Thursday, October 9, 2008

My head is spinning!

Oh my Gosh My head is spinning! So All of August and September we've been primping the house and trying to organize and strategise to get the house on the market and us to Calgary.

So here we are, October, the house is on the market (MLS# F2828851), Lair starts his new job Dec. 1, so now we need to get to calgary. So this weekend will be full steam ahead pack & purge.But, we need to pack for two things: <1> our temporary situation which could be a few weeks or a few months.... and
<2>our full move to our new home.

Ug, trying to think of what we'll need for 3 months is tough. Clothes, pillows/bedding, bed? (will probably buy a futon in calgary); will probably bring Quinn's bed as he misses it lots when we travel; I need to find out if mom has certain kitchen items; Our cpt, printer, speakers, PVR.... TV? It will be so hard to say good bye to our beautiful flat gorgeous baby.... toys? books? Yikes.

I guess we will have to use the mentality we do when packing for a vacation - once we are gone - if we need something and don't have it, we either buy it, or didn't need it that bad....

WINTER.... Am I ready for it? didn't miss it one bit... The visual beauty of winter and the crispness in the air will be nice - the big Blue sky.... But the cold and slush and crappy roads.... :( So, I keep reminding myself of how much FUN I had in Winter as a KID.... Spending HOURS outside in the snow....

Am I ready for 'The Big City' again? My life has been centered around Abbotsford this year - no traffic, everything you need is literally 15 minutes from my door (the whole city is only 20 minutes driving radius...)....

LOL - who am I kidding, I am a PROUD CALGARIAN! I am sure we will slide right back into things; will be interesting with Quinn in toe. Will be cool to see it through new eyes.

He adjusts well and travels very well. I just hope this move won't be too hard on him. Right now he is in Montessori 5 days a week and learning so much! I hate to shake up his little life but it will be for the best. Better now than when he's actually in school! One of the first things I will need to do is find a temporary pre-school class for him near moms that is cheap (as I won't be working yet) and I won't worry about a permanent spot until we buy a place and settle in one area.

So I gotta think about packing for December, packing and staging the house (maybe finding a temp renter to help off set the costs), finding a pre-school for Quinn, not driving mom crazy, selling the van and getting a cheaper reliable 4 door car (BTW - the van is for sale if you know anyone looking!), finding a job in the new year, buying a new place in Cowtown, flying back here to do the final move (U-haul or mover?), Moving again, settling, and finding a school for Quinn... Just to name a few things on my plate... Sigh.

Will be nice to have cheaper car insurance (Meloche Monnix how I've missed you!), cheaper gas, health care paid for.... :) Higher wages! We're trying to sell in the suckiest time in Abbotsford - however, we welcome the soft market in calgary as it will be cheaper for us to buy - so in the end it will even out. I'm hoping the calgary market declines considerably in the next few months so we can get into a newer development (We're looking mostly at Townhouses).

Oh - we've hired a painter to paint our basement.

So this is going to be painted the light color on far wall.... Sigh.

A year ago today we were in the Mayan Riviera... Quinn wasn't talking yet! I can't believe how much he has grown as an individual. He is such a nice boy. Very thoughtful and careing, sincere and considerate....

I digress. It's bedtime.... Thanks for reading my random babble. Just needed to get some things out of my head before bed.

1 comment:

Ursula said...

spin away my friend because soon you will be grounded HOME!!!