So a recap, MAY: I finished working for Cellcom. In doing so I also said goodbye to my Cell phone contract and haven't resigned. I feel naked and a little lost sometimes without a cell, but really, it's getting easier!
Our trip to Alberta was great. We did a lot of driving but it was worth it. Saw lots of family and friends. We had a Beer & Wing gathering with over 25 Stellar peeps! A fantastic group came out to say hello. Lair was actually in town on business so many of his days were spent at a trade show. We made it to Medicine Hat, Calgary, Red Deer and the Farm (one of my most favorite spots in the world)!
May 24th - the Parenteau invasion – Sky diving! Ursula cooked up a plan to surprise Albert. They arrived at our home and didn't even get their shoes off when we left to an unknown destination - 10 minutes from our house is the Vancouver Skydiving Ranch! Clayton, a good friend of theirs came to jump too! Albert had no idea until we pulled into the parking lot and Ursula told him he was jumping too! They both had an awesome time and loved it. Clayton said he will most likely join me again for my birthday jump in September (this time I will get the professional Video!). [if you wish to donate $$ for this, please feel free to send it my way! ha ha ha]. Speaking of video, this is one I took with my camera once the chute was open. The spins you see are a CRAZY ride, we're talking 360's, whipping around, awesome fun!
No sooner did we say goodbye to the Parenteaus, we were saying Hello to James and Christy who came to Vancouver for the weekend. We had an afternoon at the beach!
Scott and Quinn dug a tunnel big enough for Quinn's truck to go through! Fun times were had by all.
We interrupt this Blog entry with a song...
JUNE: I started my new job at VersaCold. I'm totally digging the 10 minute drive! Training has been mentally exhausting but I think I am doing ok. I'm in the shipping office but am being cross trained on most positions as come september I will be a part-time floater. For June I trained full time hours 8-4:30.
We've had some fun weekends. We ran into a HUGE random street party in Burnaby so people watched and hung out for the afternoon. We went to a miniature railway and rode a little train.
For FATHERS DAY we went to the Zoo.
On June 20th, me, Dee, Chrystal and Nicole packed up the van and headed off to the Shuswap for Chrystal's house boating stagette extravaganza - Missy Mayhem! 16 beautiful girls and a non-stop party! WOO-HOO! It was ridiculous fun!
3.... can you believe it?
We celebrated by going to Playland, a waterpark, and had a BBQ.
We interrupt this Blog entry with another song...
JULY: Quinn and I went to the Abbotsford Canada Day Parade. It was 'Cute', but absolutely no comparison to the Stampede Parade! We had a heat wave for a few days. It was so hot in the house that we had a picnic in the basement and slept there too!
I started my new shift this week. Until it gets busier, I will work 4pm - 8 pm. This is awesome! I can spend all day with Quinn, go to work, and come home in time to tuck him in. I wish this could be my permanent shift! However, when it gets busy, I will work 4pm till Midnight (july & aug only)! It will be hard on me as Quinn is up at 7am, so regardless what time I get home and sleep, I will have to be up early! So I plan to nap when he naps in the afternoon. Come Sept, I will work 9am-1pm and Quinn will be in Montessori pre-school during this time :)
So that's about it for now!
Perhaps instead of a weekly update, a monthly update would be more suitable!
Love to you all, we love and miss you all.
1 comment:
Woo Hoo!!! So excited that you updated. I know how time flies and you don't have time to update. I am still trying to find that time for mine.....
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