. Then Aiden arrived with his dad so we tried to have a little feelings session with Aiden & Quinn, plus me and his dad present.
Once the dad was gone and Quinn collected himself and went downstairs, Tracy said one major thing is, Quinn says Aiden isn’t sharing, but Quinn doesn’t always give Aiden time to play before asking if he can have a turn. As well, Aiden really likes to rough house, where as Quinn does not.
My final words to Tracy was, I think this meltdown has a bit to do with everything going on in our life as well as months of holding in his emotions about Aiden.
=( I can’t handle this right now….
Monday, September 20, 2010
Another Trip to Medicine Hat
Since Lawrence worked on saturday, he had today off so made another Trip to Medicine Hat.
By the sounds of it (he's not actually home yet, but phoned), he had an ok visit with both his folks. Talking about stuff that needs to be talked about.
We have no idea how much longer it will be. His mind is mostly there, but his body is just imploading. :( So sad.
He wants to go home; the home care nurses and such are so under staffed, and it would be a great burden on Goldie. So it looks like his final days will be either in the Hospital, or a Hospice.
I was weepy today at work. Just over whelmed with the pre-grieving... When the end does comes, it will be a bit of a relief if that makes sense.
Not sure how Quinn is doing. First Dave, then Grandpa P.... Quinn has an issue saying 'goodbye' even just to house guests and such... I think this stems to his last goodbye to Dave. Poor kid.
This morning he didn't want to get out of bed. Me neither. We've just been so go go go and focused on the craziness... I hope we manage to go to Disney, we could all use a little break in a fantasy world.
By the sounds of it (he's not actually home yet, but phoned), he had an ok visit with both his folks. Talking about stuff that needs to be talked about.
We have no idea how much longer it will be. His mind is mostly there, but his body is just imploading. :( So sad.
He wants to go home; the home care nurses and such are so under staffed, and it would be a great burden on Goldie. So it looks like his final days will be either in the Hospital, or a Hospice.
I was weepy today at work. Just over whelmed with the pre-grieving... When the end does comes, it will be a bit of a relief if that makes sense.
Not sure how Quinn is doing. First Dave, then Grandpa P.... Quinn has an issue saying 'goodbye' even just to house guests and such... I think this stems to his last goodbye to Dave. Poor kid.
This morning he didn't want to get out of bed. Me neither. We've just been so go go go and focused on the craziness... I hope we manage to go to Disney, we could all use a little break in a fantasy world.
Finally have my Mazda back!
Yesterday I had an Epic 12 hour drive round trip to Revelstoke and back in the POURING rain... The clouds were low making many passes poor visibility and I can't believe how much construction there was!
Coffee and pounding PsyTrance was the only thing that got me through! Coming home, just the stint between revelstoke and Golden was aweful. It feels like forever driving that and I was getting sleepy! More coffee!
It was nice to have it back. It's still packed with Camping gear - haven't unloaded yet. Meh - will do later this week, what's a few more days!?
In the end, Warranty covered $3,400 and us $500. Plus $300 for the 'courtesy' car which I am very thankful for.
One more thing off my list...
Coffee and pounding PsyTrance was the only thing that got me through! Coming home, just the stint between revelstoke and Golden was aweful. It feels like forever driving that and I was getting sleepy! More coffee!
It was nice to have it back. It's still packed with Camping gear - haven't unloaded yet. Meh - will do later this week, what's a few more days!?
In the end, Warranty covered $3,400 and us $500. Plus $300 for the 'courtesy' car which I am very thankful for.
One more thing off my list...
Day trip to Red Deer
Lair had to work on saturday and I was due in Red Deer to meet with Marianne and Jason to sort through a pile of dads personal stuff we removed from his house.
Quinn wasn't happy at all. He did not want to go on another long car ride, even with a movie. This through him off all day (all weekend actually)... and he was so not acting like himself. =( This made me sad.
It was just a quick visit. Arrived at 12:30, left at 6.
The 3 of of sorted through the personal items we removed from dad place. Keep, Toss, Donate kind of deal. The final thing to go through are tapes and CD's but will wait till can have a sleepover and have drinks and go through it all (dad was a real music lover!)...
I go tto tell Marianne and Jason exactly what my thoughts were regarding his estate and I just pray that we have it all finalized before November.
His estate is Bankrupt and this is NOT my fricken problem. It's the banks problem now. >:-\
Quinn wasn't happy at all. He did not want to go on another long car ride, even with a movie. This through him off all day (all weekend actually)... and he was so not acting like himself. =( This made me sad.
It was just a quick visit. Arrived at 12:30, left at 6.
The 3 of of sorted through the personal items we removed from dad place. Keep, Toss, Donate kind of deal. The final thing to go through are tapes and CD's but will wait till can have a sleepover and have drinks and go through it all (dad was a real music lover!)...
I go tto tell Marianne and Jason exactly what my thoughts were regarding his estate and I just pray that we have it all finalized before November.
His estate is Bankrupt and this is NOT my fricken problem. It's the banks problem now. >:-\
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Fun Flex - our saviour!
A new business opened up on 130th. A drop-in Playcare center for kids 1yr – 12yr! And we indirectly know the owners, they are our dayhomes neighbours (a stay-at-home-dad, and grade school teacher), so Quinn actually knows them and their kids well.
We took Quinn to the open house and he just Loved it! There is a fun slide and the tubing for climbing etc., lots of toys and games, dress up clothes, a fun dance floor that is bottom lit and the kids can play programmed games on it (Like dodge ball), a movie theatre, Wii and X-box, 3 computer stations for homework, a food bar (we pre-order food, drink, snack at $1 a piece)… They have a calendar of pre-planned activities and movie night listings...
And all this for $7.95/hour! We can’t even find a sitter for that price!
Why am I so excited about this? Because of their hours!
Mon-Thurs: 7am – 9pm
Fri: 7am – Midnight
Sat: 9am – Midnight
Sun: Closed
For my birthday, Lair took Quinn to the fun flex at 9am, and we were able to sleep in peace for the morning (after a late night b-day celebration).
Last Friday, Scott & Dee were in town, so we dropped him at the fun flex and went for a late dinner and picked him up at 11pm. However, this will probably be the last time we pick him up so late. The place is so new that there are not that many customers, so he was the last kid to be picked up (11pm). We were hoping he would fall asleep in the movie theatre, but he was still up, very sleepy and bored. So note to self – maybe an early movie or early drinks, we will still try to pick him up and have him in bed by 10pm.
He wanted to go there last week on a weeknight, so we dropped him off for an hour and went grocery shopping.
Lawrence & I are excited at the idea of Date Night, something we have opted not to do as finding a sitter can be problematic (I should mention, we have had a few of our fantastic friends come hang out with him so we could go out, just haven’t found n actual babysitter).
We took Quinn to the open house and he just Loved it! There is a fun slide and the tubing for climbing etc., lots of toys and games, dress up clothes, a fun dance floor that is bottom lit and the kids can play programmed games on it (Like dodge ball), a movie theatre, Wii and X-box, 3 computer stations for homework, a food bar (we pre-order food, drink, snack at $1 a piece)… They have a calendar of pre-planned activities and movie night listings...
And all this for $7.95/hour! We can’t even find a sitter for that price!
Why am I so excited about this? Because of their hours!
Mon-Thurs: 7am – 9pm
Fri: 7am – Midnight
Sat: 9am – Midnight
Sun: Closed
For my birthday, Lair took Quinn to the fun flex at 9am, and we were able to sleep in peace for the morning (after a late night b-day celebration).
Last Friday, Scott & Dee were in town, so we dropped him at the fun flex and went for a late dinner and picked him up at 11pm. However, this will probably be the last time we pick him up so late. The place is so new that there are not that many customers, so he was the last kid to be picked up (11pm). We were hoping he would fall asleep in the movie theatre, but he was still up, very sleepy and bored. So note to self – maybe an early movie or early drinks, we will still try to pick him up and have him in bed by 10pm.
He wanted to go there last week on a weeknight, so we dropped him off for an hour and went grocery shopping.
Lawrence & I are excited at the idea of Date Night, something we have opted not to do as finding a sitter can be problematic (I should mention, we have had a few of our fantastic friends come hang out with him so we could go out, just haven’t found n actual babysitter).
