Hello Blog world... So sorry for not updating this! It was a fun and busy October.
We had a nice visit with Dee who was in town getting the Loft ready for a new renter. It was fabulous to see her and can't wait to see Scott during the Christmas holidays.
For Thanksgiving we headed up to Red Deer to see Marianne new house and enjoy some family time. Mom and Giuseppe came up too. We had a great visit and a fabulous dinner. On our way home, at Gasoline alley, Lairs mom called, Kerri's (who was 24 weeks pregnant) was being air lifted from Medicine Hat to Calgary with pregnancy complication..... That was a long quiet drive home, we were so worried. HOWEVER, am am SO happy to say, she is still happily preggers. In brief, she was at the foothills for 1 week, then moved to the Ronald McDonald House for 3 weeks, and they finally gave her the ok to go home on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. She is due Jan 22.... The whole family is so relieved to see her head home with a growing belly.
Lair had an opportunity to go on a 5 day business trip, having appointments with Produce Manager from all the stores he services in central/northern Alberta. In 5 days he put over 2400 kn on his truck. He was able to spend 2 nights at Uncle Dwayne in Grand Prairie and got to visit auntie Charlene too. It was weird not having him here. Both Quinn and I missed him very much.
We went to BARDO III (A full on psy Halloween party). Lisa, Dean & Ivy slept over and we had Claire come babysit sleepover. It was one hell of a party - I danced almost all night long. I had such blissful feeling dancing up front and center with Lawrence by my side. Where we were, dancing, at those moments, was exactly where we were meant to be. (If that makes sense). There were many old friends and acquaintances in attendance that night, it was just perfect! I also had Brittany by my side and it was wonderful to have her share this piece of my life. I danced so hard and was so sweaty, I actually sweated off my latex applications! LOL As well, Jason Melnyk and his wife came! I know, funny right? We've been in touch over the years through facebook. I haven't seen him since I was very pregnant with Quinn. It was a nice reunion, though we didn't get much chit chat in (I was to busy dancing). [for those who don't know, Jason was my first boyfriend and we dated for a few years as teens].
We finally got up around 10:30 and Claires mom picked her up shortly after. With Lisa & Fam, we had a family day of cuddles and movies. It was very nice. We took Ivy for another night so Lisa & Dean could go to another Halloween party.
For actual Halloween day, I got up an hour early to get 'Bettie' ready for work. She was the best Zombie of the 3. I told my boss I wouldn't dress 'sexy', but no one said anything about Gorey! I was the bell of the ball at work that's for sure!
Lisa & Ivy came over after dinner to go trick or treating. We spent an hour out and they got tons of candy! It was a great Halloween.
Hoop class...
I signed up for the Intermediate Hoop class which began Oct 5. This spring I took the beginners class and I was super excited about the 2nd class.... It is 10 sessions long with about 15 ladies in the class there are a few at my level, a few intermediate, and a few I question why they are taking the class because they are so good.
At first I was really enjoying it, as it was at my 'level', but the lessons quickly surpassed my comfort level and abilities, leaving me feeling sad, defeated, and uncomfortable. Not to mention there were a few young gals in the class whose waist was the size of my thighs.... Not helping my confidence at all! : \
So I was coming home sad and frustrated, and unable to practice because it's cold and dark outside (most things I need to practice are off body stuff, and playing 'ring toss' in the house is a disaster waiting to happen).
While Lawrence was o his business trip - I missed 1 class. Then the next week, I had such anxiety about going, I bailed and drank wine and watched TV instead. Then the week after that... well, I e-mailed my instructor and quit.
I have lost my hoop mojo.... But my personal promise to myself is, in the spring, when the snow thaws, if there is a class, I will take it again. At least I will have a backyard to practice in in-between classes.
So that's October in a nut shell spilling a little into November.
Love and light to all you! xoxo
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