Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tomorrow is December...

This is our new view-------->

Much different than Abbotsford! I didn't realize how much of a city girl I was until I left the city! It's pretty cool living downtown.

So the weekend after we arrived, Bassnectar was in town, it was also Steve (early) b-day celebration. Was so nice to see so many familiar faces and get lots of hugs. The show itself was boring to me, but I loved the people I was with!

The gathering afterwards was terrific. Had a great visit with everybody. It was a wonderful way to be re-introduced back into my real life!

Quinn started his pre-school (Tue & Thur) last week and is loving it. Though he is a tad dissapointed on M-W-F's as he wants to go to school everyday! He seems to be adjusting well, though there have been a few outbursts of crying and tantrum's, that has me a little worried as it is so out of the ordinary for him; but I guess it's to be expected.

I've been able to get around for various visits with friends; more coffe dates and play dates in my near future! Such a novelty compared to the past 2 years of NO social life!!! (Thank God for Facebook!).

Lawrences new job, week 1 is done. So far no real complaints from him other than the 5am start is a bit hard to swallow! So I more or less tuck in Quinn, then turn around and tuck in Lair! Good thing about that shift is he's home by 2pm. Sometimes he naps with Quinn. :)

Life with mom has been great. I don't feel any stress and we fit in the space well.

Ok all you Bloggers - It's month end! Time to update your blogs!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Home safe and sound!

The Eagle has landed!

The first part of the move went great.  Moving day got pushed back a day so we were able to be 110% ready.   Got up friday morning, took Quinn to school, grabbed some Starbucks and the movers were an hour late... no big deal - we don't pay them by the hour!  

The driver + 3 guys showed up with smiles on their faces.  They were fantastic.  We got out of their hair immediately.  We ran some errands then went for pedicures :)  Best move ever.  Upon our return they were finishing up.  We cleaned for about 2 hours then grabbed Quinn and brought him to the empty house to say goodbye to his painted animals.   He ran in, yelled good bye and was ready to go.

We headed into Vancouver and went to the Aquarium, then over to Scott & Dee's for one last visit and sleepover.  Alex and his friends came to.  It was a nice evening.

Saturday we bid farewell and hit to road by 10.  We actually hit the road at noon once we done everything we needed to do.  We picked up some 2-way radios from Costco as i don't have a cell and wanted to be in contact with Lair.  We made it to Chase in no time!  Like under 3 hours!  The road was clear and a good drive.

We had a nice visit with dad.

Sunday we were up at 6am and on the road by 7:15.   The drive was great right up until three valley gap where the snow began.  Man oh man what crappy weather and road conditions!  Mostly drove 50km/hr.  I wasn't very happy - pretty slippery, not quite a white knuckle drive, but close!  It finally cleared at Banff where the highway divides, then it was clear and dry all the way to Calgary!

We arrived at Karen & Steves door step exactly 8 hours later :)

So there you have.  We are Back!  WOO-HOO!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


During the past few weeks, while trying to organize, pack, purge, clean, mother, wife - I've concluded that why LISTS are so important to me, is they focus my brain on the task at hand.

Without a list, I am all over the place! Lawrence has mentioned in the past how I go from one thing to another to another without finishing what I started then back again and repeat. I never noticed. However, in the past few weeks, I've wondered from either Making a list, or following a list and my brain has been chaotic and I find myself all over the place.

This morning, I concluded that I must have A.D.D., and my medication is a List.


Fish and Chips and guilt....

So last night we headed out for dinner. The 2 restaurants we chose were either CLOSED (on a wed) or closing at 6 pm on a wednesday. Grrrr.... Abbotsford sucks!

So we ended up going for Fish & Chips. It was a hard choice because Quinn has NEVER had French fries with us (though it seems he knows what they are >:\ not sure if that means he's had them or just knows about them)....

We figured since it's Fish & Chips and something we don't normally eat, it would be a treat.

Man oh man was it ever good! All you could eat Cod & chips for $9.99 ($2.99 for Quinn). And eat we did! But, while eating I wasn't paying attention. Quinn more or less just ate Chips.... sigh. Then was too full for the fish (or didn't like it? though he never said that).

So, if/when there is a next time for chips/fries - I will tell him he has to eat his meal first, then may have the fries.

Not bad. 3.5 years with no fries and trust you me, this isn't opening a new food door.

Today is Lair's last day of work. Moving day has been pushed back a day which is a relief. So that mean's we'll both be here - so we'll both go for a Pedicure!

We'll stay with Scott & Dee tomorrow night for a final visit with them and hopefully Alex, then Saturday will head to Chase to see dad and sunday push through to Calgary where we will stay with Steve & Karen for a night or 2 while we arrange to pick up our futon .