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lucid dream
I had a lucid dream last night.
I was running up a spiral staircase, it was like I was in a tower of a castle. It was me now, I was kinda afraid, but really confused.
So I stopeed and I thought 'THIS IS A DREAM". There was a gold hand railing and it was a long way down, but since it was a dream.... I hoped the rail.....
I was falling downwards, but was not afraid, then BAM, I landed on my feet, standing on 9th Ave outside the Continental Towers downtown. What the heck!? LOL
Even then as I stood there looking around, a little confused, I knew I was dreaming.... then it faded away.
I was running up a spiral staircase, it was like I was in a tower of a castle. It was me now, I was kinda afraid, but really confused.
So I stopeed and I thought 'THIS IS A DREAM". There was a gold hand railing and it was a long way down, but since it was a dream.... I hoped the rail.....
I was falling downwards, but was not afraid, then BAM, I landed on my feet, standing on 9th Ave outside the Continental Towers downtown. What the heck!? LOL
Even then as I stood there looking around, a little confused, I knew I was dreaming.... then it faded away.
Another trip to the Hat
Sunday morning, Lair let me sleep in a bit (Thanks Baby!!). He woke me up at 10 saying we had to get going, we were heading to Medicine Hat.
Danny had a big scare this weekend. His body is making too much Potassium. Did you know that when they do Lethal-Injections at prisons, they inject Potassium? It makes the heart stop.
Well, a normal person, like you and I, would have a 2.
Lethal Injection is 7.5.
Danny's was 7.2...
Close call!
So we booked it out there. and in doing so I got my first ever speeding ticket. Thankfully I had a very nice officer who took my birthday and Danny into consideration when writting up my ticker for doing 166 in a 110 zone...
He let me go easy. He could have done 6 demerrits, $500, suspended lisence and mandatory court date... instead, he did 3 demmerits & $177. Thank Goodness! Whoops! Guess I'll slow down a bit.
So that has been paid via mastercard.
Any how. We got to the hospital and had a nice 2 hour visit. His spirits are really high. He's seems to be taking every day in stride.
Then we turned around and came back home. Another long day, especially for Quinn, but well worth it.
We still haven't booked our trip to Disneyland. We want to go Oct 7-14, followed by Kerri's wedding Oct 16.
We're not confident in Dan's health so will hold off till the last minute (8-9 days before is when we have to book our airmiles flight).
Danny had a big scare this weekend. His body is making too much Potassium. Did you know that when they do Lethal-Injections at prisons, they inject Potassium? It makes the heart stop.
Well, a normal person, like you and I, would have a 2.
Lethal Injection is 7.5.
Danny's was 7.2...
Close call!
So we booked it out there. and in doing so I got my first ever speeding ticket. Thankfully I had a very nice officer who took my birthday and Danny into consideration when writting up my ticker for doing 166 in a 110 zone...
He let me go easy. He could have done 6 demerrits, $500, suspended lisence and mandatory court date... instead, he did 3 demmerits & $177. Thank Goodness! Whoops! Guess I'll slow down a bit.
So that has been paid via mastercard.
Any how. We got to the hospital and had a nice 2 hour visit. His spirits are really high. He's seems to be taking every day in stride.
Then we turned around and came back home. Another long day, especially for Quinn, but well worth it.
We still haven't booked our trip to Disneyland. We want to go Oct 7-14, followed by Kerri's wedding Oct 16.
We're not confident in Dan's health so will hold off till the last minute (8-9 days before is when we have to book our airmiles flight).
My Birthday!
So it was my birthday weekend. I turned 30 Again.... I'm ok with it, mostly. Once I get this body of mine back into shape I will proudly wear my age on my sleeve, so give me another year!
I didn't want an over whelming large party so just had a few people over. It was a lovely evening filled with friends, drinks, music and love. Both Lawrence and I have been uber stressed and really needed some good down time to just not think about the real world.
So recharged we are!
We went to bed when the sun came up. Lisa offered to get up with Quinn for us (thanks!!), but we were still awake when he got up so let her sleep and had a family cuddle and snooze, and Lair to him to the new Fun Flex (Drop-in day care) up the road, and came back to sleep.
We got up at 2, picked up Quinn and dropped him off at Lisa's then Lair whisked me away to an unknown destination. Swizzle stix spa! Yeay me! I had a 90 minute pamper session and it was awesome.
At first once I started to relax, i broke down and cried, just over whelmed with emotion about our dads and such. My Massuse was very attentive to my emotions. I enjoyed a 10 minutes whirlpool and got it all out of my system and was ready to relax and let her take the stress away. Man that was good.
Afterwards we went to Julios Bario (?) in Kensington for some Mexican (One of my favorite cuiseans). Then we picked up Quinn and came home for a family snuggle and went to bed!
So yes - all in all, my birthday was super awesome!
I love my family. I love my friends. My friends are my Family...
I didn't want an over whelming large party so just had a few people over. It was a lovely evening filled with friends, drinks, music and love. Both Lawrence and I have been uber stressed and really needed some good down time to just not think about the real world.
So recharged we are!
We went to bed when the sun came up. Lisa offered to get up with Quinn for us (thanks!!), but we were still awake when he got up so let her sleep and had a family cuddle and snooze, and Lair to him to the new Fun Flex (Drop-in day care) up the road, and came back to sleep.
We got up at 2, picked up Quinn and dropped him off at Lisa's then Lair whisked me away to an unknown destination. Swizzle stix spa! Yeay me! I had a 90 minute pamper session and it was awesome.
At first once I started to relax, i broke down and cried, just over whelmed with emotion about our dads and such. My Massuse was very attentive to my emotions. I enjoyed a 10 minutes whirlpool and got it all out of my system and was ready to relax and let her take the stress away. Man that was good.
Afterwards we went to Julios Bario (?) in Kensington for some Mexican (One of my favorite cuiseans). Then we picked up Quinn and came home for a family snuggle and went to bed!
So yes - all in all, my birthday was super awesome!
I love my family. I love my friends. My friends are my Family...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Another Good Cry....
An aquaintance at work was by the side of a dying friend and her family (hubby & 4 kids) for months. Her friend just passed (Breast cancer).
We had a good cry in her office and a wonderful talk about caring for those who are terminal. It was light hearted and emotional.
I'm so sad for Danny & Goldie. There 30 year anniversary is next month. I hope Kerri & Lawrence will be ok after. I hope they can give the care an attention their mom will need.
We had a good cry in her office and a wonderful talk about caring for those who are terminal. It was light hearted and emotional.
I'm so sad for Danny & Goldie. There 30 year anniversary is next month. I hope Kerri & Lawrence will be ok after. I hope they can give the care an attention their mom will need.
Wise words from my sister about Quin and social influence.
Wise words from Marianne....
"Ya, I remember the bus thing... that part is hard when they are so little! Is he still enjoying school? So exciting!!! I know how much you worry about outside influences. You have to let go and trust that he is being protected and that all you have worked so hard to teach him about love and respect will always guide him. No worries!!! Being part of the real world is part of his journey and he is a bright little man with a good head on his shoulders with loving, amazing parents!!! Try to think of it as Quinn being a light to the kids who are surrounded with negativity rather than the other way around!"
Very well put sister!
"Ya, I remember the bus thing... that part is hard when they are so little! Is he still enjoying school? So exciting!!! I know how much you worry about outside influences. You have to let go and trust that he is being protected and that all you have worked so hard to teach him about love and respect will always guide him. No worries!!! Being part of the real world is part of his journey and he is a bright little man with a good head on his shoulders with loving, amazing parents!!! Try to think of it as Quinn being a light to the kids who are surrounded with negativity rather than the other way around!"
Very well put sister!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Quinn had his first 2 days of school on thursday and friday, with no bus service. So parents were to drop off and pick up. I took time off to do this.
The first day was great because we got to go in the classroom and stay for 15 minutes then leave.
The second day we just brought them to their outdoor line up and met them there after.
He was totally fine with the situation and I did really good on both these days. No real tears, a few moments but nothing too much.
... Then there was yesterday. Quinn's first BUS RIDE to school. I took him to his bus stop and picked him up. From here on in, our dayhome will normally do this.
That was hard. Like, really hard. I held it together until he was out of sight. He was so excited and happy. but when that bus drove away, I absolutely lost it. I went to my car and bawled... then proceeded to weep all morning!
