It was a positive experience, even though he cried/fused. Going to to Dentist is 'Fun' YEAY!
Wednesday was the Power Within confrence. Tuesday night Quinn was sleeping over at Crissy's (his Dayhome) and we were heading into Vancouver to sleep over at Scott & Dee's so we wouldn't have the long rush hour commute on wed. On tuesday I woke up not feeling so good. Tummy pains, but went to work and ended up leaving as I was really sick. I slept all day, we went to Scott & Dee's, and pretty much went straight to bed. Luckily by wed. morning I was feeling better. It was a 24 hour bug almost to the minute! I haven't been sick like that in a long time!
We took a cab to GM place, went through the no line up VIP door and sat 5th row on the floor in front of the podeum. It was a good day. Chris Gardner (Pursuit of happiness) and Frank Abegnale (Catch me if you can) were by far the most interesting. We learned a few things and were reminded about things we already know but don't practice. Good advice on Life, Time mngt, Stress mngt, investing, ... Very happy we went, though not sure I would pay to see next years (depending on the speakers). The Power Within - to have the Power you need a Good marketing team! I can't imagine how much money was made. 5,000 people. They would have easily cleard 1 million in seat sales alone, let alone all the books, CD's, DVD, classes, ect they were selling.
It ran late. Crissy offered to watch Quinn for another night! So we went out for dinner with Scott & Dee. When we left - our van was gone! ??!! I thought it was stolen, luckily it was just towed and the impound lot was only a few minutes away. A pain in the butt, but not a big deal.
I am feeling better just in time for the weekend! Hooray! It's Dee's birthday on sunday so we get to celebrate.