Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Motion Notion 2011

It was touch and go there for awhile if we were going to be able to attend this years festival, but Finally, last minute, Lair's mom committed to watching Quinn for several days.

It would have been so much easier if she came to Calgary, but in the end, sending him to Medicine Hat turned out to be awesome for him.

Thursday afternoon, lair got off work early and drove Quinn to meet him mom 1/2 way to Medicine Hat.  He was home by 7 so we went and had dinner, got the trailer and started getting ready.


QUINN'S Weekend in Medicine Hat

We couldn't have timed it better!  Kerri's step-son Nicholas was in town So Quinn got plenty of Gramma time, Auntie/Uncle time and best of all Nick time.   Next year at this time Kerri will be home on mat leave - maybe we can work this out again for MoNo 2012!?

I digress.  He saw Cars II in the theatre, had a sleepover, went to the lake and played in the backyard pool.

We picked him up mid morning on the following Tuesday 1/2 way between Calgary & the Hat.
Friday we finally got or shit together and headed off - SO EXCITED!

We stopped in Drayton to fill the trailer with water (so I could use the potty!) and we arrived late afternoon.  A lovely spot had been saved for us and it was wicked fun to just be there with our friends.

Friday night was Darvin doing a solo Sons of Aurora set.  First time in 9 years Norris (who is in Switzerland) wasn't by his side.  It was an emotional set and I loved every beat.  Didn't stay up too late, got a good sleep for the weekend.

Had a lazy morning enjoying our camp.  After lunch we had good intentions to head to the beach this year (last year we didn't even try).  The music sounded good on our way down, however, upon reaching the bottom of the hill it changed to Dub Step  (I hate dub step), so, a quick retreat!  There were 10 of us at this point.  We headed off to find Darvin's camp as they brought a renegade stage (against James wishes  lol).  and SO happy we did this as this guy named 'Houstin' was spinning Progressive Trance and it was exactly what we needed!  It was a lot of fun.  We spent the whole afternoon dancing and chilling in the private Oasis of 709.  We're hoping to camp with them next year in that spot.  I think their music set up with our 'camp' set up would make a beautiful experience.

I got into the Sailor Jerry Rum (along side a few other things).... unfortunately, I guess I was a big dumb jerk to Lawrence and didn't even notice  :(  I feel really bad as it really bothered him.  I still don't know exactly what I said or did that caused him to (a week later) tell me I was an Asshole.  I was oblivious to say the least.  Which sucks.  It's inexcusable, but in my defence, it was a party-hardy day in the hot sun and he never told me there was an issue so I couldn't correct my behaviour....  Again, I feel pretty bad, especially since I didn't even know about this until a week later....  Note to self, keep Jerry in check when drinking w/ him!

Anyways, onto better things, Saturday night was Infected Mushroom.  They started with a live show and it rocked my world!  It was very 'hard' very 'rock' and had an Industrious sound.  Really brought me back to my electronic roots of Industrial music.   Unfortunately this wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but it sure was mine!

Afterwards they did an 'old school' set (from late 90's early Y2K) and it was absolutely Amazing!  So much fun. 

It was hard to leave the dance floor but my body was telling me to go rest and sleep so we did before the sun came up.

Was another great lazy day.  This time we chose to just chill at camp for the day.  We did hit up the market and I got a great Space Tribe jacket!

This night was Simon Posford of Shpongle.  We saw him a year ago in a club in town and it was so-so.  This however, was pure Magic!  I certainly lost myself in the music and on the dance floor; at one point I raised my arms to the sky and started to unravel to the Heavens.....  Crazy amazing experience.  Seriously transported off this earth.

Afterwards was a really shitty DJ so we wondered about the party and our camp, tried to get in more dancing and finally decided to turn in for the night.

We had to wait for awhile for people to pack up and move out of the way before we could go so we just relaxed and slowly packed up and hung with the Fam.

It was a slow go home.  We had to find a dumping station to dispose of the 'potty' and unused water.  Having the trailer at the party was so kick ass!  I only used the port-o-potty once during the whole festival, other than that I managed to use my private powder room!  And it's super easy to drain/clean/dump. 

I think we got home around 6pm and were in bed early.

So Motion Notion 2011 - It was the best MoNo yet and for me would be my fav #3 in my 14 years of going to music festivals!  My only real complaints as always reflect on the poor decisions by 'management' (James Hodges) and his poor Selection of DJ's and or DJ Lineup.  <-- Meaning the flow and or talent.  For the most part was top notch but he certainly had his fair share of Flail....

So with Motion Notion 2011 over, the fun wasn't ending yet!  We still had a week off work!  wOOt!    To be continued....

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