What tipped me off was, while we were waiting at the bus stop with many kids ages 5-10 and some parents, some older boys (7-8?) we using their hands to shoot at cars…. I could hear what they were saying and see what they were doing and it was brutally disgusting. I wanted so bad to say something, but what? I was stunned and didn't know what to do so did nothing... There were being somewhat discreet (Quinn didn’t even notice), but it made me sick to my stomach.
The idea of having him in an uncontrolled social environment makes me worry. I guess we have to trust that we’ve instilled enough common sense and rationality that he will be ok. I feel like I'm throwing him to the wolves!
I've done my best to raise a smart happy nice boy and seeing those two ripped me up inside. Yes, I know boys will be boys, but little boys should not know of such violence >:|
His bus to school will be filled with kids of all ages. The bus home will be only Kindergarten. I’m guessing the ride home will solidify some friendships for him.
I picked him up afterwards and he said he liked the bus.
Today was 100% better as it was normal, I just took him to the Dayhome and She took him to/from the bus. She e-mailed me afterwards to let me know day 2 was a success. And it was for me because there were no tears LOL

The first day was great because we got to go in the classroom and stay for 15 minutes then leave.
The second day we just brought them to their outdoor line up and met them there after.
He was totally fine with the situation and I did really good on both these days. No real tears, a few moments but nothing too much.
... Then there was yesterday. Quinn's first BUS RIDE to school. I took him to his bus stop and picked him up. From here on in, our dayhome will normally do this.
That was hard. Like, really hard. I held it together until he was out of sight. He was so excited and happy. but when that bus drove away, I absolutely lost it. I went to my car and bawled... then proceeded to weep all morning!
What tipped me off was, while we were waiting at the bus stop with many kids ages 5-10 and some parents, some older boys (7-8?) we using their hands to shoot at cars…. I could hear what they were saying and see what they were doing and it was brutally disgusting. I wanted so bad to say something, but what? I was stunned and didn't know what to do so did nothing... There were being somewhat discreet (Quinn didn’t even notice), but it made me sick to my stomach.
The idea of having him in an uncontrolled social environment makes me worry. I guess we have to trust that we’ve instilled enough common sense and rationality that he will be ok. I feel like I'm throwing him to the wolves!
I've done my best to raise a smart happy nice boy and seeing those two ripped me up inside. Yes, I know boys will be boys, but little boys should not know of such violence >:|
His bus to school will be filled with kids of all ages. The bus home will be only Kindergarten. I’m guessing the ride home will solidify some friendships for him.
I picked him up afterwards and he said he liked the bus.
Today was 100% better as it was normal, I just took him to the Dayhome and She took him to/from the bus. She e-mailed me afterwards to let me know day 2 was a success. And it was for me because there were no tears LOL
Doctors, Truck, family
Lair went to our family doctor and he basically said he couldn't do anything without a physical.... The first appointment available was Oct 5! Bull-shit.
He started to have symptoms associated with this megga pain, so went back to our doctors office and saw the other one. He at least listened a bit and sent him off for Lab work. Wouldn't all this information be on file from the blood & Urine they took at the Edmonton ER? Grrrr....
I was hoping to pick up my truck on the long weekend, except I guess it is still in pieces as they try to find a pump (?) for the transmission. I can not believe how long this is taking - as every day goes by, I see dollars signs for this courtesy car and still don't know how much of this is covered by warranty. >: \
We made it to medicine hat for the day on sunday. I can't believe how frail Danny is - he has almost disappeared, just skin and bones :( Makes me so sad; reminds me so much of what Dave went through... My heart aches. I haven't gotten over him yet so it really hurts to now see Danny fighting.
I must say, his spirits are very very high and positive. He is living every minute that he can. Lots of his family and friends from all over have been coming to see him. He knows the end is near. He has accepted his fate. I just hope everyone around him will get through this ok. He talked to us, asking if Quinn was ok with everything after seeing 'Uncle Dave' go through this, Danny was worried this would be hard on Quinn, as well that he just lost one grandpa and is going to lose another. I don't know how Quinn will react when the time comes.
It ~30 days till we want to go to Disney and ~40 days till Kerri's wedding.
We honestly don't know if he will make it. He says he will, but his physical presents tells me otherwise. If the human soul can endure and overcome the physical, then yes, he will make it to his daughter wedding and I will pray every day that he will.
We haven't booked our trip yet, we have the time off work but will book last minute, just in case... :( We honestly don't know what to think.
He started to have symptoms associated with this megga pain, so went back to our doctors office and saw the other one. He at least listened a bit and sent him off for Lab work. Wouldn't all this information be on file from the blood & Urine they took at the Edmonton ER? Grrrr....
I was hoping to pick up my truck on the long weekend, except I guess it is still in pieces as they try to find a pump (?) for the transmission. I can not believe how long this is taking - as every day goes by, I see dollars signs for this courtesy car and still don't know how much of this is covered by warranty. >: \
We made it to medicine hat for the day on sunday. I can't believe how frail Danny is - he has almost disappeared, just skin and bones :( Makes me so sad; reminds me so much of what Dave went through... My heart aches. I haven't gotten over him yet so it really hurts to now see Danny fighting.
I must say, his spirits are very very high and positive. He is living every minute that he can. Lots of his family and friends from all over have been coming to see him. He knows the end is near. He has accepted his fate. I just hope everyone around him will get through this ok. He talked to us, asking if Quinn was ok with everything after seeing 'Uncle Dave' go through this, Danny was worried this would be hard on Quinn, as well that he just lost one grandpa and is going to lose another. I don't know how Quinn will react when the time comes.
It ~30 days till we want to go to Disney and ~40 days till Kerri's wedding.
We honestly don't know if he will make it. He says he will, but his physical presents tells me otherwise. If the human soul can endure and overcome the physical, then yes, he will make it to his daughter wedding and I will pray every day that he will.
We haven't booked our trip yet, we have the time off work but will book last minute, just in case... :( We honestly don't know what to think.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Edmonton, ER, worries
So still recovering from the less than spectacular weekend in BC, we were excited to go To Edmonton for 3 days to help celebrate Ursula's birthday. We took Monday off and were planning to take Quinn to West Edmonton Mall / Fantasy Land.
On Thursday, Danny called Lair, asking if we would bring Quinn to come see him. He explained that he worked saturday then we were going to Edmonton and asked if it needed to be R.F.N., or if it could wait a few days.... it could wait, so since we had monday off would cut Edmonton short and go to Medicine Hat on monday.
SATURDAY: So off we go to Edmonton - YEAY! Lair had to work so we were late leaving - arrived around 8:30? We had a blast! Great food, fun friends and jello shots.... many many jello shots! The kids enjoyed there sleepover and we had a ton of fun.
Ursula suprised me with a new hula hoop! She even got the colors of my old one matched! I was surprised for sure! I thought it was my 'secret doner' hope then realized it was not when Karen Allan told me she was the Anon doner for my Jen Gray Hoop - So I will have 2 hoops! WEEEEE!!! We all went to be around 12:30am.
SUNDAY: Around 8am, Lair woke me up, concerned and in a lot of pain... He never did go to sleep. He finally got up and went to the other room around 2am. He was in a lot of discomfort and couldn't get comfortable or to sleep. As the morning approached the pain got worse and worse. He knew whatever this was, was the same thing that happened in Dec 2008 [ ] and May Long weekend 2010 (didn't go to the hospital in May).
Faye had some Perckecet - he took 2 and it didn't do a thing. We went to a Medic enter, just to wait for a 1/2 hr to be sent to the hospital. We were both pretty scared, he was in So much pain. I felt so helpless, there was nothing i could do :(
We were fast tracked in the ER. I'd say he was in a bed 15 minutes after arriving, and shot up with Morphine & something else within 15 minutes of getting the bed! That helped with the pain a lot! They sent him off for a CT Scan and sure enough... Nothing.
4 hours later, No explanation. They don't think it's Kidney Stones or Gull Stones. They have no idea what would cause so much pain.
They suggested he see his family doctor for a referral to a Urologist and sent him on his way.
We got some rest then headed home... finally arriving at 9pm. The birthday party was awesome fun, but sunday was sure the shits. We are thankful to Ursula and Faye for watching Quinn while this all happened.
