... We didn't know if "Jellybean" was a girl or a boy, nor did we care - we just wanted a healthy baby - mind, body & soul, and that we got!

8 Weeks


Such a good kid! Started walking the day after his 1st birthday =) He adjusted well to the move to BC.
1.5 yrs old.


Wasn't talking yet - had a few words - he spoke "Quinnese" which thankfully, I am fluent in!; he was the Strong silent observer - and SO very smart.
We were devastated when he had his mini-strokes, but after our blessed stay at the BC Children's Hospital, we were happy to bring home a healthy boy. We now deem it to be a Stroke of Genius!
Finally started talking in October 2008 upon our return from 2 weeks in the Mayan Riviera - he loved it! As did we, an amazing trip to celebrate life & family.
2.5 yrs. old
3.5 yrs old. Back in Alberta, staying with mom. He did so well in the chaos of moving. Again, getting to stay home with Quinn was so amazing!
And now here he is - FOUR! (We still have to go for our annual family photo)...
I am so thankful for his health and am amazed every day by his bright soul. I am so thankful I was able to be home with him for over 3 of his 4 years with us. Time you can not put a price tag on.
He is Mighty indeed. Thanks for taking the time to walk down memory lane with me.
PS - MOM, click on the pics if you want to see a bigger version.=)
1 comment:
way to go Idaho!!
Hard to believe 4 years has passed already, pretty soon they'll be heading to disneyland!!!
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