*** 2008 in Review ***
Looking back at video of Quinn 1 year ago - WOW... he has grown up so much! Last year at this time he was still new to talking. No more Strong Silent type. He finally found his voice and words in mid October 2007. So by January 2008, we were still in the beginning stages of full verbal communication, and now, January 2009, he has an amazing vocabulary, is very descriptive and, in my opinion, a pretty good talker! As well, he is very good at describing him emotions (i.e. "I am mad because you won't let me watch TV" [one I hear often!]...).
The extremely mild weather of the West Coast was fantastic, a saving Grace. Never wearing more than a hoodie, we absolutely loved the warm air & green grass and got out to the park/lake as much as we could.
We had a rough start to the year 2008. We were quite depressed from another lonely Christmas, missing our family. Then, Lawrence told me he did not wish to have any more Children... a decision 'he' made 6 months prior... I'd been bugging him for babies off and on all 2007... This was devastating news to me and has taken the full year to recover from. The trauma of this situation then opened a can of worms of how miserable I/we were in BC. As a family unit and as a couple, we were pretty happy and strong, just lonely for a social life. But as an individual, I personally was at the lowest I'd ever felt, and I mean low. After hearing this news, one of my reactions was that I would NOT work full time (I was only working full time so we'd have a good Maternity Leave cushion), so I feel as if I wasted 10 months of quality time with Quinn, which I am making up for now! I started looking for a part time job that month, but wasn't having any luck finding anything that would pay more than $10/hr...
Luckily, as a couple, as friends, Lawrence & I are able to talk things over in a pretty open and safe manner. Today, January 2009, I don't know what I think any more about this situation, I'm yet another year older (2 years past my baby #2 goal) and not getting any younger... so I just go on and try to live in the now, focusing on my beautiful boy, loving husband, and most importantly, ME.
We managed to get away to Calgary for the weekend on a Westjet Special, $20.08 each way, couldn't pass up the opportunity for a long over due whirlwind visit!
Again, we must note the weather was Fantastic and much time was spent at Mill Lake and outside!
We celebrated Scott's B-day & Alex came to the mainland. Quinn & I then headed home so the big kids could play... and I wished we had someone to watch Quinn so I could be a part of the celebration too :(
We had a second whirlwind trip to Calgary (on the same seat sale) for the weekend of Lair's birthday. Quinn stayed at Nan's while Steve & Karen hosted a kick ass b-day celebration. So much fun!
Quinn and I had a bad flu for a few days. Poor Quinn, he'd never been that sick before (nor had I ever caught so much barf in my hands!).... Yuck!
Easter was fun this year as Quinn was excited for the Easter Bunny to come :)
(By the way - at the end of the video I ask what else he got .... he said Coloring Book)
Steve & Karen came to the Coast and with the Vanderlee's we all managed to make a trip to the Island to see Alex, Brystal, Kelly & Ben. It was a fun fun day!
We discovered a wonderful petting farm in North Vancouver, Maplewood (?) farm. It was well worth the drive and lots of fun.

We had a freak snow storm that blew in and out in two hours. That was very exciting for Quinn! Too bad it didn't stick, he couldn't play in it. Luckily it didn't kill the flowers!
Had a fantastic brunch at 'Nam' in Vancouver with Bruce & Leona. We had a great visit, good food, and Quinn let us have a long visit!
Last year, I guess you can say I had him living in a 'bubble'. Since his strokes, I was too afraid to let him play in the Park in our courtyard, or play on the jungle jims at the public parks. I was afraid he'd fall and hit his head... This year I was able to let Quinn be a 'kid' and get out and play. I shock off the paranoia and trusted my instincts that he will be ok. This was a BIG step for me! He sure loves to climb, and this spring he went from the 'baby swing' to the normal swing (only flipping off once)...
I would have to say May was my most favorite month of the year 2008.
I went to Salmon Arm where I met up with Marianne and we got our first tattoo's together. Dad came with and got one too! It was a crazy fun weekend. This was a very Therapeutic weekend for me. I was able to have long in depth conversations with Marianne as well as reflect inward about any of my worries. I learned a lot this weekend and am thankful. The tattoo was one that took roughly 10 years to create and interpret. Having it permanently on my body was like closing a chapter, and I am totally ready to see what comes next.
I stopped working at Cellcom in early May and had 3 weeks off before I started my new job in June.
We had another trip to Alberta. This time we had a chance to actually visit! We went to Medicine Hat, Red Deer, the Farm. It was awesome. Had a chance to visit with both family & friends!
No sooner were we home, The Parenteau's were on the Coast! Albert, Ursula, Max & Jasmine came for a visit. So nice to have a house full of company! Albert, Clayton and I went Skydiving. It was their first jump. My 4th. This was my Mothers Day gift.
After Ursula & fam left, James and Christy were in Vancouver. We were able to meet up with them at 2nd beach at Stanley Park for an afternoon of sand, sun, and fun.
Started my new job at Versacold. Was working full time days for the month of June while I trained.
I got away for a mini vacation for Chrystal's stagette, 'Missy Mayhem', house boating on the Shuswap with 16 girls. It was fun fun fun! Good to get away with just the girls!
For Fathers day we went to the Zoo. All year we made it out and about to many fun outdoorsie
START OF ZOO TRIP . . . . . . . . . END OF ZOO TRIP (sleepy boy!)
Had a major heatwave. 40+; the house was unbearable! Had picnics in the basement for dinner and camped out for bedtime!
We passed the one year mark of Quinn's Strokes. He has not had any signs of illness or damage. Other than the flu in the Spring, he's been 100% healthy. Still no Medical explanation, however, type Lower mainland places, soaking it all in.I have determined what it was... It was a STROKE OF GENIUS! (the title had to come from somewhere right?!).
June 26, 2008 our baby boy turned 3. So hard to believe! We took Quinn to Playland and a Water spray park. We all had so much fun! The week after, Scott & Dee came over and we had a little birthday party with cake & balloons, etc. :)