MONDAY: So, as I said, we took monday as a Vacation day wanting to do something fun as a family (West Edmonton Mall?), then decided we should go to Medicine Hat, but Lair had a Morphine Hangover and felt like shit so we didn't go.
Instead we went to the Wavepool. Fun for us all and Lair could soak his sore body in the hot tub). We came home and ordered pizza.
Not too sure how Danny is doing - depends if you talk to Lairs mom or sister.
We're hoping to get the truck from Revelstoke next week.
On Thursday, Danny called Lair, asking if we would bring Quinn to come see him. He explained that he worked saturday then we were going to Edmonton and asked if it needed to be R.F.N., or if it could wait a few days.... it could wait, so since we had monday off would cut Edmonton short and go to Medicine Hat on monday.
SATURDAY: So off we go to Edmonton - YEAY! Lair had to work so we were late leaving - arrived around 8:30? We had a blast! Great food, fun friends and jello shots.... many many jello shots! The kids enjoyed there sleepover and we had a ton of fun.
Ursula suprised me with a new hula hoop! She even got the colors of my old one matched! I was surprised for sure! I thought it was my 'secret doner' hope then realized it was not when Karen Allan told me she was the Anon doner for my Jen Gray Hoop - So I will have 2 hoops! WEEEEE!!! We all went to be around 12:30am.
SUNDAY: Around 8am, Lair woke me up, concerned and in a lot of pain... He never did go to sleep. He finally got up and went to the other room around 2am. He was in a lot of discomfort and couldn't get comfortable or to sleep. As the morning approached the pain got worse and worse. He knew whatever this was, was the same thing that happened in Dec 2008 [ ] and May Long weekend 2010 (didn't go to the hospital in May).
Faye had some Perckecet - he took 2 and it didn't do a thing. We went to a Medic enter, just to wait for a 1/2 hr to be sent to the hospital. We were both pretty scared, he was in So much pain. I felt so helpless, there was nothing i could do :(
We were fast tracked in the ER. I'd say he was in a bed 15 minutes after arriving, and shot up with Morphine & something else within 15 minutes of getting the bed! That helped with the pain a lot! They sent him off for a CT Scan and sure enough... Nothing.
4 hours later, No explanation. They don't think it's Kidney Stones or Gull Stones. They have no idea what would cause so much pain.
They suggested he see his family doctor for a referral to a Urologist and sent him on his way.
We got some rest then headed home... finally arriving at 9pm. The birthday party was awesome fun, but sunday was sure the shits. We are thankful to Ursula and Faye for watching Quinn while this all happened.
MONDAY: So, as I said, we took monday as a Vacation day wanting to do something fun as a family (West Edmonton Mall?), then decided we should go to Medicine Hat, but Lair had a Morphine Hangover and felt like shit so we didn't go.
Instead we went to the Wavepool. Fun for us all and Lair could soak his sore body in the hot tub). We came home and ordered pizza.
Not too sure how Danny is doing - depends if you talk to Lairs mom or sister.
We're hoping to get the truck from Revelstoke next week.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Chaotic stress, ashes and transmissions....
I've been procrastinating on this post, but best get it out.
So I was not exactly looking forward to the Memorial camping trip with my family to scatter my dads ashes. It was a stressful emotional week leading up to the weekend. We took the friday off as we had planned to leave super early for the long long drive...
THURSDAY(the day before we were to leave), Lawrence got a frantic call from his mom about his dad. She was crying and worried and talking crazy talk.... She told him he had to come to Medicine Hat Now.... So, he left work and came to my work... We were both panicking. Was this the end? Holy crap. Well we have to go then! We both left work and got Quinn.... Who was running a Fever! What?! No, not now! In the 45 minutes it took me & Lair to hash out some scenarios for the weekend Quinn's fever totally spiked and felt awful...
So, we obviously shouldn't bring a sick boy to the hospital to see Grandpa, and we probably shouldn't do a long drive with him feeling so bad. So Lair took off and we stayed behind.
Lair made it to Med. Hat in record time and managed to spend about 3 hours with his dad to realize his mom was just; well, worried and concerned, but the situation was not that as she made it seem.... After the visit with his dad, he went and had a good long visit with his mom. Then turned around and drove home arriving around 3am.
In the mean time, I didn't know if I should be packing for BC or Medicine Hat and Quinn was so sick and miserable, I just did nothing and went to bed.
FRIDAY: Well, due to the absolute craziness of thursday afternoon, by the time we got up, Quinn's Fever broke, we packed the truck we were running 5 hours late for our 10 hour drive... Not exactly the greatest way to start the dreaded weekend, however, our spirits were high since Danny was doing better.
So off we go..... just to stop in Canmore. Quinn thought he was going to barf. Of course we didn't have any gravol, so we went to Canmore and got Gravel and peppermints. This set us back some more.... we get going and STOP waiting for construction.... I was really beginning to feel that I was not supposed to be going to BC that day....
Finally get going again and we pushed through with only Pee/Gas stops. Marianne called us at 10:30pm to see where we were. We were passing Kamloops, about an hour away . She was just leaving the camp ground and suggested we stay at the Lodge nearby as we would never find the campground in the dark and would have to set up in the dark. We agreed. We repositioned the GPS map thing, to realize we had been driving the long way to the destination so we had to double back to get to the main highway to get to the lodge.
Finally arriving shortly after midnight we poured ourselves into bed.
SATURDAY": We headed to the camp site at 9 and set up and had a nice breakfast. There was Uncle Rob (Dad's brother), Auntie Darlene, my cousins and their spouses, Jason & Dixie, Marianne, Scott & the boys.
It was a nice spot on Tunkwa Lake. A spot where my dad loved to camp and go fishing. Leighton Lake is attached through a small brook/fall(Lair caught his first fish as a kid at Leighton Lake).
At the funeral, we had 66 yellow roses and 1 red one. My auntie dried these out and gave each of us a little bag of petals. We walked around the campsite and scattered the petals in dads honor. It was quite touching.
Then we went for a walk to the secluded area where my dad & Uncle Rob had scattered my Grandma and Grandpas ashes. I'd never been there before. It was nice to be a part of that, but it was so hard without my dad....
We parted out the box of dads ashes (there were a lot!) and everyone got there own red beer cup to do with however they wanted.
That brook between Tunkwa & Leighton Lakes was the Perfect spot. So green and lush, only the sound of natural water running. Peaceful. Serene... Perfect.
Me, Lair & Quinn went and said a few words and scattered the ashes (Quinn didn't know exactly what was in the cup!), then afterwards I went to the same place with Marianne and Jason and we had a good cry, said some words and spread more ashes.
It was hard. It was so.... final.
That evening we had 'Howie's Pow Wow' a feast fit for a Pinchbeck - Fantastic T-bones from a butcher, salad, baked potatoes and corn. Father would have approved! We chowed down and the sun started to set and it started to rain. I was spent. So me, Lair and Quinn went to bed.
SUNDAY: We set our alarm so we could get up early to get up and go.... it was raining. It rained ALL night... We waited for about 1.5 hours before it stopped (of course, setting us back for time for the long road home).
We finally got packed up and hit the road.... 25 km East of Revelstoke, the Truck lost power.... So I pulled over.... It's 3pm and we are broke down on the side of the highway in the middle of F-ing No where... our only saving Grace was we happened to be in a pocket with Cell service and we have AMA...
So we waited for about 1.5 hours when a flat bed tow truck came to our rescue and drove us back to Revelstoke. There are 5 transmissions shops there, he asked where we would like to go - we said where ever he wanted to recommend. So Silverline Transmission Shop it is.
Would you believe the Owner happened to be there? He was tinkering on his own vehicle sunday afternoon! What luck!
He told us there was absolutely no way things would be taken care of in a day or 2, in fact it could be a week or two. So he sent us off in a courtesy car (Sebring) only charging $0.20 / KM. (Hell of a deal compared to a rental!).
We grabbed some dinner and were finally on our way home at 7pm...
It was a long slow miserable drive home in the pouring rain.
Quinn was such a GOOD BOY! We had the laptop loading up with movies so he was content.
We pulled up to home sweet home after midnight... :( What a long fricken Day / weekend....
