I dropped Quinn at moms and headed to the hospital. I must admit, I was taken aback by Dave's condition compared to when I saw him last week. I won't get into details. I just sat with him and help his hand. I really just wanted to be there, have him know I love him and just sat and prayed. About 10 minutes passed and some people walked in. It was his parents in from Sask., so I quickly bid him farewell and told him I would be back sooner than later.
When I left I had a complete mental breakdown; I composed myself and went back to moms where we had a nice visit for a few hours.
On the drive home, I felt compelled to go back to the hospital immediately, so we went home, had dinner then I headed back and boy am I glad I did. He was completely alert and talking, I was so relieved! We had a good visit.
Afterwards I met up with Christy and we went for a beer downtown. I was home by midnight, checked Facebook then headed to bed.
Now, not for the faint of heart....
As always, I went into Quinn's room to tuck him in and kiss & cuddle him... When I opened the door, a strange smell was in his room...
I got closer and stepped in something, took a close look and... Oh my God..... EW! Poor Guy!!!! BARF-O-RAMA! He spewed from one end of his bed to the other and over the side on his stool & floor, oh and his beloved Bear! He was laying with his bum up in the air and his face in puke!
I grabbed some clean blankets and made a little bed for him beside mine, then I woke him up. He got out of bed.
<--- This is kind of what he looked like...
I tried really fast to change him and clean him up - then he started shaking like a leaf; I got him to the bathroom and told him to puke in the toilet, he looked confused, but caught on real quick.
My poor baby... yet at the same time I'm thinking look how grown up he is! Usually he just pukes in my HANDS!....
So I tuck him in his little bed beside mine, I give him a little bucket and a travel ,ug with water. I told him if he's going to be sick to use the bucket. I had just dozed off and I hear 'Mom, where's my bucket?'... It turn the lamp on and give it to him and more comes out. Gave him some water and he laid down without a word.
During all this Lair is trying to stay asleep as he has to be up at 4am to go to work!
Quinn was up at 6:45am needed cuddles (and a bath!). He's doing much better. Breakfast stayed down and the cuddles are plentiful.
Good times.
By the way, mom - thank you for all the times you cleaned up MY barf, I know it was quite the chore in the Long yellow shag carpet!
1 comment:
at least it wasn't a big pile of poo. Barf I can handle WAY better than poo!!!!
and on a complete tangent, my word verification for today: spewo
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