Lair woke up early this a.m. with pain in his mid right back. It got progressively worse and he woke me up ~5am. It got really bad and he decided he needed to go to the Hospital.
He got there and they thought it was Kidney stones. He was in incredible pain, and it moved to the front Sternum.... they gave him morphine... the guy said "you are a big guy, so I'm giving you enough to knock out a horse"... Lair was able to catch up on his sleep and fade in and out of La La Land. They did a CT Scan, blood, urine. Results came back with a clear abdomen and no explanation... So, why the pain?
10 hours later discharged him with 'undiagnosed Abdomen pain'. They gave him some pills, said if the pain comes back take them. If the pain is severe, come back and they'll do an ultrasound. Thinking it could be Gall stones.
So we left. He became horrible ill before we even got to the car and was ill all afternoon. Must have been the drugs.
He's doing 100% better now. Ate a good dinner. No pain. Food staying down.
So a mystery.
What a day!
Big love for you all!
yup, morphine will make you itchy and hurl.
don'tcha remember me after the C section...
boo to sick and pain
hug lair for me.
sorry to hear about his predicament. Hopefully all is better now. Give a round of healthy hugs to everyone for me :)
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