MONDAY: I went in to work late. I wanted to have a nice long shower in the morning and needed to call our car warranty peeps. As luck would have it, they only deal with 1 shop in Revelstoke and it was the one we went to! It's not confirmed if it's 100% covered, but I know something is covered.... I pray it's 100% cuz it's going to be THOUSANDS of dollars!!!
Now I need to refocus. Have Patience. And try to move on. I will not completely move on until the Estate is settled. I still don't understand how we (the children) are responsible for dad bankrupt mobile home. I am angry and frustrated. We'll hopefully have some answers next week (the lawyer is on holidays).
So I was not exactly looking forward to the Memorial camping trip with my family to scatter my dads ashes. It was a stressful emotional week leading up to the weekend. We took the friday off as we had planned to leave super early for the long long drive...
THURSDAY(the day before we were to leave), Lawrence got a frantic call from his mom about his dad. She was crying and worried and talking crazy talk.... She told him he had to come to Medicine Hat Now.... So, he left work and came to my work... We were both panicking. Was this the end? Holy crap. Well we have to go then! We both left work and got Quinn.... Who was running a Fever! What?! No, not now! In the 45 minutes it took me & Lair to hash out some scenarios for the weekend Quinn's fever totally spiked and felt awful...
So, we obviously shouldn't bring a sick boy to the hospital to see Grandpa, and we probably shouldn't do a long drive with him feeling so bad. So Lair took off and we stayed behind.
Lair made it to Med. Hat in record time and managed to spend about 3 hours with his dad to realize his mom was just; well, worried and concerned, but the situation was not that as she made it seem.... After the visit with his dad, he went and had a good long visit with his mom. Then turned around and drove home arriving around 3am.
In the mean time, I didn't know if I should be packing for BC or Medicine Hat and Quinn was so sick and miserable, I just did nothing and went to bed.
FRIDAY: Well, due to the absolute craziness of thursday afternoon, by the time we got up, Quinn's Fever broke, we packed the truck we were running 5 hours late for our 10 hour drive... Not exactly the greatest way to start the dreaded weekend, however, our spirits were high since Danny was doing better.
So off we go..... just to stop in Canmore. Quinn thought he was going to barf. Of course we didn't have any gravol, so we went to Canmore and got Gravel and peppermints. This set us back some more.... we get going and STOP waiting for construction.... I was really beginning to feel that I was not supposed to be going to BC that day....
Finally get going again and we pushed through with only Pee/Gas stops. Marianne called us at 10:30pm to see where we were. We were passing Kamloops, about an hour away . She was just leaving the camp ground and suggested we stay at the Lodge nearby as we would never find the campground in the dark and would have to set up in the dark. We agreed. We repositioned the GPS map thing, to realize we had been driving the long way to the destination so we had to double back to get to the main highway to get to the lodge.
Finally arriving shortly after midnight we poured ourselves into bed.
SATURDAY": We headed to the camp site at 9 and set up and had a nice breakfast. There was Uncle Rob (Dad's brother), Auntie Darlene, my cousins and their spouses, Jason & Dixie, Marianne, Scott & the boys.
It was a nice spot on Tunkwa Lake. A spot where my dad loved to camp and go fishing. Leighton Lake is attached through a small brook/fall(Lair caught his first fish as a kid at Leighton Lake).
At the funeral, we had 66 yellow roses and 1 red one. My auntie dried these out and gave each of us a little bag of petals. We walked around the campsite and scattered the petals in dads honor. It was quite touching.
Then we went for a walk to the secluded area where my dad & Uncle Rob had scattered my Grandma and Grandpas ashes. I'd never been there before. It was nice to be a part of that, but it was so hard without my dad....
We parted out the box of dads ashes (there were a lot!) and everyone got there own red beer cup to do with however they wanted.
That brook between Tunkwa & Leighton Lakes was the Perfect spot. So green and lush, only the sound of natural water running. Peaceful. Serene... Perfect.
Me, Lair & Quinn went and said a few words and scattered the ashes (Quinn didn't know exactly what was in the cup!), then afterwards I went to the same place with Marianne and Jason and we had a good cry, said some words and spread more ashes.
It was hard. It was so.... final.
That evening we had 'Howie's Pow Wow' a feast fit for a Pinchbeck - Fantastic T-bones from a butcher, salad, baked potatoes and corn. Father would have approved! We chowed down and the sun started to set and it started to rain. I was spent. So me, Lair and Quinn went to bed.
SUNDAY: We set our alarm so we could get up early to get up and go.... it was raining. It rained ALL night... We waited for about 1.5 hours before it stopped (of course, setting us back for time for the long road home).
We finally got packed up and hit the road.... 25 km East of Revelstoke, the Truck lost power.... So I pulled over.... It's 3pm and we are broke down on the side of the highway in the middle of F-ing No where... our only saving Grace was we happened to be in a pocket with Cell service and we have AMA...
So we waited for about 1.5 hours when a flat bed tow truck came to our rescue and drove us back to Revelstoke. There are 5 transmissions shops there, he asked where we would like to go - we said where ever he wanted to recommend. So Silverline Transmission Shop it is.
Would you believe the Owner happened to be there? He was tinkering on his own vehicle sunday afternoon! What luck!
He told us there was absolutely no way things would be taken care of in a day or 2, in fact it could be a week or two. So he sent us off in a courtesy car (Sebring) only charging $0.20 / KM. (Hell of a deal compared to a rental!).
We grabbed some dinner and were finally on our way home at 7pm...
It was a long slow miserable drive home in the pouring rain.
Quinn was such a GOOD BOY! We had the laptop loading up with movies so he was content.
We pulled up to home sweet home after midnight... :( What a long fricken Day / weekend....
MONDAY: I went in to work late. I wanted to have a nice long shower in the morning and needed to call our car warranty peeps. As luck would have it, they only deal with 1 shop in Revelstoke and it was the one we went to! It's not confirmed if it's 100% covered, but I know something is covered.... I pray it's 100% cuz it's going to be THOUSANDS of dollars!!!
Now I need to refocus. Have Patience. And try to move on. I will not completely move on until the Estate is settled. I still don't understand how we (the children) are responsible for dad bankrupt mobile home. I am angry and frustrated. We'll hopefully have some answers next week (the lawyer is on holidays).
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I broke down at work....
So this afternoon, around 3:15 I just couldn't get the knot out of my tummy; then opened a flood gate of tears... non stop tears! Red nose, blood shot eyes, tears streaming down my face.... I tried so hard to gain my composure. Thankfully the phone never rang and not too many people walked by - and when they did, I looked busy and hid behind my computer screens.
After a 1/2 hr I decided to go to the bathroom to try to shake it off as I couldn't answer the phone. There were two co-workers in there so I was able to talk abit and get some hugs. I was determined to get my self together and stay until 5.
Thankfully, one of the ladies I spoke with in the bathroom took charge and found my relief girl and asked her to cover reception so I could leave. My relief was happy yo do so and I booked out of there as fast as I could.
I had an epic cry in the parking lot and at each stop light. I debated on stopping before I hit the Deerfoot but just wanted to get home.
Lawrence was home when I arrived so I had warm loving arms to fall into.
My eyes hurt. I am tired. So much to do to get ready but I just don't care right now. Tomorrow night will be long and busy.
After a 1/2 hr I decided to go to the bathroom to try to shake it off as I couldn't answer the phone. There were two co-workers in there so I was able to talk abit and get some hugs. I was determined to get my self together and stay until 5.
Thankfully, one of the ladies I spoke with in the bathroom took charge and found my relief girl and asked her to cover reception so I could leave. My relief was happy yo do so and I booked out of there as fast as I could.
I had an epic cry in the parking lot and at each stop light. I debated on stopping before I hit the Deerfoot but just wanted to get home.
Lawrence was home when I arrived so I had warm loving arms to fall into.
My eyes hurt. I am tired. So much to do to get ready but I just don't care right now. Tomorrow night will be long and busy.
Heavy Heart....
My heart is heavy. Lump in my throat. Knot in my tummy.
I thought I said goodbye... was just starting to feel fine, but now feel as if it's back to the beginning days before saying goodbye.
We leave for Tunkwa Lake early friday morning... I hope it's an uneventful drive. I hope Quinn can handle it. We borrowed a power inverter so we can bring the laptop and plug it in so he can watch a movie. Quinn has always traveled extreamly well (to Edmonton and Medicine Hat 3ish hours) but the last trip to the Hat he was quite board and chatty and our nerves didn't handle the drive home very well, which was unfortunate for Quinn.
