We had a good hold on our finances this year. In fact, we could even could see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Seriously! ... then when dad died... the Chaos and traveling put us behind. I only got 3 bereavement days and had to take a week unpaid, plus gas and travel and food for two vehicles, it all just started sliding downhill.
On top of that we have had our fantastic mini vacations, which, if the above didn't happen, would not have been a problem, but under the circumstances, has kicked our asses even farther down that dark hole.
I am super stressed. I am always saying 'no' to Lair about spending money, which causes (uncalled for) marital strife.
As well during all this we ended up dropped $1600 on the truck (we pulled that money out of our asses).... Curses! I shake my fist and money woes. Seriously, we could see the end! We were So close! And now it Doubled, which brings us what feels like forever away from that light.
It will be harder to take this trip to Disney, but 'F' it, we will go and we will spend magical non-existent money....
And on top of that, as I've mentioned, the 'Estate expenses' are on my Line of Credit. Even though that's not technically 'my' debt, it sure feels like it; and it makes me feel sick to my stomach.
On the positive side, my stress if technically unwarranted as the debt is 0.07% of what we had many years ago. But being so close to being debt free has brought back all the stress and anxiety as I watch the #'s slide deeper into the red.... stupid Red!
1 comment:
I feel your pain sista!!! One day we will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just hold on it will come again.
Hugs :)
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