The first day was great because we got to go in the classroom and stay for 15 minutes then leave.
The second day we just brought them to their outdoor line up and met them there after.
He was totally fine with the situation and I did really good on both these days. No real tears, a few moments but nothing too much.
... Then there was yesterday. Quinn's first BUS RIDE to school. I took him to his bus stop and picked him up. From here on in, our dayhome will normally do this.
That was hard. Like, really hard. I held it together until he was out of sight. He was so excited and happy. but when that bus drove away, I absolutely lost it. I went to my car and bawled... then proceeded to weep all morning!
What tipped me off was, while we were waiting at the bus stop with many kids ages 5-10 and some parents, some older boys (7-8?) we using their hands to shoot at cars…. I could hear what they were saying and see what they were doing and it was brutally disgusting. I wanted so bad to say something, but what? I was stunned and didn't know what to do so did nothing... There were being somewhat discreet (Quinn didn’t even notice), but it made me sick to my stomach.
The idea of having him in an uncontrolled social environment makes me worry. I guess we have to trust that we’ve instilled enough common sense and rationality that he will be ok. I feel like I'm throwing him to the wolves!
I've done my best to raise a smart happy nice boy and seeing those two ripped me up inside. Yes, I know boys will be boys, but little boys should not know of such violence >:|
His bus to school will be filled with kids of all ages. The bus home will be only Kindergarten. I’m guessing the ride home will solidify some friendships for him.
I picked him up afterwards and he said he liked the bus.
Today was 100% better as it was normal, I just took him to the Dayhome and She took him to/from the bus. She e-mailed me afterwards to let me know day 2 was a success. And it was for me because there were no tears LOL
1 comment:
Mel I know how you felt and feel. Just want you to know it's all perfectly normal for mom's esp mom's of an only child. We'd love to protect them from all the hurts of outside but we can't. I still felt that way when I subbed in H S and saw how Dave was bullied. I wanted to kill those kids with my bare hands. It helped make him into a great human being (we thought so) but was hard to watch. Have faith in your little man as he's been loved and taught well by super parents,
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