Sunday, November 9, 2008

Radio Contest

When we arrived in the Lower Mainland, we were tickled pik to find out there was a Jack FM 96.9 here with the same format as the Calgary station. We are loyal listeners in rush hour as the traffic updates are quite important!

While working at Cellcom, I listened to the internet radio (BC) Jack FM a lot and gathered up a lot of points for the 'Jackoholics club' (you earn point going on line for contests/surveys/etc). This was how I won the Power Within tickets in the Spring.

Anyways, Here we are moving and Alberta doesn't have the jackoholics club, so we're sitting here with megga points to spend. So - There is a contest that opened last week and closes nest weekend - a trip for two to the Mayan Riviera at the Coba (where we stayed last year).

250 points for one entry. I entered 27 times and Lair entered 23 times! Wouldn't it be awesome if we won! One hell of a BC parting gift!

Wish us luck! The draw is on Monday, Nov 19 between 9am - 3pm - so I hope Lair's cell phone rings!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That would be an awesome parting gift. I hope that you guys win! It would definitely be a positive way to leave.

PS~ looking forward to coffee when you get here and have a minute!!!