Hey reader, you still awake?! LOL We're half way done! Might as well take a pee break... For 2009 blogs, I will try my best to stay on top of thing OR do a month end recap with pics/vid.
My work hours went from 8am-5pm to 4pm-12am. This meant I had full summer days with Quinn then went to work at night. (This was only for 2 months).
We discovered Harrison Lake. Spent the day there. Quinn and I swam for a few hours. He sure likes to float in his water wings!
I found community gatherings for moms & kids at the local parks. We had lots of fun, but weren't meeting anybody we wanted to get to know better. Quinn finally mastered blowing bubbles, so almost every night was spent in the backyard digging for worms or blowing bubbles :) We tried tackling Potty Learning again, but our trip to Calgary kind of put it on the back burner.
We had an Alberta summer vacation planned, Calgary, Motion Notion, Brent & Chrystals wedding. But with my new job, I couldn't get all the time I needed off. So Lawrence & Quinn drove out a week before me. Lair made it out to Motion Notion, a much needed and deserved trip! me, at home... well, I was lonely! Working the late shift, no life; so I tried to relax and watched more movies in 1 week than I had that whole year!

Our good friend Sean committed suicide.... I was (am) devistated.
He turned 30 on July 15th.
He killed himself on July 22nd.
I mounre for him. I pray to him. I miss him... We had a coffee date planned for when I was in Calgary. My flight left on thursday. I missed him by 2 days.
His funeral was not only the same day as a wedding Quinn was in, but at the same time. Sometimes I wish I went to the Funeral...
I flew to calgary to be reunited with Lair & Quinn. I needed Lair so bad to cuddle me while I cried for Sean. It was so hard to be in Calgary - I was there for Brent & Chrystal's wedding. Quinn was the Ring Bearer. I tried my best to keep a happy face on. The wedding ceremony was beautiful.

Unfortunatly, the outdoor wedding was rained out whoch caused a bit of organizational chaos. I had too many different people telling me/Quinn where to be and what to do, we ended up running around in the pouring rain just to encounter someone else telling us to go back where we were.... it was frustrating. In the end, Quinn ended up throwing the pillow (the rings were NOT on it), and ran down the isle. I'm not even sure if anyone noticed they had a ring bearer!
After the ceremony, I sat in the Van and cried hysterically for Sean. Such crazy emotions - Wedding/funeral/friends/family... I was at the end of my rope... After about an hour (?) I got myself under control, and joined the celebration...
While in Calgary, we went to Tony Roma's for dinner. This was the breaking point where Lawrence gave up being a Vegetarian. He did it for almost a year. I am so happy he's back on the meat train as I found our dinners to be boring and I LOVE MEAT. We drove home. Quinn travels so well! We stopped at the Enchanted Forrest. A place I haven't been too since I was a kid. Quinn really enjoyed it. I look forward to taking him there again some day.

