Well, my birthday has come and gone in a flash.
I turned 34. Not too sure how I feel about that. It feels like just yesterday I celebrated my 26th birthday at More Honey where my Chosen Families social networks all came together as one.
I bought myself a cake, I got the lady to write "Happy Birthday Melanie, You Rule!" on it :) It was good, too much iceing though.
Friday I dropped Quinn off at Crissy's for the whole weekend. That night we went for beer & wings at Wings. Scott, Dee, Mike, Amber and Karen Allen joined us. Afterwards we headed home and Alex joined us. Good times! We had lots of fun. Everyone slept over. We had a nice visit on saturday. Mike & Amber headed home, and just before dinner Karen had to head back to Vancouver. We went for dinner then a walk at Mill Lake then sat up visiting all night. It was really nice.
Sunday everyone headed home and we slept ALL DAY, finally picking up Quinn at 6. I think the best part of the weekend (other than good company), was just being able to
relax and not be on 'Parent Mode'...
We're pretty beat today, and honestly not feeling very well (LOL, I'm not 26 anymore!).
No one mentioned to my face what a shitty day Sept. 11 was for a birthday, first year it went pretty much un noticed.
Not much to report. It's been 30 degrees everyday. Hot during the day, cools off at night. Quinn's loving pre-school, though after his first full week has caught a cold ... the first of many I imagine.
Im still totally digging my 4 hour shift, but I haven't seen a small paycheck yet - it will be tough. We really has to get off our butts and sell the mini van! Get that debt off our sholders and buy a futz-futz car instead. Anyone want a mini-van?!
Love to you all. Thanks for all the b-day calls, e-mails, messages!