Friday, March 27, 2009

Quinn: "Mom, what's my bum doing?"

So things aren't so hot here for Quinn and I. We seem to have some sort of Tummy ache bug. This morning, Quinn said, with a very concerned look on the potty: "Mom, what's my bum doing?" ...

I know - TO MUCH INFO! lol... but it was cute.

I've had waves of Lethergy (?) take over, it's making it hard to parent! Quinn seems to have NO issue with his energy, but he's not eating much.

I'm supposed to go out for a goodbye coffee gathering for Heather but fear I won't be able to make it :(

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Ursula said...

Sounds exactly like I had. Upset tummy with many trips to the bathroom, wondering what my bum was doing!!!!

started in the wee hours of tuesday and yesterday is the first day I felt normalish.

Today it is just a headache, so it passes quickly :)

Hope you guys are feeling better,

Hugs and love