Thursday, March 27, 2008

Quinn's first Trip to the Dentist!

This morning we went for a visit to the Dentist! Their office is awesome! I wish adult dentists would do their offices like this!

His teeth are coming in straight with good spacing. When we first got in the room, I got pretty teary eyed as I couldn't believe how big my little boy was! I've been verclempted all morning! They grow up so fast, don't they!

He didn't want the Dentist to poke around in his mouth, but she's a true pro and managed to get everything looked at.

It was a positive experience, even though he cried/fused. Going to to Dentist is 'Fun' YEAY!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

It has been a fun long weekend. Friday our alarm clock went off at 4:40am... UG. We were up shortly after 5, in the van by 6 and at the Ferry at 7 in line for the 8am sailing to Victoria.

Steve, Karen, Scott & Dee met us at the Ferry and we had breakfast on the boat. Steve & Karen bought Quinn a new pair of Rubber boats! Headed straight to Starbucks, then to Brent & Chrystals. They have an awesome apartment! Had a visit there while Quinn had an 1.5 hrs of Quiet time (he wouldn't nap), then we met up with Kelly & Ben and headed to the Ocean. A gorgeous walk - it was a gorgeous day! We eventually made our way into downtown. Went to Milestones for lunch (mmmm beer), did a little more shopping, met up with Alex and we all went to a Vegan Chinese Restaurant. It was really good. Who knew, I like Glueton! Lair pedometer showed that we walked over 18,000 steps! Time was ticking as we had to catch the 9pm ferry - so bid farewell to everybody and headed out. Quinn was alseep before we got there. I stayed in the van, laid down in the back and watch a movie while everyone else went up top. It was a painfully long drive home (1 hour) - Lair was so tired, as was I... even debated on stopping, but we were almost there and got home safely. Longest drive ever when you're tired!

Saturday morning we headed off to the Vanderlee's. Our kits babysitter met us, she was taking Quinn to the Aquarium, while we all toured around granville island (beer), Yaletown, Gastown (beer), and back to kits (beer). It was a nice day! Lair pedometer showed that we walked over 13,000 steps! Picked up Quinn and headed home (Lair was the DD).

Sunday, once I got up, we sent Quinn upstairs to grab his teddy bear, when he came down there was an Easter basket for him. He was pretty excited when he realized there were littles chocolates in the eggs! We asked him to name his rabbit and he's calling him Bunny...

For dinner I made a Prime Rib for Quinn and I, yorkshire pudding, cauliflower cassarole and roasted potatoes. It was awesome! Check out how much GARLIC is on top! Yorkshires raised, and cooked to Perfection!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tim Hortons Road Rage

So this morning Quinn and I went to Tim Horton's to surprise Lair with coffee & a bagel when he woke up. The line up was the longest I have every seen it, but we weren't in a hurry, it was beautiful out and Quinn was in a great mood. Painfully slow - but still no big deal.

About 5 cars ahead of me a guy in a green sports car had 2 trucks in front of him before the order speaker, and 4 cars waiting for the window.

I hear a horn honk. I see the green car jut out of the line, a guy jumps out, throws his baseball cap to the ground, shaking his fist & Yelling - grabs a 'The Club' from his car and goes out of my view... I couldn't see or hear. a few moments later he gets back into his car, pulls back and off to the side about 2 car lengths and RAMS the truck in front of him!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!

Holy crap! Ridiculous! And with probably 40+ witnesses! (it's a busy strip mall)... all the cars in front of me pulled over and parked and were offering to be witnesses - since I couldn't see the whole thing I decided to just go across town to another Timmy's. Driving past I see people with their phone out either talking or taking pics. The little green car was wedged totally under the truck and that guys grill plowed into the truck in front of him.

Man oh man that is some crazy stuff.

Life's to short! If you are in a hurry for your coffee - make it at home!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Public school vs Montessori ?

This January my 'mommy boards' were all a buzz about registering their little ones for pre-school... Quinn will turn 3 this summer. Depending on my work situation, I may consider enrolling him in pre-school next January (when he's 3.5) then again when he's 4. Poor kid will be a pro by the time he hits kindergarden... I can't believe it's time to think about this stuff already!If we were in Calgary or Kelowna, I would try my best to see if we could afford him to go to the Waldorf School, but the one in Vancouver is 3 times the cost and in North Van...

I don't know how much faith I have in the Public schools these days - but really - paying more money doesn't gaurantee anything either. Sigh... :(

So I'm going to do some research on Montessori education. I'd never heard of it till I moved out here.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Hair - Flu - Confrence - TGIF

Wow it's been a BUSY week! First thing is first. For those of you not in the Facebook world -

I GOT NEW HAIR! (again).

As you may or may not know, I chopped and donated a 12+ inch pony
tail to Locks of Love on December 1st; This left me with an unmanagable hair style, it took 30-45 minutes to make it look good - hello - I work full time and have a 2 year old! So it ended up in a headband.

Sick and tired of my skinny hair (why couldn't it be skinny thighs?), March 1st I got it permed. YEAY ME! I absolutley love the new cut - Voluptuous hair to match the body!

Wednesday was the Power Within confrence. Tuesday night Quinn was sleeping over at Crissy's (his Dayhome) and we were heading into Vancouver to sleep over at Scott & Dee's so we wouldn't have the long rush hour commute on wed. On tuesday I woke up not feeling so good. Tummy pains, but went to work and ended up leaving as I was really sick. I slept all day, we went to Scott & Dee's, and pretty much went straight to bed. Luckily by wed. morning I was feeling better. It was a 24 hour bug almost to the minute! I haven't been sick like that in a long time!

We took a cab to GM place, went through the no line up VIP door and sat 5th row on the floor in front of the podeum. It was a good day. Chris Gardner (Pursuit of happiness) and Frank Abegnale (Catch me if you can) were by far the most interesting. We learned a few things and were reminded about things we already know but don't practice. Good advice on Life, Time mngt, Stress mngt, investing, ... Very happy we went, though not sure I would pay to see next years (depending on the speakers). The Power Within - to have the Power you need a Good marketing team! I can't imagine how much money was made. 5,000 people. They would have easily cleard 1 million in seat sales alone, let alone all the books, CD's, DVD, classes, ect they were selling.

It ran late. Crissy offered to watch Quinn for another night! So we went out for dinner with Scott & Dee. When we left - our van was gone! ??!! I thought it was stolen, luckily it was just towed and the impound lot was only a few minutes away. A pain in the butt, but not a big deal.

I am feeling better just in time for the weekend! Hooray! It's Dee's birthday on sunday so we get to celebrate.