We're missing a Chosen Family camping trip to Blarriot Ferry which makes me very sad, however we'll head to Edmonton Sat-mon the following weekend.
My heart is heavy. Lump in my throat. Knot in my tummy.
I thought I said goodbye... was just starting to feel fine, but now feel as if it's back to the beginning days before saying goodbye.
We leave for Tunkwa Lake early friday morning... I hope it's an uneventful drive. I hope Quinn can handle it. We borrowed a power inverter so we can bring the laptop and plug it in so he can watch a movie. Quinn has always traveled extreamly well (to Edmonton and Medicine Hat 3ish hours) but the last trip to the Hat he was quite board and chatty and our nerves didn't handle the drive home very well, which was unfortunate for Quinn.
We're missing a Chosen Family camping trip to Blarriot Ferry which makes me very sad, however we'll head to Edmonton Sat-mon the following weekend.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Freaking out, and not in the fun Party way.
My sister is slowly getting through Estate stuff with the Lawyers and Banks; this is not an easy or quick process. It is looking like dad is Bankrupt. As well he owes money on his truck. We didn't see any paperwork on it, so we assumed it was paid off.
I am freaking out because I just want all the Estate stuff to be resolved and done with NOW. My brother is freaking out because he doesn't want to give up Dads truck.... I can only assume my sister is freaking out, just in general with this stuff and her person life is in great transition.
As well I feel great anxiety with the upcoming camping trip to Scatter Ashes. I don't have much vacation time time so we're only taking the friday off. But, with Quinn, the 9 hour drive will be more 11-13 hr drive. So drive all day friday, do the deed saturday, and up and gone sunday for the drive home. Seriously not looking forward to this. It's a great burden timewise and financially.... >:( But these are dad's wishes written in his Will...
I am freaking out because I just want all the Estate stuff to be resolved and done with NOW. My brother is freaking out because he doesn't want to give up Dads truck.... I can only assume my sister is freaking out, just in general with this stuff and her person life is in great transition.
As well I feel great anxiety with the upcoming camping trip to Scatter Ashes. I don't have much vacation time time so we're only taking the friday off. But, with Quinn, the 9 hour drive will be more 11-13 hr drive. So drive all day friday, do the deed saturday, and up and gone sunday for the drive home. Seriously not looking forward to this. It's a great burden timewise and financially.... >:( But these are dad's wishes written in his Will...
Monday, August 9, 2010
A visit from Marianne, Jordan and Ben
Last week, we had A visit from Marianne, Jordan and Ben for the week. They arrived on Sunday and left on saturday.
It was nice to have them, but rather hectic as both lair & I worked all week (T-f).
Jordan was at Hockey Camp 9am - 7pm every day.
Monday was the August long Stat which Lair had to work, but he was home by noon. We decided to take Quinn & Ben to Calloway Park. It was a fun afternoon.
Tuesday night marianne stayed in with the boys and Lair and I went to see a movie. We saw 'Salt'. It was a great Russian Spy film. We both enjoyed it. The movie let out at 9:30. We decided to stay at the theatre and go see the 10:10 showing of 'Inception'. This was a bold move as 10pm is our bedtime! LOL... But hey, when you have a free sitter at home you get the most of your free time! We LOVED it. Phenomenal movie. I really look forward to seeing it again in a few months once I digest it all!
So this movie night brought us home at 1:15am! Yikes, late night!
Wednesday night Lair was out for coffee with friends. Jordan watched Quinn. I put him to bed, then Marianne and I went for drinks at Brewsters. We had a great gab. Lair met us around 11 and we had some appetizers, and then he drove us home after midnight...
Whoa, TWO late nights in a row! Animals!
Thursday night we did nothing. Hung out. Got a good sleep.
Friday night Marianne went out with a friend. Me, Lair & Quinn went to a friends for dinner. We played 'Rockband' for the first time. It was a lot of fun. I only tried the bass guitar and drums. Next time I will try the guitar and.... singing! (Might need some drinks first).
We headed off to Medicine hat saturday morning, bidding farewell to Marianne, Jordan and Ben.
That was a busy week. This week I am looking forward to hanging out, relaxing, biking and some quiet family time.
It was nice to have them, but rather hectic as both lair & I worked all week (T-f).
Jordan was at Hockey Camp 9am - 7pm every day.
Monday was the August long Stat which Lair had to work, but he was home by noon. We decided to take Quinn & Ben to Calloway Park. It was a fun afternoon.
Tuesday night marianne stayed in with the boys and Lair and I went to see a movie. We saw 'Salt'. It was a great Russian Spy film. We both enjoyed it. The movie let out at 9:30. We decided to stay at the theatre and go see the 10:10 showing of 'Inception'. This was a bold move as 10pm is our bedtime! LOL... But hey, when you have a free sitter at home you get the most of your free time! We LOVED it. Phenomenal movie. I really look forward to seeing it again in a few months once I digest it all!
So this movie night brought us home at 1:15am! Yikes, late night!
Wednesday night Lair was out for coffee with friends. Jordan watched Quinn. I put him to bed, then Marianne and I went for drinks at Brewsters. We had a great gab. Lair met us around 11 and we had some appetizers, and then he drove us home after midnight...
Whoa, TWO late nights in a row! Animals!
Thursday night we did nothing. Hung out. Got a good sleep.
Friday night Marianne went out with a friend. Me, Lair & Quinn went to a friends for dinner. We played 'Rockband' for the first time. It was a lot of fun. I only tried the bass guitar and drums. Next time I will try the guitar and.... singing! (Might need some drinks first).
We headed off to Medicine hat saturday morning, bidding farewell to Marianne, Jordan and Ben.
That was a busy week. This week I am looking forward to hanging out, relaxing, biking and some quiet family time.
Dad Ashmead
We went to Medicine Hat this weekend. The trip was ok. Danny got home from the hospital around noon on saturday and is in very high spirits. However, physically, in my opinion, is an empty shell of what he was. SO Thin and pale; quite aged. It was unsettling as we watched this happen to Dave...
We had a great visit with them and Lairs sister. Once it was just us. Kerri & Jay, she filled us in on everything she knows. Goldie is reluctant to go to counselling, taking the suggestion as an insult of her being 'crazy'; I guess it's still Hope and or Denial? Poor thing. I can not imagine! I think it would be good for both her and Danny to get some counselling. I wonder if the pallitive care teams have talked to them about it?
I talked to Dan about seeing a naturopath for possible pain relief/comfort and he is a brick wall. He said if the morphine won't make him feel better nothing will. I suggested that perhaps a naturopath would have a tea blend of herbs that may help with the nausia and he was not open to the suggestion, so I stopped. Hopefully subconsciously he will think about the things I said...
We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with them at a small Spray Park, enjoying the nice weather and watching Quinn & children be so care free and playing.
The drive home was somber. We got home, ate, cleaned the house then just vegged.
Today my heart hurts and I have a lump in my throat thinking about this situation. But in the words of Lawrence, "It sucks; but it is what it is".
So I will try to refocus my emotions to the joy and love I have for Danny & Goldie.
We had a great visit with them and Lairs sister. Once it was just us. Kerri & Jay, she filled us in on everything she knows. Goldie is reluctant to go to counselling, taking the suggestion as an insult of her being 'crazy'; I guess it's still Hope and or Denial? Poor thing. I can not imagine! I think it would be good for both her and Danny to get some counselling. I wonder if the pallitive care teams have talked to them about it?
I talked to Dan about seeing a naturopath for possible pain relief/comfort and he is a brick wall. He said if the morphine won't make him feel better nothing will. I suggested that perhaps a naturopath would have a tea blend of herbs that may help with the nausia and he was not open to the suggestion, so I stopped. Hopefully subconsciously he will think about the things I said...
We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with them at a small Spray Park, enjoying the nice weather and watching Quinn & children be so care free and playing.
The drive home was somber. We got home, ate, cleaned the house then just vegged.
Today my heart hurts and I have a lump in my throat thinking about this situation. But in the words of Lawrence, "It sucks; but it is what it is".
So I will try to refocus my emotions to the joy and love I have for Danny & Goldie.
