This January my 'mommy boards' were all a buzz about registering their little ones for pre-school... Quinn will turn 3 this summer. Depending on my work situation, I may consider enrolling him in pre-school next January (when he's 3.5) then again when he's 4. Poor kid will be a pro by the time he hits kindergarden... I can't believe it's time to think about this stuff already!If we were in Calgary or Kelowna, I would try my best to see if we could afford him to go to the Waldorf School, but the one in Vancouver is 3 times the cost and in North Van...
I don't know how much faith I have in the Public schools these days - but really - paying more money doesn't gaurantee anything either. Sigh... :(
So I'm going to do some research on Montessori education. I'd never heard of it till I moved out here.
Ivy is in montessori and is taking to it very well.
She was enrolled at 2 and a half though.
we are at the one in bonevista and she starts her day at 7 and I pick her up by 4 usually.
Mine has before and after school care which is great for the two of us.
She does half a day of lessons and the rest is spent in structured play and out side.
I try to go on most of her field trips with her (about 1 a month) seeing as she is still pretty little and gets grumpy easily when tuckered.
Dino's dad s currently paying for it but I will be footing the bill here in about a month.
they also do subsidy (thank god) which will nock the price in half.
The biggest thing with any style or type of school is how YOU feel about the people teaching your child. Whether it is public or private there are shitty teachers everywhere. Do they connect with your child? Do you see your child advancing in their development because of the interactions they are having at school or are you just paying for another form of babysitting. What we have found is it doesn't matter about the type or style of the school but whether or not your child is flourishing. I suggest sooner rather than later though. Don't wait until January start him in September.
Best of luck in the decisions you are about to make :)
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