Potty learning was a success! Upon our return from Calgary, Quinn mastered the potty! It took about 2 weeks and Presto! Potty Trained!
Our July trip to Calgary was the straw that broke the cammels back. We need to go home to Calgary. Moving to BC was easy, a fist full of cash and not a care in the world.... but the move back would be a little different. We needed to make an Exit plan.
Step one - Prepare the house for sale. We spent the month updateing little things like light fixtures, door/closet knobs, light switch plates, etc.
Step two - Lair needs to find a job in Calgary
Step three - sell house
Step four - move
Quinn and I spent our lazy summer days finding Spray Parks, Lakes and Parks. We had so much fun! However, a full long hot day with him, then working till 11pm or midnight every night was wearing me thin. Plus I never got to see Lawrence :( By the time he got home, I was gone; by the time I got home, he was sound asleep... Glad that was only for 2 months!
In August Alex officially moved to Vancouver. Woo-Hoo!
My shift changed to 9am - 1pm. My gruelling summer was just so I could get this shift come sept! We found a Montissorri pre-school for Quinn that had before and after school care. So I dropped him off at 8:30 and picked him up at 1:15. It was a fantastic arrangment! Work/pre-school/family flowing so well together! It was PERFECT and I was HAPPY! ... It also helped that we had an exit plan we were working on!
We (mostley Lair) painted 75% of the house. We were going to hire a professional, but decided the money we would save could go towards professional movers. A good choice, except the house was upside down for a few weeks. It was hard on the Chi flow that's for sure! Between painting, packing and purging, it was Chaos...
My Birthday was a fun one. Scott, Dee, Alex, Mike, Amber and Karen Allan helped me celebrate. Beer & Wings then a house party. We sent Quinn off to Crissy's for the weekend and had a blast.
Quinn mastered the button. I'm so proud of him!
In August, Lair decided to ask his Boss if they would transfer him to their sister company Associated Grocers in Calgary. Finally after many aganizing weeks, they finalized the contract the 3rd week of September. Taking him out of his Buyer roll, stepping him up to Warehouse Supervisor and QA inspector! With a Raise and an extra week of Vacation - they gave him a december 01 start date.
WOW! Let the games begin!
We listed our place for sale on October 1st. 2 showings in 3 weeks then we had an offer. The low balled us. We took it. I am so thankful how fast it sold as it was predicted to take 4-6 months. The other units that were for sale in our complex before us - are still for sale! On the market for 8, 6, & 4 months, with drastic price reductions! We were lucky! I was pretty bitter at loseing so $$, but at least we still walked away a down payment.
I phoned mom and asked her if she would take us in. We didn't want to jump into the Calgary real estate market quite yet as we are watching the prices fall and fall. I am staying home with Quinn till we settle; we would never had been able to afford me staying home and rent and bills! (Thanks Mom!). So hoping to purchase in the Spring, staying with mom (Bless her soul!) will help us take our time and pay down a little debt.
Once the sale was final, all I did was eat, sleep, work, pack....
We found some time to wonder over to a Pumpkin Patch. First time in my life I'd ever been to one. They had a Hay ride, kid fun zones, food, a store; It was a lot of fun!
Halloween was fun this year. I atteneded the Pre-school halloween party. It was loud to say the least! It was raining, but thankfully subsided after dinner. We went around the complex with a neighbour. Not too many people were home. Quinn helped hand candy out till it was gone. He seemed to enjoy that.
My last day of work was Nov 7. It was a relief to leave. The job itself was wearing me thin (Low pay, boring day). If we weren't moving, I would have looked for a new job. The only saving graces were (1) the hours were awesome, and (2) I loved working with Michelle.

They were done by 1pm. We cleaned the place, brought Quinn over to say goodbye to his animals and left, not looking back!
We drove to Chase to visit dad and spend the night. We hit the road at sun up. The highway was bare from Abbotsford till the Three Valley Gap; then the blizzard, snow drifts, ice, scary roads hit. Q & I were in the van, Lair in the car. We had walkie talkies to communicate.
Our stuff made it safe & sound. It is all at Blackfoot storage right now in a Chaotic mess.
We got a futon from Lisa (Thanks!) and set up Quinn's bed. We've managed the space well and are comfortable :)
Lair started his new job and Quinn started his new pre-school.
December was a crazy busy month. With visiting, shopping, settling, Christmas, ect - it flew by so fast!.
Dave Lymburner found out he has Stage 4 cancer (throat/stomach...). Not much I can say about it other than we are praying and sending as much energie as we can muster to him and his family. They have a great support/Prayer network which is a blessing.
Lair had a stange 'Pain' which landed him in the E.R. on Morphine. After 6 hours they sent him home. Hopefully it was just a random one time thing!
We had a chance to house sit for Jen & Tom Dec 17-30. It was so nice to have a space of our own. We all really enjoyed their kitties company.
We made a trip to Medicine Hat to see Lair's folks & sis. Awesome visit! Christmas was spent here with mom and her b/f, then mom, Q & I went to Red Deer for a quick visit. Dad was there so it was nice to see him too.
New years was spent at Karen & David Allans with ~ 12 close friends, including Jean-Pierre who moved to Quebec in 2002! It was fantastic. The music was phenominal and we had a great visit with everyone.
SO - that was our 2008. THANKS FOR READING!
wow you weren't joking it was long :)
Nice review :)
Hope 2009 is WAY better than 2008, since you are HOME :)
Welcome home! Quinn is sure growing fast. :-)
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