Friday, August 6, 2010
When modern medicine doesn't work...
Danny went in for surgery yesterday to help alleviate some medical issues. There were some complications, so the procedure did not work and he needs to stay in the hospital for now =(
Lairs mom called yesterday and asked us to come visit this weekend. We've been wanting to visit for months but they just haven't been up for the company as Dan has been so sick...
The visit is long overdue. Lair wants to talk to his dad about alternative medicine. When modern medicine doesn't work perhaps looking into a Naturopath/homeopath, maybe some Reiki sessions... We know this won't cure him, but might make him more comfortable...
So we'll be heading to Medicine Hat this evening and will be back on sunday.
Prayers and energy.
Lairs mom called yesterday and asked us to come visit this weekend. We've been wanting to visit for months but they just haven't been up for the company as Dan has been so sick...
The visit is long overdue. Lair wants to talk to his dad about alternative medicine. When modern medicine doesn't work perhaps looking into a Naturopath/homeopath, maybe some Reiki sessions... We know this won't cure him, but might make him more comfortable...
So we'll be heading to Medicine Hat this evening and will be back on sunday.
Prayers and energy.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Money Stress
We had a good hold on our finances this year. In fact, we could even could see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Seriously! ... then when dad died... the Chaos and traveling put us behind. I only got 3 bereavement days and had to take a week unpaid, plus gas and travel and food for two vehicles, it all just started sliding downhill.
On top of that we have had our fantastic mini vacations, which, if the above didn't happen, would not have been a problem, but under the circumstances, has kicked our asses even farther down that dark hole.
I am super stressed. I am always saying 'no' to Lair about spending money, which causes (uncalled for) marital strife.
As well during all this we ended up dropped $1600 on the truck (we pulled that money out of our asses).... Curses! I shake my fist and money woes. Seriously, we could see the end! We were So close! And now it Doubled, which brings us what feels like forever away from that light.
It will be harder to take this trip to Disney, but 'F' it, we will go and we will spend magical non-existent money....
And on top of that, as I've mentioned, the 'Estate expenses' are on my Line of Credit. Even though that's not technically 'my' debt, it sure feels like it; and it makes me feel sick to my stomach.
On the positive side, my stress if technically unwarranted as the debt is 0.07% of what we had many years ago. But being so close to being debt free has brought back all the stress and anxiety as I watch the #'s slide deeper into the red.... stupid Red!
Dad Ashmead
So we got a phone call the other day. As you may know, Lair's dad has been battling cancer in one way or another for 20+ (?) years.
I guess the doctors have reached a point where they have more or less told him that Quality of life over Quantity should be his focus.
We really don't know what this means in terms of 'time' as they never gave him a time line (Which I think is a good thing?).
So it has us rather concerned and worried. =(
I guess the doctors have reached a point where they have more or less told him that Quality of life over Quantity should be his focus.
We really don't know what this means in terms of 'time' as they never gave him a time line (Which I think is a good thing?).
So it has us rather concerned and worried. =(
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Flesh Eating Disease....
Craziest thing happened to my buddy/co-workers...
One weekend earlier this month, my friends wife's foot was 'sore'. Then by thursday it was quite painful and encompassing the whole foot and some leg. They went to a clinic, where they were directed to go to the hospital, where after several hours and watching her get rather ill very fast and the pain going up her leg....
She was diagnosed with Flesh Eating Disease... They tried to save the foot, but in the time doing so, it got so bad she lost her leg from the knee down!! Just like that. She almost died! Like touch and go for 4 days ( 40% survival rate.)!!!!
How crazy is that? Went from a sore foot, to amputation just like that. Between thursday - Sunday she's had 5 surgeries. :(
I feel so bad for there family. So traumatic. They have a 10 year old girl.
Although still in complete Shock, they are looking at this like a wake up call to live life. She will be in the hospital for another 4-8 weeks, and I would imagine it will take 1-2 years of rehabilitation and adjustment.
I told him to be ever so grateful that all she lost was 1/2 a leg and still has her functioning body and mind.... Easier said than done, but wow, what a close call!
Crazy Shit.
One weekend earlier this month, my friends wife's foot was 'sore'. Then by thursday it was quite painful and encompassing the whole foot and some leg. They went to a clinic, where they were directed to go to the hospital, where after several hours and watching her get rather ill very fast and the pain going up her leg....
She was diagnosed with Flesh Eating Disease... They tried to save the foot, but in the time doing so, it got so bad she lost her leg from the knee down!! Just like that. She almost died! Like touch and go for 4 days ( 40% survival rate.)!!!!
How crazy is that? Went from a sore foot, to amputation just like that. Between thursday - Sunday she's had 5 surgeries. :(
I feel so bad for there family. So traumatic. They have a 10 year old girl.
Although still in complete Shock, they are looking at this like a wake up call to live life. She will be in the hospital for another 4-8 weeks, and I would imagine it will take 1-2 years of rehabilitation and adjustment.
I told him to be ever so grateful that all she lost was 1/2 a leg and still has her functioning body and mind.... Easier said than done, but wow, what a close call!
Crazy Shit.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
July could not come fast enough after such a chaotic and emotional June.
July 1 (Canada day) fell on a Thursday, so we took Friday off and went to the Astral Harvest Festival in Driftpile, Alberta (Near Lesser Slave Lake) 7+ hours North from our doorstep.
We were panicking and scrambling trying to find childcare for both the Astral Harvest weekend and the Motion Notion weekend... then Ursula offered to watch Quinn for us for A.H.!!! (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!), with her wonderful offer, we were able to secure my mom for Motion notion weekend..
We drove up to Edmonton after work on wed, and took off early Thursday morning to the site. We went with Lisa, Dean, Tracy Marie, Tracy Hamm, and Shawn Gravel.
It was a fantastic festival! We were very impressed. Huge site (North County Fair Grounds), 3 stages, cool people with a very 'earthy' feel. It was nice to run around and relax and party and Dance dance dance! It was the first time in a month I didn't think about anything but Me.
(eventually, I will try to upload some pics; I will put up a quick note with links to the posts w/ pics).
We ended up hanging out A LOT with Ben Friesen. That was pretty cool, as we've never had a one on one with him, it's always been at a large gathering. He is pretty awesome!
I bought a new hat. It's pretty awesome. Big, pointy, fluffy, orange with bear (?) ears. I will post a pic! I love it. It's really warm, great for late night outdoor adventures - BUT, it's fun fur, so not good in the rain or snow.
The drive home was tiring. It's about a 7.5(?) hour drive plus we took a 2 hour pit stop in Edmonton. Ursula fed us the most amazing meal - her home made Vietnamese!!! It's restaurant quality, and exactly what my body needed after a crazy weekend of fun!
We had two weeks to recover and I mean two weeks! Man Sleep deprivation and me are no longer friends! Hard to believe I used to do that EVERY weekend! So finally adjusting back to normal and we take off for .... MOTION NOTION! We booked Friday & monday off as vacation days.
Whoa, I thought I had fun at Astral; That was just the warm up! Motion Notion was near Perfect. It was a lovely Family reunion / Gathering of the Tribe. My only complaint is that it rained and rained and rained. However, we were prepared (thanks for a run to Drayton to pick up some rain gear for those in need) and we managed to party/dance through it! And luckily the sun came out for most of the day (noon - 6pm).
Our camp set up was spectacular this year. We had two 14' x 14' sun shelters set up which gave us a nice large 'living room' for the 2 blow up couches (thanks Karen & David), and the air mattress (thanks Kevin & Katie!), and with room enough for many many chairs.
We hung up our psychedelic art work on the outsides and on the inside roofs, and Tracy's boyfriend was ever so kind to bring us his portable stereo system (with a sub!) and a battery. So we had tunes and extreme comfort available.
My cousin Amanda and her boyfriend Andrew moved to Drayton valley (From Kamloops), so they too joined the festival, by commuted from home (30 min drive). It was cool to hang with them, especially since in my mind Miss Amanda is a child, but in reality is a 20+ something young woman!
