Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quiet time... too good to be true.

Quinn has been having a hard time getting in his afternoon naps because we need to be up and out the door during his regular nap time... So instead, he has 1 hour of "Quiet Time", which usually consists of me going upstair 4+ times in 1 hour telling him it's QUIET time, not run all over the upper floor time....

Today however, I only had to go up there twice. I was so pleased. I figured he was either sleeping, or playing quietly in his bed. I was prepared to give him an extra special nummy snack. I approached his door, ready to enter beeming with love & adoration for him being such a good boy.... I open the door and.... No Quinn. Huh?

So I peep into our room thinking he tucked himself into mommy & daddy's bed to nap..... No Quinn. I walk into the bathroom.... no Quinn. I hear something. It's coming from the spare room. The spare room which he never goes into. The spare room that I keep the door closed all the time.......

I open the door.... He looks up and smiles and waves "Hi Mom" he says as he is sitting on the bed covered in ripped Christmas wrapping paper surrounded by all his no-longer pre-wrapped Christmas gifts from Nan....(which were in a tied black garbage bag). I had to contain myself as this was amusing and quite cute, but I was quite mad.

After a stern talking to, I made him sit in his room for another 15 minutes... I don't think he knows what he did was wrong... I hope he doesn't do it again. Now I have to re-wrap all these gifts!

1 comment:

Ursula said...

locks, my friend, locks. We had to do it with Max and even more so with Jasmine.

You know when they are being quiet they are up to no good :)