This is our new view-------->
Much different than Abbotsford! I didn't realize how much of a city girl I was until I left the city! It's pretty cool living downtown.
So the weekend after we arrived, Bassnectar was in town, it was also Steve (early) b-day celebration. Was so nice to see so many familiar faces and get lots of hugs. The show itself was boring to me, but I loved the people I was with!
The gathering afterwards was terrific. Had a great visit with everybody. It was a wonderful way to be re-introduced back into my real life!
Quinn started his pre-school (Tue & Thur) last week and is loving it. Though he is a tad dissapointed on M-W-F's as he wants to go to school everyday! He seems to be adjusting well, though there have been a few outbursts of crying and tantrum's, that has me a little worried as it is so out of the ordinary for him; but I guess it's to be expected.
I've been able to get around for various visits with friends; more coffe dates and play dates in my near future! Such a novelty compared to the past 2 years of NO social life!!! (Thank God for Facebook!).
Lawrences new job, week 1 is done. So far no real complaints from him other than the 5am start is a bit hard to swallow! So I more or less tuck in Quinn, then turn around and tuck in Lair! Good thing about that shift is he's home by 2pm. Sometimes he naps with Quinn. :)
Life with mom has been great. I don't feel any stress and we fit in the space well.
Ok all you Bloggers - It's month end! Time to update your blogs!