My days were true bliss and relaxation. Normally, we would have headed to the beach, however, we had such a good set up and guaranteed GOOD MUSIC, most of us opted to just stay at camp. Ursula and I went out saturday night and came back around 8/9am. I loved hanging with her for the night; So Much FUN! Since the tent was hot, I decided not to go to sleep, instead drifting off and on through out the day while relaxing on the air mattress in the cool breeze. I was so relaxed and at Peace. The feeling of having _NO_ responsibility was incredible (no offense to Quinn). The mattress shenanigans I encountered with Kelly were beyond silly and will forever be ingrained in my mind.
At times I wondered how it was possible to be having so much fun!
The only CRAPPY thing that happen the whole weekend was, Mine and Ursula's beautiful Hula Hoops were STOLEN! Can you believe it? We sure didn't. I am quite sad. And Ursula had just bought hers there at MoNo, never even got to break it in... grrrrr. They were both UV Reactive / Glow in the dark. My guess is, the sun went down and someone walked by, saw them glowing.... and took them. Asshole. So help me, if I ever spot my hoop, I will take it back.
I digress. At the market place Lair found me a kick ass skirt/tutu thingy to wear over my jeans. Its fluorescent orange and yellow - like a mini version of my floral dresses! Fun Fun!
Monday morning was rainy and miserable, so we woke up, packed and fled.
We are at a good stage in life as a family. Now that Quinn is FIVE, I think we all appreciate the time away (Me & Lair away, Quinn with family or friends). It's nice that we can leave for 1 - 5 days knowing he will be 100% fine (compared to being a baby/toddler where there's more to worry about!).
Quinn says he had a lot of fun with my mom, they even managed to get out and about lots which makes us really happy.
So here we are again, recovering from another ridiculously crazy fun weekend. The thoughts of Shambhala have been in the back of my mind. Maybe one more round before I lay it to rest... Lair even told me I should go this year, but I can not afford the time off work since we're going to Disneyland in October. If we weren't planning this trip, I would have gone!
Last weekend (July 24) was gorgeous. On saturday, Lair had to work. Quinn played outside from 10am - 4pm in his sandbox and pool. I tidied the house and played outside. When Lair got home, he built a new BBQ we bought. We've been BBQ-less all summer! Which is really hard as we probably cook on it 5 nights a week in the nice weather. It was great to sear meat!
On sunday, we went for a 3 hour bike ride. Did I mention our friends bought Quinn a Tag-a-long
bike for his birthday? I posted a few months ago that we were thinking of getting one. It is so awesome! Makes for an easy family trip for Quinn - if he gets tired, he can just relax. We bought a bike hitch for our truck, except it's the wrong size :( We look forward to getting a bike hitch so we can drive to the river paths or elsewhere for biking fun.
After our bike trip, Karri, Jay & Nicholas stopped in for a BBQ. We had a fantastic visit. I'm very excited for their wedding!
So here we are ending another month. A month of happiness and joy, chaos and unsettled emotions. Let's see what August brings.
July 1 (Canada day) fell on a Thursday, so we took Friday off and went to the Astral Harvest Festival in Driftpile, Alberta (Near Lesser Slave Lake) 7+ hours North from our doorstep.
We were panicking and scrambling trying to find childcare for both the Astral Harvest weekend and the Motion Notion weekend... then Ursula offered to watch Quinn for us for A.H.!!! (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!), with her wonderful offer, we were able to secure my mom for Motion notion weekend..
We drove up to Edmonton after work on wed, and took off early Thursday morning to the site. We went with Lisa, Dean, Tracy Marie, Tracy Hamm, and Shawn Gravel.
It was a fantastic festival! We were very impressed. Huge site (North County Fair Grounds), 3 stages, cool people with a very 'earthy' feel. It was nice to run around and relax and party and Dance dance dance! It was the first time in a month I didn't think about anything but Me.
(eventually, I will try to upload some pics; I will put up a quick note with links to the posts w/ pics).
We ended up hanging out A LOT with Ben Friesen. That was pretty cool, as we've never had a one on one with him, it's always been at a large gathering. He is pretty awesome!
I bought a new hat. It's pretty awesome. Big, pointy, fluffy, orange with bear (?) ears. I will post a pic! I love it. It's really warm, great for late night outdoor adventures - BUT, it's fun fur, so not good in the rain or snow.
The drive home was tiring. It's about a 7.5(?) hour drive plus we took a 2 hour pit stop in Edmonton. Ursula fed us the most amazing meal - her home made Vietnamese!!! It's restaurant quality, and exactly what my body needed after a crazy weekend of fun!
We had two weeks to recover and I mean two weeks! Man Sleep deprivation and me are no longer friends! Hard to believe I used to do that EVERY weekend! So finally adjusting back to normal and we take off for .... MOTION NOTION! We booked Friday & monday off as vacation days.
Whoa, I thought I had fun at Astral; That was just the warm up! Motion Notion was near Perfect. It was a lovely Family reunion / Gathering of the Tribe. My only complaint is that it rained and rained and rained. However, we were prepared (thanks for a run to Drayton to pick up some rain gear for those in need) and we managed to party/dance through it! And luckily the sun came out for most of the day (noon - 6pm).
Our camp set up was spectacular this year. We had two 14' x 14' sun shelters set up which gave us a nice large 'living room' for the 2 blow up couches (thanks Karen & David), and the air mattress (thanks Kevin & Katie!), and with room enough for many many chairs.
We hung up our psychedelic art work on the outsides and on the inside roofs, and Tracy's boyfriend was ever so kind to bring us his portable stereo system (with a sub!) and a battery. So we had tunes and extreme comfort available.
My cousin Amanda and her boyfriend Andrew moved to Drayton valley (From Kamloops), so they too joined the festival, by commuted from home (30 min drive). It was cool to hang with them, especially since in my mind Miss Amanda is a child, but in reality is a 20+ something young woman!
My days were true bliss and relaxation. Normally, we would have headed to the beach, however, we had such a good set up and guaranteed GOOD MUSIC, most of us opted to just stay at camp. Ursula and I went out saturday night and came back around 8/9am. I loved hanging with her for the night; So Much FUN! Since the tent was hot, I decided not to go to sleep, instead drifting off and on through out the day while relaxing on the air mattress in the cool breeze. I was so relaxed and at Peace. The feeling of having _NO_ responsibility was incredible (no offense to Quinn). The mattress shenanigans I encountered with Kelly were beyond silly and will forever be ingrained in my mind.
At times I wondered how it was possible to be having so much fun!
The only CRAPPY thing that happen the whole weekend was, Mine and Ursula's beautiful Hula Hoops were STOLEN! Can you believe it? We sure didn't. I am quite sad. And Ursula had just bought hers there at MoNo, never even got to break it in... grrrrr. They were both UV Reactive / Glow in the dark. My guess is, the sun went down and someone walked by, saw them glowing.... and took them. Asshole. So help me, if I ever spot my hoop, I will take it back.
I digress. At the market place Lair found me a kick ass skirt/tutu thingy to wear over my jeans. Its fluorescent orange and yellow - like a mini version of my floral dresses! Fun Fun!
Monday morning was rainy and miserable, so we woke up, packed and fled.
We are at a good stage in life as a family. Now that Quinn is FIVE, I think we all appreciate the time away (Me & Lair away, Quinn with family or friends). It's nice that we can leave for 1 - 5 days knowing he will be 100% fine (compared to being a baby/toddler where there's more to worry about!).
Quinn says he had a lot of fun with my mom, they even managed to get out and about lots which makes us really happy.
So here we are again, recovering from another ridiculously crazy fun weekend. The thoughts of Shambhala have been in the back of my mind. Maybe one more round before I lay it to rest... Lair even told me I should go this year, but I can not afford the time off work since we're going to Disneyland in October. If we weren't planning this trip, I would have gone!
Last weekend (July 24) was gorgeous. On saturday, Lair had to work. Quinn played outside from 10am - 4pm in his sandbox and pool. I tidied the house and played outside. When Lair got home, he built a new BBQ we bought. We've been BBQ-less all summer! Which is really hard as we probably cook on it 5 nights a week in the nice weather. It was great to sear meat!
On sunday, we went for a 3 hour bike ride. Did I mention our friends bought Quinn a Tag-a-long

After our bike trip, Karri, Jay & Nicholas stopped in for a BBQ. We had a fantastic visit. I'm very excited for their wedding!
So here we are ending another month. A month of happiness and joy, chaos and unsettled emotions. Let's see what August brings.
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