Monday, April 28, 2008

A visit with Bruce & Leona

We had a relaxed weekend. Saturday I got my stitches out and was finally able to wash my hair - it was almost as good as a post-shambhala shower!
We went to an Open house for a new Montessori/play-school/daycare nearby. I quite liked the teachers/Director. We have odd hours so they will have to get back to us to see if he would be a good candidate. I hope this works out, because if it does, I will not have to worry about the whole pre-school thing as his daycare will be an all in one.
Our friends Ron & his g/f came for a visit saturday night. It was a nice visit, except she doesn't talk much.
Sunday morning we headed into the city to have Brunch with Bruce & Leona and their friend Ellen. We went tot the Naam, a 24 hour vegetarian/Vegan restaurant that has been open for 30 years!
It was so nice to be able to HUG these two! We haven't seen them in well over a year, but it felt like it was just yesterday that we saw them.
Beautiful. As are they!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Potty Training

We've been potty training off and on since January. He hasn't been cooperating very well at home, but he is pretty much potty trained at his day home.

We usually put underwear on him as soon as we get home; I also put 1-2 pairs of soiled undies in the laundry every day as he just wasn't getting it. We would put him on every 20 minutes and sit for 10 for nothing to happen, only to have an accident 3 minutes after leaving the bathroom...

BUT, tonight he ran to the potty and went all by himself! As well, He was hiding in the corner... I took one look at him - grabbed him and put him on the potty just in time for #2! Woo-hoo! Never thought I'd be so happy to see that!

I hope this is the begining of the end of Diapers and pull ups! I know it will still take lots of time, but at least he's seeming to start at our house.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

There is light at the end of the tunnel...

There is light at the tunnel afterall.
(For some reason this won't let me put spaces in between paragraphs - so I will put . in to space it)...
So, in January, Lawrence told me he didn't want to have Baby #2... The only reason I was working full time was to line the nest for said baby. From that moment forward I started job hunting for something in Abbotsford. It took awhile, it's a small city and I had specific expectations as to what I would do and how much $$ I need to bring home.
Well I finally landed somethign - CSR at Versa Cold. I handed in my notice at Cellcom yesterday and it was announced today. Last day is May 9; I start my new job June 2nd.
I booked a long weekend May 2nd as I'm going to Salmon Arm to meet my sister.
May 8th will be my last day at cellcom (though I'm hoping the cut me loose w/ pay sooner!). They will most likely disolve my position (that's my recommendation to them).
May 9th we fly to Calgary!
May 17th Lair comes home
May 22nd Quinn & come home
May 24 Albert/Urs & the kids are here. Alex is coming out and we're going skydiving as a belated mothers day gift.
May 30th James & Christy come out for the weekend!
June 2 I start my new job.
JUNE: I will work full time 8-4:30 training for the month.
JULY/AUG: is their busiest season; I will work 3:30pm-midnight (40 hr weeks); this will be awesome as we'll only need 1.5 hr of childcare, so will be making a considerable amount of money!
As of September, I will work 9-1 ish (20 hr/week).
I am looking forward to spending much time with Quinn, making up for the past 11 months!
So, this is the begining of a new chapter. I am so very excited!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I can hear the scalple on my head!

So I went to the doctor today to have 2 moles removed off my head. My comb catches on one on the top of my head, and the other is on a part in my hair line and I have always disliked it.

I thought he was just going to 'freeze' them... He did freeze the front one, but the back one he cut out. The needle in the head was ok, except I could hear`the liquid going in! And I could feel discomfort and grossness as he did it. He pulled out a small white ball with a deep tail! It actually looked like a tooth. Once it heals I will be so happy to have that bump gone!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tap Tap Tap... Is this thing on?

Hey everybody! So sorry for the lack uf updates lately. There's a lot going on but I can't write about it yet (No, I'm not pregnant!)... but soon I will update with more.

In the mean time, we had a bit of summer on the weekend. +27 degrees! Wow was it ever a spectacular day! We went to 'Maplewood Farm' in North Van. It was a lot of fun. Very nice environment. Many baby farm animals. Quinn had a real hoot. He even fed a rabbit a carrot!

Summer plans are slowly taking shape. Looking forward to our Calgary/Alberta trip in May.

Just a quick note to say we are indeed alive and well. I promise I will try to update this weekly, even if only to post a pic of Quinn :)

By the way - does any one even read this thing? Please leave a comment so I know!


Melanie, Lawrence and Quinn.