T-Minus 24 hours!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Radio Contest

When we arrived in the Lower Mainland, we were tickled pik to find out there was a Jack FM 96.9 here with the same format as the Calgary station. We are loyal listeners in rush hour as the traffic updates are quite important!

While working at Cellcom, I listened to the internet radio (BC) Jack FM a lot and gathered up a lot of points for the 'Jackoholics club' (you earn point going on line for contests/surveys/etc). This was how I won the Power Within tickets in the Spring.

Anyways, Here we are moving and Alberta doesn't have the jackoholics club, so we're sitting here with megga points to spend. So - There is a contest that opened last week and closes nest weekend - a trip for two to the Mayan Riviera at the Coba (where we stayed last year).

250 points for one entry. I entered 27 times and Lair entered 23 times! Wouldn't it be awesome if we won! One hell of a BC parting gift!

Wish us luck! The draw is on Monday, Nov 19 between 9am - 3pm - so I hope Lair's cell phone rings!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Joe Rogan

Wow, what a fun night out! a few months ago Lawrence surprised me with ticket to Joe's show! We love him on so many levels!

It was a great night out. We arrived a little early so went to the casino and lost $20 in about 2 minutes... Didn't make me want to spend anymore! LOL

The show was awesome! The opening comedian was hilarious and Joe was rediculusly funny. Worth every penny! Well, maybe not the $7 drinks... ;) I was so glad he shaved his beard! 2 weeks ago we watched some UFC and he had a huge beard - I wanted to see his pretty face ;-)

We've never really done 'date night', getting out without Quinn, so when we get to Calgary, we plan to change that! It was nice to feel all pretty and twitter-paited without a 40 lb 3 year old in between us!

I had my last day of work yesterday. 2 people called in sick and it was a gong show of stupid. Very stressfull BUT, it's over.... Thank God!!!!! Worst job I've ever had. If we hadn't decided to go home, I would have quit in August.

I just did a search on for part time office work and there are TONS of postings. After new years I will try to find something for Feb 1. I'm hopeing for mornings 4-5 days a week, or a full day a few times a week. The stressful part about finding a job is finding the childcare for Quinn, especially now that he has pre-school. I'm not sure if the pre-school I found provides before and after care, if they don't I will have to find something else.

Oh well - it will all fall into place, I will take it one day at a time... Plan for the/Live in the NOW (a novel concept for me - I like to plan everything out for days, weeks, years!)...

Love you all! Thanks for reading! See you soon!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Wow. Working, parenting, packing and trying not to stress... Not so easy.

Packing is coming along slowly but surely.

We don't get home till 1:30, then have lunch. Quinn demands attention the moment I pick him up from school. Stories and playing, then the fight to get him down for quiet time for an hour. During that hour I get very little done unless he actually falls asleep and try to get the housework done while he's down.

Next thing I know Lawrence is home. Time for dinner, that means one cooks while the other tends to Quinn.... so no packing; then after dinner is family time. Then Quinn's bath time I can putter for a bit then it's bedtime. Stories, hugs, kisses, cuddles.... 8:30.... Putter for 30-60 minutes - screw it. Relax for an hour (which usually means TV & Laundry)... - sleep.


This has been my daily grind. Then for weekends, Lair hangs out with Quinn most of the day and I get some good packing in. It just feels like it's never ending.

With Quinn, I've decided not to just 'pack it all up' and live bare bones as I'm trying to not disrupt him too much. When we painted and the house was up-side-down, we could see how it effected him, so I've been cautious while packing.

This weekend is the final push though - hopefully he can handle it for the week after. I'm praying to be DONE by monday night so Quinn and I can go say our goodbyes to Crissy & the boys on Tue (stat holiday), and on wed maybe go see Madagascar 2, then Thursday is moving day.

Craziness with a three year on top! But he's so awesome, so far so good - we'll see how he reacts with all the changes in Calgary...

OH, I almost forgot. So yesterday I did a internet search on preschools in Calgary.... I found one in Wellington Square! (MOM lives in Wellington Estates!). Can you believe it? So convenient! So tue/thur 9-11:30 :) They have room for him and are excited for a meet and greet upon our arrival.

That's it for now....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

tFun was had by all....

We carved 2 pumpkins. I am extremely pleased and proud of my pumpkin-head horseman! It turned out very good, especially considering how fast I did it!

Quinn was a Dolphin, a costume cousin Benny gave him. He loved it! Was so cute! I went to his preschool halloween party. That was loud and crazy but fun.

Took Quinn around the complex with a neighbor then he helped hand out candy. :)

All is well on the homefront. T-Minus 12 days till moving moving. I'm off work on friday so what's not packed, will be soon after!